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A Weekly Tradition: Friday's

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

9/12/04--Having too much fun to write till Sunday! Sarah Wilson Week.

The Good: I saw a fox Friday night! I've never seen one before! I've been having fun taking walks later than usual, at dusk. Barb got to take John's copy of The Secret Garden, so she let me keep her copy! Have started chatting more with my boss. Had fun looking through a Ship newspaper from last year; it was full of pictures of my friends! Finally got my yearbook. I am in 26 pictures. My parents counted. I got to go to dance class Tues. night--it felt SO GOOD, you CANNOT IMAGINE. I'll be able to continue taking at Laurel's! Yay! Shaun and I watched Sleepy Hollow while Megan and Amanda were off at a fair. She'd never seen it before.

The Bad: "Ned Kelly" is kind of a depressing movie, although we did get to see Orlando Bloom kick the bucket.

The Ugly: We had two fire drills in a row Sunday night. Luckily, the second was valid, because we were in bed and didn't want to be woken up by the freaking fire alarm again. Something must have burned in the kitchen Monday afternoon, because it went off again.

Sarah Wilson Week: Sarah Wilson Week is the week at Wilson College where the upper-classmen, specifically, one's "big sister" (junior) and "freshman buddy" (sophomore) introduce you to the traditions of Wilson College. Monday night, our big sisters (mine is Michelle) kidnapped us and took us down to the green, where they dinked us. (A dink is one of those funny little academic beanies.) However your big sister was dinked by her big sister is how she dinks you. I was dinked backwards. A lot of people went out the next night and serenaded the deans, but I didn't go because I was too tired. At some point we were supposed to get kidnapped and taken blindfolded to Sarah Wilson's grave and made to sing silly songs over it, but I guess that must've happened Friday night, because I was off-campus. I got some really neat gifts from my sister and buddy!

Weekly Rating: The weather was fabulous. I love being home on weekends and not having to do anything.

Recommended Books: Sunlight and Shadow, I think it's called. It's from that series of extended fairy tales. This one is based on "The Magic Flute". Very good. Dee lent it to me.

Recommended Music: Simon and Garfunkel, "Bridge Over Troubled Water". Judy Collins.

Recommended Webpages: Can't think of any at the moment.

Poem of the Week: I have no specific poem this week. See This Page for info on my poetic occurence of the week... :)

Interesting Fact of the Week: There is someone on the Wilson College Alum list named Mrs. Jane Austin. Also, the book Bridget Jones's Pride and Prejudice.

Quote of the Week: Dana, gathering up her things after breakfast: "Come banana. Come, poster, let's go to class."

Anecdote of the Week: I was at work and I realized I didn't have my keys to get back into the dorm. I was sort of freaking out; I looked all though my pockets and my purse and couldn't find it, and I was beginning to plan to check the library and see if I had left them there, and I was praying that I could find them. Two minutes later, I just happened to be standing at the door and it opens and here's Megan (my roommate) with my keys. Thank God and thank Megan!

Upcoming Events: Tuesday: Meeting (tryout?) for drama club was moved up.

Picture of the week: More of the same series. The Library.

Old Weeks


The Good: Snowdays, Two-hour delays, Christmas tree

The Bad: Worksheets for Walden, review games in Spanish, cats eating Christmas ornaments

The Ugly: Working on a demoniac cow-cart named Fred (actually, this can be kinda fun), forgetting a cognate on a Spanish test, Sharps gigs out the wazoo


The Good: Slow-motion gunfights in Sharps, Sharps Christmas party, end of school before vacation!

The Bad: Physics project, Fred's legs falling off repeatedly, not getting to see "Two Towers" yet

The Ugly: Listening to my friends tell me about LOTR II before I see it (shut up, James and Chris), wrapping presents the night before I need them (although Christmas shopping with J, S and E was fun!), getting homework assigned for vacation


The Good: Seeing "Two Towers", white Christmas!, walking in the snow

The Bad: Not cleaning my room, not doing my homework, not looking at colleges

The Ugly: None! For heaven's sake, it's Christmas!


The Good: Seeing "Two Towers" again, seeing the extended DVD of "Fellowship", watching A.L. do a D.W. rap at S.E.A.'s New Year's party.

