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Aaron's Story

~Part 2~

Aaron was a week old when he had his first doctor's appointment.
I was still concerned about his raspy breathing.
I voiced these concerns with our family Doctor.
She told me he was congested, probably from the delivery.
She would not give him any medicine, because
to their calculations he was born almost 3 weeks early.
I was upset; but I was not the one with the medical degree.
He still did not seem any better, in fact he was worse.

I took him back to the doctors 3 weeks later.
She said he had an upper respiratory
infection; but still did not give him any medicine.
I was so upset. I asked her why she
would not give him anything to clear it up.
She said it was probably just viral and it would clear up on its own.
I talked to my mother, who is a respiratory therapist,
and she advised me to get an over the counter medicine.
It clear up his condition very slightly.
I had called the hospital's nurse line numerous times.
They all told me to use a vaporizor in his room.
Also, to keep aspirating him with a bulb syringe.
I followed these directions; but
it was not helping the way it should.

I took Aaron back to the doctors the end of January 2000.
He was doing better, and got his first shots.
I thought everything was ok until around Valentines Day.
His raspy breathing was back.
Again I called the doctor's office.
They told me thier favorite line.
Aspirate him and use a vaporizor in his room.
I was getting a little more upset at this point.
I asked if anyone there cared if my son has
had this problem his whole life so far.
The response I got back was that
I was basically being an over-reactive Mother.

Aaron seemed to be doing a little better again.
I was thinking maybe he finally outgrew this.
Then Joseph got a cold on
his 3rd. Birthday. This was March 6, 2000.
Aaron got his congestion back on March 7th.
I did not call the doctor right away knowing the response that I would get.
Finally I could not stand seeing Aaron like this anymore.
Joseph's cold only lasted 3 days.
Aaron's was getting worse.
I called the doctor's office on Friday March 10th.
I told the secretary that Aaron had a really
bad cold and needed to be seen
either that day or the lastest on Monday.
She told me that she could not give me an appointment
with our Doctor until Wednesday March 15, 2000.
I asked why. She told me that my doctor would not be in until then.
I asked for him to see another doctor.
Her responce was that "they prefer for infants to see thier doctor's."
I told her I do not care what doctor he sees he just needs to be seen.
I was so mad at this point.
She proceeded to tell me that
I could only bring him in to see his regular doctor, again.
I reluctantly agreed. (One of the biggest mistakes in my life!!!!)

~March 14, 2000~

It was around 3:00 a.m., when I heard my husband call my name.
I was surprised he was asking me
to get up and help him with Aaron.
Usually when he got up with Aaron,
he would let me sleep in.
My husband is a truck driver; and he is away, alot.
So when he was home he would spend as much
time with Aaron as he could.
I came out to the living room.
He told me that Aaron was very congested, and cranky.
I took Aaron and talked to him.
I had him calmed down in a couple of minutes.
I aspirated him and I gave him some tylenol.
My husband and I were discussing whether or not to take him to the hospital.
We decided to to see how he was in the morning.
(A decision that haunts me to this day.)
I put Aaron back down around 3:45 a.m.
We went back to bed.
Later that morning around 9:30,
I was leaving for an appointment.
I asked my husband if he would check on Aaron in a few minutes.
He said he would. It was not unusual for
Aaron to sleep in until 10:00.
When he was up very early in the morning.
I left my appointment around 11:00
I had been trying to call Lewis.
When no one answered the phone, I was getting very worried.
When my cell phone rang, I thought it was him calling me back.
Instead it was my sister-in-law.
She asked me if Lewis got ahold of me.
I told her no and that I was trying to call him.
She told me I had to
go to the hospital right away.
Lewis had went to check on Aaron, and he was not breathing.
I was screaming at this point.
She offered to come pick me up.
I declined since I was only 2 miles away from the hospital.
It seemed like 50 miles away.
I ran into the Emergancy Room.
I told the nurse that my son was brought in by ambulance.
She was taking me to what they call the quiet room.
I knew this was not a good sign.
I kept asking her how my baby was.
She told me she did not know and that
she would get the doctor to come to talk to me.
I was pacing outside the room when I saw 2 doctors,
a nurse and one other person heading my way.
I asked the doctor how my baby was.
He lead me into the room, as someone shut the door behind us.
I was crying even harder at this point.
The doctor informed me that my AngelBaby had passed away.
I just started screaming NO, not MY BABY!!!!!
The doctors sat on either side of me.
They were trying to calm me down, to no avail.
I asked what happened, and they just said they did not know.

For more of ~Aaron's Story~