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Paddling Links

Camping Checklist


Surf Fest Instruction


All instruction, demos and races will be held in Packery Channel. Surfing Instruction will be held at the primary camp site, south along the beach from Bob Hall Pier.


Follow SPID (Hwy 358) to Padre Island. After crossing the bridge, #358 turns into Pard Road 22. At Hwy 361 (stoplight intersection with signs to Aransas Pass and Mustang State Park to the left, American Bank and Circle K/Exon at the intersection). Turn left as though going toward Port Aransas. Drive 0.7 miles over the first bridge over Packary Channel, taking a right on Zahn Road toward beach. But immediately after turning onto Zahn Road, take a right off the road onto the dirt road heading back towards Packery Channel. There are actually 2 dirt roads here...take the one passing to the left of the power line poles. There is a flat hard sand area there for parking and where we will set up the demo kayaks. Easy launch at this point into Packery Channel for protected demos of the new kayaks.


Free Instruction

Paid Instruction

Picture of Chris Kuhlman Chris Kuhlman, BCU 4 Star paddler and ACA Open Water Instructor, has agreed to give group lessons if he gets enough interest. He may also be willing to give private lessons. These are for a fee. All day classes are $75/person. Contact him directly at: For more details, visit his web site,

Contact Chris directly

Mark White is an American Canoe Association certified Instructor in Open Water Coastal (Sea) Kayaking and holds the additional endorsements of Rolling and Traditional/Greenland Kayaking. He has been teaching for 4 years and currently teaches for Austin Outdoor Gear and Guidance.

Contact Mark directly

Rafael Mier-Maza is an ACA certrified instructor for OpenWater Coastal Kayak. He mostly teaches sea kayaking courses in Mexico. He holds the brown belt at the "Kayakemia" Mexican Academy of Sea Kayaking. He is also the designer of Mayan Seas kayaks and contributor to innovative rescue techniques, and rolling practices.

Ken Johnson, Steve Wells and Juan Luis Del Valle, all advanced kayakers, will be assisting in the Instruction.


Web site by Marilyn B. Kircus. Last modified on August 10, 2003