The Bad: Still not cleaning my room, still not doing my homework, knowing vacation's almost over

The Ugly: Conking out at forementioned party, going to family party half-dead, going back to school


The Good: Nice weather Thursday, getting back to dance class, starting at a new church

The Bad: Snowday on Monday, bitter wind Friday, nasty physics test

The Ugly: Not getting a chance to show the director if I could act or not, getting a non-speaking part in the play, being invisible and being told I talk too much


The Good: Seeing Andrew in district chorus on Sat., finding out I got "Dream Laurey" in the play, Katey and me coming up with funny nicknames for Andrew and James (Nibbin, Pudge, Andy-roo, Andy-cupcake)

The Bad: Bad grades



The Good: ~Birthday!~ Beginnig of play practice, easy Spanish test, good grade on physics test

The Bad: Getting a new physics project, hearing the director chew out the chorus, trying to sing the high alto part in play practice

The Ugly: Stressing out over grades, getting a blister in play practice, pep rally (everyone knows the best part is the band, anyway)


The Good: Learning a new dance in play practice, getting more info on the ballet, being teased by friends

The Bad: Cancelled play practices, making bad jokes about Newton and billiards, running out of kewl books to look forward to

The Ugly: Being late to school, people's interpersonal relationship problems, having to sing a Barry Manilow song in chorus! AAAAAAH!

Good book: Faro's Daughter and The Corinthian by Georgette Heyer


The Good: Nyum nyum nyum, watching Andrew sing "Paper Doll" in chorus, getting my perfect birthday gift from Diane!

The Bad: Having to get music transposed, another stupid snowday, having to clean my room because we now have a three-day weekend

The Ugly: Dry skin from swimming in gym class, discussing "Civil Disobedience", doing my own civil disobedience by skipping my NHS tutoring day!


The Good: Three-day school week, watching movies all Friday afternoon with JLD and SLD, my room is still clean!,

The Bad: Stress-out time for Sharps performances!, writer's block, lots of work to do on Scholastic entry

The Ugly: Another snow day! Being hauled all over the stage (actually, that was kinda fun, except for the marks on my back), not having sung my solo yet and performance on Saturday!


The Good: Three-day school week (again), excellent performance Sat., looking at kewl snow formations, good performance Fri., eating dinner with Dee and Dee's mom in Thurs practice

The Bad: Crazy schedule, not getting to see a movie with friends, leaving gym bag at school over weekend (oops)

The Ugly: A week and a half until tech week and everybody's clueless, nasty costumes (REEEEEALLY nasty), English homework

Good Book of the Week: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis


The Good: My brother turned 20 on Sat., praise from the director, hanging out with Dee at practice

The Bad: More school delays for the stupid snow, missing dance class, lots of play practice

The Ugly: Nasty bruise from play practice, bad play practice scheduling, insane costuming issues


The Good: Great first performance Fri night, doing Gollum impressions backstage until we go in paroxysms, I get to work with the kewlest people! (and I got a bunch of compliments Fri. night on the ballet)

The Bad: Sara went for surgury, taping physics project, seeing Neil's video and knowing ours was crap

The Ugly: Telling off the stage manager, tech week (practice every night until 9:45 and then people tell us to get plenty of sleep), rushing around the night before to get my novel entry for Scholastic ready! oopsy. (thank you, G-Baz!)


The Good: Great performances Sat. and Sun. (though not as wildly wonderful as Fri.), getting compliments from unlikely sources, having fun with poetry and getting over writer's block, watching a movie with Dee, getting new pointe shoes!

The Bad: Not getting any comment whatsoever, good or bad, on the ballet from the one corner that I expected it (wanted it) from, still having arch cramps even with excellent new pointe shoes

The Ugly: Lauracita passing out in chorus, screwing up on the chenne (how do you spell that?) on Sun. afternoon, PMS depression (I know, Tallguy, you didn't want to know that, right?), friend at lunch calling me names (she was only teasing).

Overall, a good week, and an excellent Friday. There, Tallguy, I'm done! Happy?!


The Good: New hangout for fellow students from my high school (you know who you are, email if you want the address)(this also means Tallguy is more busy with his own stuff, so he may forget to remind me to update. But I'm updating on my own, aren't you proud?), going to Rita's Thurs. evening for Italian Ice, going to see a movie Fri. night with friends, going to a ballet practice with the guys Sat. morning (you guys are such good sports!), going to "Pericles"'s birthday party and seeing Jared dismember an action figure, hearing about Neil's murderous dream! yay!, straight A's on my report card (sorry, must brag!), spending all Sat. afternoon making a poetry scrapbook, going to Waldenbooks, wonderful weather! ¡Estupendo!

The Bad: Dee sick most of this week :(, not getting any teacher comments on my report card (I don't know why this makes me nervous), feeling guilty for making my mom drive me up to the mall Fri. when I really could've done it myself, having awful sinus headaches all the time (I've got one right now).

The Ugly: Getting to a practice A.P. test late and getting dismal scores, seeing our physics project (which sucked) played in front of the class with a bunch of really awesome ones.

Week Rating: Excellent, mostly based on creativity, weather, and social life.

