Saturday night Group Diner/Bonfire
on the beach. Bring covered dish. |
Contest for best testing potluck dish
brought to dinner. |
Contest for best bonfire story of
most interesting, best, worst, kayak trip/adventure |
Sunday night group meal at a local resturant.
Tandem Race- Pick a partner out of a hat and
race the 2 Tabasco tandems. Winner takes on winners of other heats.
2 mile course. |
Single Sea Kayak Race - your boat -open to all
kayaks and kayakers. 3 mile race |
Rolling Contest - Who can complete the most rolls
without stopping? |
Most creative finger-paint kayak decoration (with
washable paints) - all supplies provided |
Kite making/flying contest - |
We'll be needing some volunteers to help with
these. Times will be determined later.
Shade shelter |
Kayaks |
Kayak gear |
Helmet if surfing |
Bedding |
Food |
Utensils/Dishes |
Clothes |
Stove |
Table |
Hat |
Chairs |
Hobby stuff |
Sunscreen |
Water |