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Baden-Powell Chapter Events

Unami Lodge Officers: Ryan Edmonds - Lodge Chief; Chris Lohr - Executive Vice Chief; Greg Heleniak - Treasurer; Steve Schaffer - Seceretary; Ryan Micilitis - Vice Chief South; Pete McPhillips - Vice Chief North; Mike Naegle - Vice Chief West.

2002-2003 Dues: $7.00 - Regular Dues; $8.00 - Re-registration Dues; $8.00 - After July 31.

March 2003

11 - Chapter Meeting, Shady Grove Elementary School, Faculty Dining Room - 7:30PM

24 - SPECIAL CHAPTER MEETING, Christ Lutheran Church, Oreland, PA - 7:30 PM

25 - Lodge Executive Meeting, Roger S. Firestone Service Center, Valley Forge - 7:00PM

April 2003

8 - Chapter Meeting, Shady Grove Elementary School, Faculty Dining Room - 7:30PM

25-27 First Spring Service & Fellowship Weekend, Musser Scout Reservation, Camp Hart (General & Exec. Meeting held there)

May 2003

13 - Chapter Meeting, Shady Grove Elementary School, Faculty Dining Room - 7:30PM

16-18 Second Spring Service & Fellowship Weekend, Resica Falls Scout Reservation(General & Exec. Meeting held there)

June 2003

13-15 Section NE-4A Conclave - Hosted by Octoraro Lodge 22 of Chester County Council at Camp Horseshoe

God Bless America

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