Recommended Books: Mother Tongue: English and How it Got That Way by... (ooh, crap, can't remember his name--but it's very amusing, particularly if you're interested in languages), Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster (good and funny, despite what the boys in Spanish class were saying!), 84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff (hilarious and touching. And short! I read it in one sitting. It's a classic.), Aunt Dimity Takes a Holiday by Nancy Atherton (only if you've read the other Aunt Dimity books first. Very fresh and funny style. My mom got me hooked on them.) and The Complete Book of Heraldry by Stephen Slater (but only if you're into that kind of thing).


The Good: Lovely weather we've been having, eh?, finishing two good books, easy math test, easy physics test, taking plenty of walks!, taking little catnaps in the field, first behind-the-wheel session.

The Bad: Getting nightmares from reading parts of Jane Eyre, next week we have PSSA's, starting Moby Dick in English class.

The Ugly: Still getting B's etc. in English, even tho I'm working my freaking tail off!, got a new physics project assigned (noooooooo!), being paranoid about my interpersonal relationships.

Week Rating: Half-and-half, based on nice weather and English class.

Recommended Books: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë and Pride and Prejustice by Jane Austin


The Good: Hanging out in the fields in shorts, seeing "The Core" with Tallguy, Pericles and KB, babysitting my little twin and her brother--it's like getting paid to hang out with my little sibs!, dancing with Tallguy in Sharps, meeting SA and EB at Rita's.

The Bad: Reading the boring parts of Moby Dick, alliteration!, never getting around to buying Red's birthday gift, helping out at the library (b/c the librarian I was helping was painfully shy).

The Ugly: PSSA's!, singing for the chorus, standing with clueless people to sing.

Week Rating: Mostly good, based on weather and books.

Recommended Books: The Bellwether by Connie Willis, Lincoln's Dreams also by Connie Willis (but I hated the ending), A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett.


The Good: The week went fast!, finishing work at library, almost no homework!, sitting in the sun, the buds coming out on the trees, finding out that one of my group-members will be doing all the research and construction work on our physics project, finishing driver's ed, my class raising 180$ for the armed forces (we beat 6th pd!).

The Bad: Beginning the jr. research projects, DE in San Antonio (lucky bum).

The Ugly: Another bad English grade, being dead every day 7th pd, rain, snow again!

Week Rating: Pretty good, based on speed the week passed and sitting in the meadow Thursday afternoon.

Recommended Books: The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis


The Good: Four-day weekend coming!, holding up signs for the carwash with Dee (nice weather! "We don't want you to wave, we want your money!), going to Cburg with Chris, taking a long walk in the woods Thurs and seeing all the grass coming up! (while trespassing on at least five different people's land), going shopping Tues afternoon!.

The Bad: Tons of homework, having a dream that my English teacher hated my living guts, my mom having surgury, tons of things to remember to do after school.

The Ugly: Realizing that the person in my physics group who's constructing our project doesn't know it's due Wed, not having his phone number, nasty pizza in history class, having to telemarket (at least the manager was very nice about it!).

Week Rating: Wonderful, based on fun activities and the fact that I only have 4 days of school...

Recommended Books: The Fellowship of the Rings: Visual Companion by Jude Fisher (great photos!), The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling (some of the stories are great, some are stupid).


The Good: Easter! (incl vacation), four-day week, playing the Sims, learning about a trip to the beach this summer with Dee!, talent show Thurs night, last physics project done!

The Bad: Too much stuff to do this weekend (fundraiser, AP practice test)

The Ugly: If I hear the words "Moby Dick" ONE MORE TIME, I'll SCREAM, concert Fri afternoon--a woman in the front row fell asleep.

Week Rating: Pretty great--getting things accomplished, and it's SPRING!

Recommended Books: Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling.


The Good: It's May!, prom is this weekend, field trip is next weekend, got out of writer's block, playing Sims, going outside for Spanish class on Fri (and as José said, getting a "gracias"), learning a new dance in choral group, spring is in the air!, watching "The Ten Commandments", getting a glowing report from my English teacher for my IEP meeting.

The Bad: AP test next Tues! Aaah!, lots of work in English, J.A. being sick in history.

The Ugly: E.D.B. sprained her ankle Fri afternoon, need to work on my junior research paper and I really don't feel like it, finding out that we don't get our AP results until, like, July! :( grrrr

Week Rating: Beautiful! Based on spring, and my imagination being all fired up!

Recommended Books: Faro's Daughter (again) by Georgette Heyer, Moby Dick by Herman Melville (but you can skip the parts about whale anatomy etc.)


I missed a couple of weeks, so this also covers the ninth posting and the sixteenth. Sorry!

The Good: Going on the Sharps trip!, making each other legs, me finding out my calling (literally).

