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Enemy of my Enemy. 1405 AD

For some time now we the Childer of Haqim, have been giving aide to an upstart group of Khayyins Get. The Anarchs. They seek to break away from the yoke of their elders. I find their efforts interesting indeed. For they are doing as Haqim foretold. They are destroying themselves, making our task of destroying them all, much easier. Foolish they are for coming before the Lions of Haqim. For we have accepted their offer and we shall aid them in their cause. Thus aiding ourselves.

The enemy of my enemy has become my friend... or so they think.

I find myself this eve in the company of the Anarchs. What a joke they are to me. They try their hand at rebellious actions towards their elders, with hopes of finding for themselves a place to call their own. Yet I am not sure truly what they are after, none of their petty squabbles mean much to me. For I shall do whatever it takes to accomplish the task set before me  and all of Haqim's Childer. So this eve I was asked to accompany them on an assault of the Lasombra territories. I shall do my clanmates proud this eve. The honor of the Childer of Haqim, shall not be demenished. However, I am sure that should a few of my companions this eve. Somehow not return, be displeasing information to my brethern, for no one can lay blame at my feet. How could anyone fault me for their folly, after all they are inferior to the Childe of Haqim.

Anarchs they call themselves. Anarchs indeed. I call them sheep. They are all, Inferior to the Childer of Haqim. Their struggle is not mine, it shall never be of my concern. Yet when dealing with the Lasombra,many of the foolish Anarchs perished against the power of the most ancient of them, it was my blow that ended the battle, and the remaining kafir praised me for doing so.What I took from the conflict was the Lasombra blood, it was added to the clans blood so that all could revel in the victory.

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