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Paddling Links

Camping Checklist

Surf Fest IV

What: Seakayak gathering

Where: North Padre Island

When: Aug. 29- Sept. 1


Pass the Word

Print out a flyer to put in local stores.

This is OUR Surf Fest. We need both your input and helpwith the different events. Check out the Area Activities for things for your non-paddling family to do.

Please see the list of jobs. Contact Marilyn Kircus if you can help or have ideas.

Primary Camping Site is south of Bob Hall Pier. Look for kayaks - hope to be around site 250.

Meet at Bob Hall Pier Parking Lot at 8:30 each morning to drive to trip put-ins.

Trip Pictures from 2002 Surf Fest


Padre Island Dunes Paddle

Volunteers Needed


Area Activities

Map of Area

Corpus Weather

Swap Meet Ads

Free Events

Supervised Surf Play with tips and assistance given
Basic Instruction in kayaking strokes and braces, rescues and reentry and rolling. Click on the link for full details of free and paid instruction opportunities.
Guided flat water trips to scenic spots in the Laguna Madre with special emphasis on bird watching.

Introduction and demo of new for 2004 Performa and Tabasco kayaks S and L series and several models brought by Austin Outdoor Gear and Guidance

Swap Meet - If you have boats or paddling gear to sell, please fil in one or more of the ad boxex on the registration form and I'll post an ad page before the meet. The Swap Meet will be at the main cooking area and will run Saturday afternoon and evening. . You can surf near your sale stuff and then eat the group meal while dealing.

Party Time

Saturday night Group Diner/Bonfire on the beach. Bring covered dish.
Contest for best testing potluck dish brought to dinner.
Contest for best bonfire story of most interesting, best, worst, kayak trip/adventure
Sunday night group meal at a local resturant.


Competition (FREE)

Tandem Race- Pick a partner out of a hat and race the 2 Tabasco tandems. Winner takes on winners of other heats. 2 mile course.
Single Sea Kayak Race - your boat -open to all kayaks and kayakers. 3 mile race
Rolling Contest - Who can complete the most rolls without stopping?
Most creative finger-paint kayak decoration (with washable paints) - all supplies provided
Kite making/flying contest -

We'll be needing some volunteers to help with these. Times will be determined later.



Shade shelter Kayaks
Kayak gear Helmet if surfing Bedding
Food Utensils/Dishes Clothes
Stove Table Hat
Chairs Hobby stuff Sunscreen


Web site by Marilyn B. Kircus. Last modified on August 25, 2003