The Bad: AP test, history speech, missing a TON of work.

The Ugly: People getting in trouble in Canada, Junior research paper, losing my Matrix video AGAIN!

Week Rating: Except for Canada, the Sharps trip ROCKED! I'm glad AP test is over. Mother's day was kewl--took dance class moms to tea. Saw Xmen--OHMIGOSH it was WONDERFUL and I love Nightcrawler! Gonna see Matrix tonight. Very busy with schoolwork *gag*.

Recommended Books: Up the Down Staircase by Bel Kaufman, Black Trillium by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Julian May and Andre Norton.


The Good: Seeing all my friends, I like all my teachers, we got The Two Towers on video, my drawing class rocks!

The Bad: School starting, the alarm not going off two mornings in a row, the school bus coming twenty minutes earlier than last year.

The Ugly: Getting a nasty grade in AP English, finding out the fall play would be "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" with only six parts, only two of them girls (and only one a blonde--this is a consideration, since the director picks people on looks more than on talent for the role).

Week Rating: Pretty good. I'm still waiting for the beginning of the year creativity surge to start, tho.

Recommended Books: The Hobbit by JRR Tolkein, Beyond Death's Door by Maurice Rawlings, MD, Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Snow Falling on Cedars by Josh Guderson, The Treasure Box by Penelope J. Stokes, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell, the Beau Brummel mysteries (Death on a Silver Tray, The Tainted Snuffbox, The Bloodied Cravat and Murder in the Pleasure Gardens) by Rosemary Stevens, The Bar Sinister and Love and Folly by Sheila A. Simonson, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling, The Artful Cat by Salvador (this is a hilarious picture book), The Mother Tongue by Bill Bryson, Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen (at her most sarcastic!), and The Child by Tiger by Thomas Wolfe.


The Good: Seeing a movie with friends, sleeping over at Dee's house, getting a B- and an A on my AP essays!, fun in design and drawing classes, first dance class of the season!

The Bad: Homework, a four-day week seeming WAAAAY too long, not being able to find my notebook, my thighs are KILLING me from the first dance class of the season!

The Ugly: Not getting called back at play tryouts

Week Rating: Pretty nice--I've been feeling really cheerful lately! and as soon as I can find my notebook, I'm gonna start writing again.

Recommended Books: The Claidi Journals by Tanith Lee (includes Wolf Tower, Wolf Star and Wolf Queen. I hope the fourth, Wolf Wings, comes out soon!)


The Good: Finding my notebook (it was on my desk, go figure), my design/homeroom teacher got her cow! (she's designing two for the cow parade in Harrisburg), at least two of my pieces from my drawing class are going up for open-house, an assembly on diversity which actually turned out not to be too bad, Finding a great CD to listen to: Rich Mullins! Yay!, an awesome dream Thurs night about Frodo and a house with an android named Alice, buying elf ears off the net! Yay!

The Bad: Not knowing what I'm doing to help with the play because the director is communications impaired, Spanish class is getting boring (you should see the margins of my notes; they're coated in doodles).

The Ugly: One of my guy friends being really perverted all the time--it's ceased to be funny; last minute practice cramming for the gig on Mon morning which I'm SO going to mess up in, particularly on my solo.

Week Rating: Friday got kinda hectic, but all-in-all, not bad.

Recommended Books: "The Princess Diaries" series by Meg Cabot (hilarious!) incl. The Princess Diaries, Princess in the Spotlight and Princess in Love, "The Destructors" by Graham Greene, "The Japanese Quince" by John Galsworthy and "Miss Brill" by Katherine Mansfield.


The Good: Getting the eight (count 'em, eight!) CDs I ordered off the net, seeing the movies "Snatch" and "A Fish Called Wanda" with my brother, See You at the Pole, learning a new handsignal for "Altos Rock", doing well in drawing class, Isabel wasn't really a problem, and we got a day off school for it!

The Bad: Psychology class is a bummer, having to pay for the eight CDs I ordered off the net (actually, I got them cheap, but it still gouged me).

The Ugly: Stabbing myself in the hand with a brayer in design class--there's more about that, but I prefer not to talk about it.

Week Rating: Wednesday was awful because of the brayer incident, but the rest was pretty good.

Recommended Books: Impossible Things by Connie Willis, "Defender of the Faith" by Philip Roth, "Paul's Case" by Willa Cather, "Hills Like White Elephants" by Ernest Hemingway.


