Gettysburg Online

Schriver House
Tillie Pierce
Visitor Center
Dobbin House

Confedarate Army

Battle in the Town

Schriver House

Tillie Pierce (Eyewitness)

General Reynolds


One thing that many visitors to Gettysburg dont realize is that the town itself is part of the Battlefield. Much of the heavy fighting and most of the sniper activity was done during the second day of the battle. Walking in town today you can still sence the battle and see the damage inflicted on the town.

On July 2nd as the battle raged on from the Northwest of Reynolds Woods and the Lutheran Semanary toward Cemetary hill, The Confederate Army pushed the Union Army back through the town of Gettysburg.

It was here that some of the fiercest fighting took place. Homes were shot up and taken over by the Confederates. Many were made into hospitals. And some were used for Confederate sharpshooters to pick off union men just a little less than a mile away.

When it was all over on the day of July 2nd, The Confederates had won the day and the town was left in disarray. When in Gettysburg be sure to visit the many homes that are open to the public.It will be an aspect of the Battle that is often overlooked.

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