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Biography - JUNE 2006

The Basics: My name is Nicole (Nikki, Nik), I am 22 years old and originally from Oil City, Pennsylvania. In 2006, I graduated from Bloomsburg University of PA with a B.A. in Political Science and a minor in Gender and Women's Studies.

I have since moved to the lovely state of Maine to be closer to my girlfriend. My 2 year old cat, Egg, also took the trip up here with me. We have since adopted another little kitten, Isabel, to add to our little family.

I knew I was different at a very young age, hindsight is a very interesting thing, but did not officially come out to myself as a lesbian until I was nearly 18. Even when I originally came out I took the "safe route" and came out as bisexual, but later found that to be "just a phase". My out-ness is more about my political motivations, and my subculture than anything else.

I am very political in my life, from the opinions I form to the morals I retain. I am spiritual, but not religious, and have strict guidelines for resolving my character. I care more about those around me than myself, and will forever honor my vows as a Sister of Tau Beta Sigma.

I am currently searching for a job in the activist field of LGBT rights. Actually any job outside of fast food would be splendid right about now.

I am: shy, spastic, original, unique, liberal, a lesbian, a feminist, polite, huggable, lovable, spiritual, honest, a democrat, a woman, a sister, crazy.

Likes: Star Wars, FanFiction, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Reading, Broadway, LOST, Snoopy, the Muppets, Massachusetts, Theories, Girls, Pez, Michelle Branch, Anna Nalick, WICKED!, Music, Roswell, The L Word, Bicycles, Cats, Penguins, RENT, Natalie Portman, Coldplay, Dave Matthews Band, V for Vendetta,

Dislikes: Cooked vegetables, ignorance, TyPINg LiKe THiS, 8am classes, slow drivers.

My Resume