The Good: Got off Fri for inservice, went a concert (Bill Staines! AWESOME!) Fri evening, got my work done for Eng portfolio, thinking I was gonna fail a psych test and then getting 33.5/30, getting MAJORLY complimented on my work in drawing class (*blushes*), gorgeous sunset Thurs, found a pic to put up in my locker (see links below), got inspired--only for fanfic, true, but inspired all the same! Mon night dance class--Danielle (graduated), Carey (my class), me, Amanda (my class, a level below), her brother Justin (new, and doing so well!), Meredith (much younger, but so AMAZING!)--it was just a kewl combo of people.

The Bad: Worrying about that psych test, making stupid mistakes on Span test

The Ugly: I must be in a really good mood, but I can't think of any! Oh yeah... BAD shin splints in dance Wed night.

Week Rating: Really good, particularly Fri for HLWE discussion in Eng, psych test results, drawing and comp compliment (ha ha)

Recommended Books: The Two Towers by JRR Tolkein, "The Storm" by McKnight Malmar (very creepy! yay!)

Recommended Music: "Songs 2" by Rich Mullins, music by Bill Staines, Mary Mary, "Hybrid Theory" by Linkin Park, Salvador.

Recommended Webpages: The picture in my locker (be sure to check out the rest of Elfwood while you're at it!), The Gashlycrumb Tinies, article on electronic paper, Elves of Aradan for your pointy-ears needs, War of the Rings for LotR photos.


The Good: I'm actually writing this on a Friday!, drawing and design classes going well, went on a really kewl design class field trip today, after studying "Hills Like White Elephants", word-a-day posted word "white elephant", after making batiks in design class, word-a-day posts "batik", doing okay (I think) on an essay, turning in my Eng portfolio, seeing somebody bite their friend for fun (really, it was funny!), people doing play pieces in show choir practice, going over to Dee's house after school, GETTING MY WRITING MUSE BACK! YAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!

The Bad: Completely forgetting to write out the self-evaluation sheet on my English portfolio and having to take it back to finish it, the people running senior celebrities mushing together "best instrumentalist" and "most vocal" (the only one I might actually have been in the running for) at the last minute, so that the (definitely) most instrumental girl (a particular friend of mine) got it. (No insult to her, but I was kinda disappointed). Not being in on the inside jokes of the play, not really knowing what I'm doing for the play, getting stuck with set design when I don't know a darned thing about it.

The Ugly: A 75% on a psych project, feeling very oppressed by volume of English work, receiving new novel assignment: Tess of the D'Urbervilles. Not best pleased.

Week Rating: WONDERFUL, based mostly on solitary walks and getting writing/doodling again.

Recommended Books: I don't feel like writing them all in; I didn't get to this part until Tuesday. :/ Bad Ashley

Recommended Music: ditto

Recommended Webpages: ditto


The Good: No more play practice, started work on an acrylic painting, I was the first to figure out that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead, figured out lots of fun things in R&GAD, got a letter from Who’s Who (after my name showed up for it in the paper...), having fun with all my friends, very low homework count, going to the woods, Dee read The Four and loved Mason! (don’t we all?), realizing that my friends (ie Holly and Dee) understand my graphomania (isn’t that a kewl word? means pathological need to write (and in my case, draw)) and don’t mind my repeated annoying large hints to look at my work and tell me what they think (it’s so nice to be understood), seeing an excellent and riotously funny production of Two Gentlemen of Verona by Shenandoah Shakespeare Express (particularly Thurio, played by J.C. Long; the comedic parts are HILARIOUS, but the ending is... odd...), having an excellent dream that switched between a weird version of finding Nemo and a story where I was happy married—lotsa stuff about kissing and eating raspberries and other odd but comforting things, finally getting that whole ton of poetry I wanted off the net, typed up a ton of my Giver fanfic—if you haven’t read and reviewed, please do! Link is below. Finishing my acrylic painting and actually getting it to look vaguely like I wanted it to. It’s eighty degrees out and sunny! Yahooooo!!!

The Bad: Picking a tick off myself (the head was embedded and Mom had to get it out with tweezers), getting attacked by a swarm of flies while I was trying to take a nap outdoors, weather not quite nice enough and rather gloomy, mucho restlessness (and it’s not PMS time, so I have no clue what this is... (sorry to the male readers, but I think you’ll survive a three-letter mention)), looking back through a lot of my old poetry and writing and realizing that some of the stuff I’m producing now, three years later, sucks in comparison, getting called some nasty things in art class while we had a sub (luckily we were all talking nicely the next day, so maybe it wasn’t so bad, but I haven’t been called names in a year or two, and I had forgotten how much it hurt), James is in Hawaii and we’re not!

The Ugly: Feeling horrible about a really bad grade on a practice AP essay in English, feeling great about an essay and then realizing after I was done that I might have screwed the whole thing up.

