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Sinjuko Oni - My Childe. 1120 AD

The year was 1120 AD. In my grieving for my sire, I left behind all that I held sacred. I took to wandering the wasteland not caring if I perished. My thoughts of my fallen sire consumed me.

In my wandering I found myself in the lands of the East. It was there, that I found and made my only childe of the blood. Her name.  Sinjuko Oni Kagero. She is a beautiful raven haired woman that I had rescued from a Ventrue stronghold. Oni, along with her brave clan of female warriors, took up arms in defense of their homeland. I watched her for months never making her aware of my presence.

I would have continued to watch her. For in her I found solice. something that had become a forgotten comfort to me. Everywhere she went I was there. I made sure she wanted for nothing. I had my little piece of happiness with her yet she knew nothing of my presence.  That is till I was forced to make her aware of me. For all that I lavished on her I never thought it would bring her to the attention of another like myself, yet nothing like me.

For months now I was aware that the ships that traveled here from the mainland carried others like myself, yet I dispatched them as they tried to take root in my new home. Yet this one that now threated Sinjuko, somehow managed to avoid my slaying of the others. Knowing that I felt more for Sinjuko than I should I would not allow this Ventrue to have her. So again. I found myself in the middle of an ageless fued of my kind. I killed the Ventrue but not before he had his fun with Sinjuko.

As I tended to her wounds I told her about myself and how it came to pass that she benefited from my generousity. She was surprised that I had done this and never made her aware of me. For months I would visit her as she dismissed the servents for the night. Then came that fatal night that I bestowed her with my blood. My motive in making her was purely selfish. I wanted to once again have a companion, and she so reminded me of how I was with Mancheaka.

We spent every eve talking, I taught her just as Mancheaka, did me. In turn she showed me the ways of the samurai. With her I found myself no longer wanting nor missing my fallen sire. She brought me back from the brink and I am forever grateful to her for that. After many years together she wished to meet others of Haqims progeny. Knowing I would refuse her nothing, I would return to Alamut.

With remarkable ease I made my way there, with Oni following me, never missing a step. I remember marveling at her sheer will and mastery of the gift I bestowed upon her. Knowing that I made her strong, as  strong as Mancheaka had made me.  I rejoiced as she received the Hearts Blood and became accepted as a Childe of Haqim.

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