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A Note of Thanks

First, I want to say thank-you,
to my husband, Lewis. He has supported me,
while I was working on our sites.

I would also like to thank, my friend, Heidi.
She has supported me, and helped me with
my site. We would talk to each other for hours.
She typed her little fingers off in IM.
Just talking me through all the steps.
Thank-you so much, Heidi!!!

I would also like to thank, my brother, Steve.
He helped me with some graphics.

Thank-you to so many people, with Angel sites.
It gave me inspiration to do my own.
I did it out of Love and Grief.
In Loving memory of my son Aaron.
It has been very theraputic for me.
Nothing will ever take away all the pain.
This has really helped me to deal with that pain.

~This is the Guardian Angel Ryan~
Guardian and Comforter
Mothers who Mourn

Angel Ryan was "adopted" from:
(copyright 1998 angelicartistry)

In my search, for various angel pictures,
I came across:
*Hannah's Prayer*
Christian Support for Fertility Challenges
Including Infertility or the Death of a Baby at any time.
From Conception Through Early Infancy

It was a fantastic site!!!!

I Would also like to thank a new friend
Misty, you have been there for me
on days when I thought there was no hope.
You have been there with open ears
and a cyber shoulder to cry on.
For this I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Love ya, hun!!! Our angels are playing
together in the Heavenly Gardens!!

<bgsound src="straightfromtheheart.mid" loop=infinite>