Week Rating: Decent, based on long walks, uplifting times after the depression and my friends’ not being bothered by said graphomania and need for acceptance of the work produced, the Shakespeare, and the raspberry dream. Definite upswing on Fri due to excellent weather.

Recommended Books: The Reluctant Widow by Georgette Heyer (has a RGS—shot, actually), The Stranger by Albert Camus, and most certainly, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard

Recommended Music: Anything by Five Iron Frenzy

Recommended Webpages: Shenandoah Shakespeare Express, Fellowship of the Peep, Peep Research, ”That’s For Remembrance”: my first fanfic!

Poem of the Week: "Spring" by Gerard Manley Hopkins
Nothing is so beautiful as spring -- 
When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush; 
Thrush's eggs look little low heavens, and thrush 
Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring 
The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing; 
The glassy peartree leaves and blooms, they brush 
The descending blue; that blue is all in a rush 
With richness; the racing lambs too have fair their fling. 

What is all this juice and all this joy? 
A strain of the earth's sweet being in the beginning 
In Eden garden. -- Have, get, before it cloy, 
Before it cloud, Christ, lord, and sour with sinning, 
Innocent mind and Mayday in girl and boy, 
Most, O maid's child, thy choice and worthy the winning.

Interesting Fact of the Week: Decided on a favorite music artist (Rich Mullins) and a favorite poet (Gerard Manley Hopkins, closely followed by Emily Dickinson).

Quote of the Week: "There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness"." Case in point: check out the latest addition to the downloads page! Hee hee...


The Good: Chris made me watch this really funny bad movie called "Army of Darkness". It's really really bad. It was so funny! Had a kewl dream about some guy riding back from battle...

The Bad: Dreaming that my director called my performance "risible" (I have no clue why I dreamed that word; I even dreamed that she misspelled it as "rizible"...), a huge test in Gov't, getting a 38/50 on a paper in gov't, getting a 187/200 on a debate in gov't (that's a bunch of crap, because we did really well.) This week I got called both "docile" (HH) and a "flibbertigibbet" (EB. I obviously don't know how to spell that word.)

The Ugly: Having tons of homework--I'm so glad it's Friday!

Week Rating: Meh, the homework was a real pain.

Recommended Books: Cry the Beloved Country by Alan Paton

Recommended Music: "Les Mis"

Recommended Webpages: The Deadly

Poem of the Week: "Grace To Be Said At The Supermarket" by Howard Nemerov

That God of ours, the Great Geometer,
Does something for us here, where he hath put
(if you want to put it that way) things in shape, 
Compressing the little lambs into orderly cubes,
Making the roast a decent cylinder,
Feigning the tin ellipsoid of ham,
Getting the luncheon meat anonymous
In squares and oblongs with the edges beveled
Or rounded (streamlined, maybe, for greater speed).

Praise Him, He hath conferred aesthetic distance
Upon our appetites, and on the bloody 
Mess of our birthright, our unseemly need,
Imposed significant form. Through Him the brutes
Enter the pure Euclidean kingdom of number, 
Free of their bulging and blood-swollen lives
They come to us holy, in cellophane
Transparencies, in the mystical body,

That we may look unflinchingly on death
As the greatest good, like a philosopher should.

Interesting Fact of the Week: 1)Robins eat worms. My mom was telling me that she thought it was funny when one of her fellow teachers made a spelling sentence about seeing a robin in a birdfeeder, because robins don't eat seed. I told her most people wouldn't notice that; most of us don't know that robins eat worms, myself included. She seemed surprised. She was also surprised that I couldn't identify a nuthatch in the feeder. I told her I knew the cardinals were the red ones and the jays were the big white and blue ones and that was almost the extent of my bird identification skills. She still seemed surprised.

Quote of the Week: Some people have a way with words, while others... erm... thingy.

Picture of the week:

4/16/04, Good Friday

The Good: Four-day week, lovely weather, I WROTE 5 PAGES FRONT AND BACK IN ONE DAY!, getting back my writing muse, getting interested in my Cold Death story again, Ship Latin classes won first place, beating out CV! GO SHIP LATIN! Ita vero! Saw Brandon Fri night at school when I was there for Eng meeting. We made Ray a sporran out of duct tape!

The Bad: Had to miss sleeping over at Dee's for and English meeting, but the Eng meeting was kinda fun. I know, I need a life.

The Ugly: I DON'T LIKE ECONOMICS. Let's just leave it at that.

Week Rating: Pretty excellent, on account of weather and writing muse.

Recommended Books: The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis

Recommended Music: Five Iron Frenzy's "The End is Near/Here"--I've been listening to it ALL WEEK.

