Hampton Roads
New Market
Seven Days Battles

Confederate Army

Pea Ridge

Click for Pea Ridge, Arkansas Forecast

Pea Ridge Map

Big Mountain

Good's Battery


Pea Ridge

Other Names: Elkhorn Tavern

Location: Benton County

Campaign: Pea Ridge Campaign (1862)

Date(s): March 6-8, 1862

Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. Samuel R. Curtis [US]; Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn [CS]

Forces Engaged: Army of the Southwest [US]; Army of the West [CS]

Estimated Casualties: 5,949 total (US 1,349; CS 4,600)

On the night of March 6, Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn set out to outflank the Union position near Pea Ridge, dividing his army into two columns. Learning of Van Dorn’s approach, the Federals marched north to meet his advance on March 7. This movement—compounded by the killing of two generals, Brig. Gen. Ben McCulloch and Brig. Gen. James McQueen McIntosh, and the capture of their ranking colonel—halted the Rebel attack. Van Dorn led a second column to meet the Federals in the Elkhorn Tavern and Tanyard area. By nightfall, the Confederates controlled Elkhorn Tavern and Telegraph Road. The next day, Maj. Gen. Samuel R. Curtis, having regrouped and consolidated his army, counterattacked near the tavern and, by successfully employing his artillery, slowly forced the Rebels back. Running short of ammunition, Van Dorn abandoned the battlefield. The Union controlled Missouri for the next two years.

Panoramic View of Pea Ridge Battlefield" (Click to Enlarge)

Result(s): Union victory


P.O. Box 700,

Pea Ridge, AR 72751-0700,

(501) 451-8122

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