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Death To Life. 630 BC

I was alone, returning home from the local bathhouse. My mind was stuck on the beautiful woman that I had just found pleasure with. When from the shadows, I was attacked by an unseen force. It moved with such speed. I regained my footing and looked around trying to see who it was that struck me. Then I saw it. With little time to react I drew forth my blade as this thing circled my position, all I could hear was a deep lulling laugh.

Then this beast attacked me as I repeatedly stabbed at it with my blade which only served to magnify the amusement for my foe. Then I felt it's icy grasp about me, then came the sting to my throat. No matter what I tried this vile thing had me, and I was falling into unconscious, with all hope lost to me I did the only thing I could. I call out Mancheaka's name. Through a haze I saw that she had come for me. She dispatched the vile beast that had me at its mercy. Even in my weakened state I saw that Mancheaka was like the beast itself, yet I was not surprised by this. Mancheaka, now finished dispatching the beast turned to me, all I could muster was "You come for me to late, for my end is near. I have loved you with my whole heart, and I do not wish to be without your love, yet it seems my fate is sealed" With a simply smile Mancheaka replied, "Time has come to erase what men call fate. This is the moment that you have so long sought, It has long been your desire to know what I am, and after this night you will know what I am. You say you do not wish to leave me, then I shall bestow onto you, that which makes me as I am". I replied. "Yes".

I was weak, thirsting for drink, barely breathing as I rested in Mancheaka's arms then came the softest whisper." You must die now to be with me in life eternal, yet carry within you no fear, for I shall hold your heart safe in my hands." Then with the precision of twin daggers Mancheaka's teeth cut into me. My very insides contracted, and the inners of my stomach was knotted in pain. Yet in all this I found a savage pleasure, a pleasure that set my veins a blaze, a blaze that found its way to the wounds on my neck. It was my blood rushing into Mancheaka, and towards my inevitable death. My very hands vibrated with sensation as Mancheaka drank away my life's blood, I could hear my heart, it gave off a deep reverberating pounding which filled my ears, my body lost all weight, all knowledge of itself in space. My eye's closed as my head fell forward finding comfort on Mancheaka's shoulder. I found myself floating through the memories of my life, then I was standing before Anubis, The Egyptian lord of the dead. He said to me without saying a word that his judgment of me would not be this day. I opened my eyes to find Mancheaka holding my face telling me to drink. Then with great care Mancheaka directed me to the place on her throat that she opened. My head fell forward against her throat.

The blood fount had begun, it flowed from her. Thick was it as I closed my mouth over it and began lapping it down. I let out a whale as the blood inflamed me. Mancheaka said " Drink from me my childe, draw it hard!" My mouth filled with blood, my lips closed against the sweet vitae and I drank deeply. I relished the feelings that I felt a fire within me blazed a new, again Mancheaka drained the blood from me only to fill me again. Twice more was this done. When done Mancheaka stood back saying, "It is done. You have been born anew. You are now my childe my love. And in the time before us, you shall grow stronger and discover many a wondrous power.  Till that time comes, I shall teach you the ways of my people, and when the time comes my son, we shall away to the mountain".

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