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The Blessed Meeting. 620 BC.

It was a cold night when I came upon the woman that would change my life. I sought to relieve her of her money, so that I could purchase a place for the night. This I had done many times over and have never been caught, but tonight would be different. I was just about to claim my prize when she suddenly turned taking hold of my arm, and through sheer reflex was I able to grasp my dagger and place it to her throat, and with no effort at all she disarmed me and held me down on the ground, yet she did not move further against me.

What she did was smile in amazement. I was frightened when she slipped her hand into her cloak, I thought she meant to slay me just then, when to my surprise, She removed her purse from her side dangled it before my out stretched hands, still finding my actions amusing. She finally said to me after allowing me to reach my knees. " I will give you what you wanted if you do me a service", She pointed to a man seated at a table, a rather unsavory character, gave me a vile and then told me to pure the contents of the vile into his drink and should I complete this task then the contents of her satchel would indeed be mine.

 The contents of the vile meant nothing to me, all I knew was after I did this I would have the money. So I hurried off to complete the task. I openly admit it was easily completed and upon my return returned to her I was given the satchel as promised. That's how it started for me. I was a young in years when I came in the service of Mancheaka, after many years of being at her side bearing witness to all the strange events that surrounded her, I could no longer silence my inquisitive mind.

I pressed her with question upon question on many occasion, only to be told " When it suits my I shall divulge everything to you." During the next few years of tutelage I would become a very stealthy killer, handling those targets that I deemed unworthy of Mancheaka. We enjoyed each other as companions, our life was going so good, I wanted for nothing. I spent my days being educated by the finest scholars, at Mancheaka's request, and my nights I spent in the service of Mancheaka. I spent the next 10 years learning all that Mancheaka had to offer. All was well.

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