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Crafts that can be Gifts

Tile Painting

-tiles (small square ceramic tiles)
-paint brushes
-picture holder
-Acrylic spray sealer, glossy

1. Have the children paint any kind of picture they would like on the tile.
2. Using the acrylic spray, spray the surface of the tile, at least twice. Please make sure to do this outside because of the smell and the fumes. Let set for 48 hours.
3. Show the children that they can hang their artwork on the picture holder.

Candle Holder
-baby food jar
-tissue paper
-Modd Pogg
-paint brushes
-small votive candle

1. Cut your tissue paper into small squares. Note: For a Christmas gift you could use red and green.
2. Thin out the glue by adding some water, not a lot.
3. Paint a thin layer of glue on the jar. Do only a small section at a time.
4. Apply the tissue squares to the jar.
5. When the jar is completely covered paint a thin layer of glue over the entire jar. Let that sit overnight.
6. Use the Modd Pogg as a sealer. Paint a generous layer over the entire jar. Let dry for 24 – 48 hours.
7. Place candle inside.
The children will love giving this as a gift. You will have this keep sake for a long time.

Recipe Box
-empty box
-magazine or newspaper
-index cards
-paint brush

1.Cut the box down so that you have the bottom with all the sides but it’s only standing about 4 inches high.
2. Have the students cut out picture of food from the magazine or newspaper.
3. Glue the pictures to the box so that it is completely covered.
4. Paint a thin layer of watered down glue onto the box as a sealer.
5. Use the index cards as recipe cards. You could even put your Mom’s favorite recipe on it for her.

Wrapping Paper
-butcher paper

1. Cut a piece of butcher paper to fit you gift.
2. Using your stamps and paint, decorate your butcher paper. You can also use crayons or stickers.
3. Let the paper dry over night.
4. Wrap your gift with your homemade paper.
Anyone who receives your gift will not want to unwrap it because of the beautiful paper.

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Kids Gifts