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Trash To Treasure

Ocean in a bottle

-empty water bottle
-baby oil
-blue dye
-hot glue gun

1. Fill the bottle more than half way with water.
2. Add a few drops of blue dye.
3. Fill the rest of the bottle with baby oil.
4. Hot glue the lid to the bottle.

The baby oil and the water do not mix. If you move the bottle back and forth on its side it looks like the waves at the ocean.


-two toilet paper rolls
-crayons or markers
-hole puncher

1. Decorate the toilet paper rolls.
2. Staple your rolls together, side-by-side.
3. Punch a hole in each side of the roll.
4. Lace the string through the holes and tie together.

The students will enjoy this and be able to use it when they go on a nature walk.

Make your own 3-D frame

-cereal box
-a picture

1. Cut a hole in the middle of the cereal box leaving a 2-inch border all the way around.
2. Paint the box and then decorate.
3. Glue your picture or artwork inside the box.

Kids will love having made their own frame and it is great to give as a gift.

Easter Basket
-empty coffee can
-pink acrylic
-paint brushes
-pink and white foam sheets
-white cotton balls
-fishing line
-wiggly eyes
-acrylic sealer spray
-tacky glue

1. Remove any label on the can.
2. Paint the can pink. It may need two coats.
3. Spray the can with the sealer. Leave overnight.
4. Glue the wiggly eyes on.
5. Cut the fishing line so you have six pieces, about 5 inches long.
6. Half way down the can glue the fishing line, three to a side. Then glue a white cotton ball in the middle.
7. Cut out ear shapes from the foam pieces. The pink one being bigger than the white one. Glue the white piece onto the pink piece.
8. Glue the ears to the back of the can.
9. Glue a white cotton ball on the back of the can for the tail.
ee how easy and fun this was?

Now you may want to start trying to do projects on your own.

Good Luck, you can do it!/

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