This is a Niche i was asked to paint for a
lady accross
town. she wanted a cloud background for her Virgin Mary statue. I
treated her
with a little extra.
$200 for this work
Here! Take my card! =) Copy it print it and cut it out so you can reach me even when your OFFline
Fantasy Portrait was created to represent an old time court room scene
for the munley Munley and Cartright Law firm They hired me to do a
complete family portriatEach one of the family is playing a part right
down to the youngest grand daughter which im told, She isnt the
youngest anymore. since Ive completed this portrait 3 more
grandchildren joined the family.This very large 4x5 painting required
over 2 months to complete.
Given the major complexity of this painting If ever i were asked to
create something like this again i would have to say no less than a
$5000 would be required.
WORK- / - SENSUAL ART- / - Canvas
Gallery- / - Portraits Gallery - / Vehicle
American Gallery-
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©2008Custom Art by Frank Bonner