Recommended Webpages: Elfwood, as usual, one of many funny fanfics: a Narnia parody

Poem of the Week: Okay, I know it's not technically a poem, it's lyrics, but I've had these songs in my head all week 
(see "Recommended Music"), and I just had to put this up. These lyrics crack me up.
"Wizard Needs Food, Badly" Lyrics by Five Iron Frenzy

I know that you're probably mad at me. 
I've come to expect that. 
You know that you'll never have all of me, 
you've come to resent that. 
You say "tomato", I say "video games"; 
you're acting so solemn. 
You'll take the precious remote control from me. 
Do I sound like Gollum? 
(It's) not that I'm escaping, 
you charm me like the flame does moths, 
it's just that you'd prefer me docile, 
like a narcoleptic sloth. 

The wizard needs food badly, 
the Voltron can't be incomplete. 
The things I love, you hate so madly, 
I must not go down in defeat. 

In the hunter-gatherer societies, 
I'd bring home the bacon. 
Public thought says men should try and be tame, 
stirred but not shaken. 
I say "baseball" then you start to cry, 
I'm sorry I grieve you. 
I think a motorcycle's a good way to die, 
this must bereave you. 
I know that you try so hard, 
and I'm not saying it's a sin, 
it's just that they don't feel my pain, 
in Vogue or Cosmopolitan. 

The wizard needs food badly, 
the Voltron can't be incomplete. 
The things I love, you hate so madly, 
I must not go down in defeat. 

And I'm sure you have your reasons, 
but listen to me please... 
I want the G.I. Joe with the Kung-Fu action grip. 
I want Nintendo with the extra-graphics-microchip. 
Tackle football with rocks, and sticks, and knives, and pain... 
I want a truck with the four wheel drive train. 
You'd rather see me get good at bookkeepping, 
I could clean house in the time that I'm not sleeping. 
I live to serve you, and I don't want to be rude, 
but you should see that the wizard needs food! 

The wizard needs food badly, 
the Voltron can't be incomplete. 
The things I love, you hate so madly, 
I must not go down in defeat. 

Interesting Fact of the Week: It is possible to make buttons out of duct tape and quarters.

Quotes of the Week: *From a hilarious Narnia parody: LUCY: Guys! The wardrobe is magic! It’s got snow and fauns inside! PETER: Lu, what did we tell you about acid? *On famous turtle dying: Mom: “He’s a CUTE little old... woman.” Dad: “Would you mind starting that sentence again?” *Technology can smell fear. *I found Jesus! He was behind the couch all along. *INSTANT HUMAN--JUST ADD COFFEE

Picture of the week: Two out of three female English class members agree, this guy is cute! (I'm of the dissenting opinion.)


The Good: Got to go to work with Mom yesterday (take your daughter to work day), am proving to my art teacher that I do know how to layer color, more Eng meetings, bought a tape of A Knight's Tale for six bucks and a DVD of Sleepy Hollow for 11!

The Bad: Irritating teacher in art class. She's a nice woman, I just can't work with her/communicate with her. I want to be back in Martin's class. Accidentally was a bit of a show-off in Mrs. Garland's class--hey, she asked for an answer! I feel like I'm showing off all the time in AP Eng too, b/c I know a large number of the poems we cover--I'm not trying to be a show-off! :( I feel awful. Tomorrow's gonna be annoyingly busy; NHS mini-golf tournament in the afternoon and then Sharps gig in the evening. Which brings me to another topic: Sharps. Read on to the Ugly to learn more.

The Ugly: What is BD's prob that she can't give us info ahead of time? She actually told my mom that she likes to withhold info from us. Seriously. So while some lucky people were at Science Olympiad, the rest of us had Fogie for a sub and a little cryptic message about the gig tomorrow night. I could scream.

Week Rating: Pretty nice based on little field trip, the leaves coming out! the warm weather and general non-suckiness.

Recommended Books: Famous Last Words compiled by Ray Robinson--rather amusing little book!

Recommended Music: Five Iron Frenzy's "The End is Near/Here"--listened to it all this week, too. Think I need to give my brother back his CD yet?

Recommended Webpages: Some interesting artwork by Ursula Vernon

Poem of the Week: "The Listeners" by Walter de la Mare--Can you figure out the story?

