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New York, Plaza Hotel  2-14-2002

It would be through Dani, that I make my way to the new world of America. I had chosen to go there knowing that I could reacquaint myself with my first born childe of the blood. I caught a glimpse of her in the thoughts of one of men in Danis' party. My first few nights in the city of New York, was filled with conflict. I found myself fighting members of the Brujah clan.  These Brujah were nothing like the ones that I had seen before. They attacked for no reason. I made short work of them I consumed their lifes blood. Thus ending their unlife. When next I came across another Brujah, it was told to me that I was a disruptive force and their maker would not suffer having me in her domain without her permission. My unannounced presence in the city only served to put them on edge. I paid them no mind, until one of them threatened Dani. I dispensed the threat to my mortal ward then secured her in a our rooms within the Plaza Hotel, then off I went to discover the one behind these unwarranted attacks. This night I took to destroying many of the kafir, that I came across. I was surprised when I returned to the hotel to find seated there my childe, now calling herself Raven Alexandria, along with another female. This one of Brujah descent. Immediately I saw the surprise on my childes face, as she realized that it was I, that was responsible for the deaths of so many. Happy as we were to once again be in each others company, we knew not to betray ourselves in front of the Brujah.

My eyes went to this Brujah female now standing to greet me. I realized that this woman with Raven, was a woman of some power. For an instant my thoughts went to the whereabouts of Dani, and hearing her in the next room sleeping, unharmed, I returned my full attention to the Brujah. She said she would not have harmed Dani, for she knew that it would've only served to provoke me further. She had also informed me that I was already enough of a bother to her. She introduced herself as Rachel Bathroy, she told me she was the leader of this cities kindred. She termed herself the cities Bishop. I listened to her as she went on and on, about how my destroying of so many members of her brood, has brought many of those around her to question her leadership abilities. She informed me that it was her intent to either. Bring me into service in her favor. Or see if some had contracted me to cause these disruptions on their behalf.

I could do nothing short of laugh at her, which immediately upset her and brought a very slight smile to Raven's face. The Brujah, remained calm long enough to hear me out. I told her all the while looking at Raven, that I came to find my heart. That until I had my heart with me again that I would not be leaving her domain and then I would not be leaving unless it pleased my mortal ward. My answer vexed the Brujah Rachel, yet it brought a deeper smile to the face of Raven. It further upset Rachel, that I was now giving Raven my full attention. After realizing that she Rachel, was alone in a room with two Childer of Haqim, knew that her protector Raven was no longer sided with her. Solemnly Rachel took a seat and accepted her fate as it was before her. I sat down next to Raven, after consuming all that was Rachel Bathroy, to see her smiling with a devilish grin. She looked at me then simply stated.
" I was wondering, just how long you planned on playing with her". Then she kissed me.

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