'Is there anybody there?' said the Traveller,
Knocking on the moonlit door;
And his horse in the silence champed the grasses
Of the forest's ferny floor:
And a bird flew up out of the turret,
Above the Traveller's head
And he smote upon the door again a second time;
'Is there anybody there?' he said.
But no one descended to the Traveller;
No head from the leaf-fringed sill
Leaned over and looked into his grey eyes,
Where he stood perplexed and still.
But only a host of phantom listeners
That dwelt in the lone house then
Stood listening in the quiet of the moonlight
To that voice from the world of men:
Stood thronging the faint moonbeams on the dark stair,
That goes down to the empty hall,
Hearkening in an air stirred and shaken
By the lonely Traveller's call.
And he felt in his heart their strangeness,
Their stillness answering his cry,
While his horse moved, cropping the dark turf,
'Neath the starred and leafy sky;
For he suddenly smote on the door, even
Louder, and lifted his head:-
'Tell them I came, and no one answered,
That I kept my word,' he said.
Never the least stir made the listeners,
Though every word he spake
Fell echoing through the shadowiness of the still house
From the one man left awake:
Ay, they heard his foot upon the stirrup,
And the sound of iron on stone,
And how the silence surged softly backward,
When the plunging hoofs were gone.

Interesting Fact of the Week: *Carey wants to go to the prom with Rosencrantz (this before she actually got a date that exists in reality). *When Emily Dickinson was talking about "A Narrow Fellow", she meant Ray.

Quotes of the Week: *"Jesus made lame people exciting."--Jess D *"Dear God, please give me patience, because if you give me strength, I'm gonna beat somebody to death. Amen."

Picture of the week: It's a wombat!


The Good: English meetings (particularly at Pizza Man--we were gonna meet at B&A, but it was closed, so we put a note on the front window telling Ray where to go, but he never showed, and as of yesterday I think the note was still there!), finished Ray's Scotsman outfit (made from Duct tape--Ducttape MacDougall! Conquer or Die!), got new pointe shoes yesterday (quite nice ones... quite expensive ones...) nice weather at the moment, made a pretty new alphabet, Erin's letter to the editor was printed in Newsweek!, interesting dream about Sharps members and the Amish gypsies, doing well in art class, signed up to sing in the talent show, signed up to demonstrate drawing at Evening with the Arts, decent Sharps gig Mon night. PROM IS TOMORROW!!!!!

The Bad: Broke a ring (made of seashell) that my mom had when she was my age. :( Heard an extremely weird noise Mon night that Mom thinks was the death-scream of a rabbit--did you know they screamed? Well, they do, and it sounds distinctly creepy. They go, AAAAAAH!

The Ugly: Getting very very very irritated at people (ie actually nearly beating up inanimate objects--I haven't done that for a loooong time). Having to watch the "Dead People in Cars" slide show; at least it wasn't as bad as last time.

Week Rating: C'mon, it's the week before the prom. Can't be that bad!

Recommended Books: Any of the Bloom County cartoon books by Berke Breathed

Recommended Music: Cold Mountain soundtrack

Recommended Webpages: My friend Katey's dad's website--some interesting stuff!

Poem of the Week: "High Flight" by John Gillespie Magee Jr.--Yeah, yeah, his name's funny. But the poem's awesome, 
trust me.

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of--wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never Lark, or even Eagle flew -
And while with silent lifting mind, I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God.

Interesting Fact of the Week: Never wash your face before putting on astringent facial cleanser. It does not "tingle and feel clean", it BURNS LIKE BLOODY H*LL!

Quotes of the Week: In our Spanish books, a guy goes to the hospital with a knife wound in his right thigh. The doctors says (in Spanish of course), "What happened?" The man replies, "Well, I was cutting a watermelon, and, ¡Ai!"

Picture of the week: The MacDougall clan tartan and crest

The tartan clashes horribly with the background, don'it?


The Good: PROM! AFTER-PROM ALL-NIGHT PARTY! Got the AP test done Thurs--wasn't too bad! I think I may have done pretty well. Got to stick my AP stickers all over the place! It's the new trading item--like pogs! Chris (my brother) installed my soundcard, and sold me his old DVD drive for $20! Got the new book I ordered--it's very good so far; I'll put up the name when I've finished.

The Bad: The run up the hill in the rain--read the prom page to read more. I was totally dead in dance class Wed night--I phased out completely and was really exhausted afterword. In fact, I'm still exhausted, because we had a swing dance practice after school this afternoon. Having to sing my talent show song in too high a key--at least we've got the transposed version now! Having to sing my Sharps solo. I don't know it yet, and I'm not going to have time to learn it this coming week. My schedule is gonna be hell.

The Ugly: Feeling like a huge inconvenience to everyone's schedule and life in general.

Week Rating: Great, on account of prom! Let-down toward end of week due to mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. Just as a side-note, everything looks very green and yellow outside the windo wright now. It's awesome. I wonder if it will storm again?

Recommended Books: A Little Princess by Francis Hodgeson Burnett, "Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead" by Tom Stoppard.

Recommended Music: I'm back to Five Iron Frenzy again.

Recommended Webpages: Started a new fanfic! It's based on "A Little Princess". Okay, this is really cool. Click here when you're done reading this. You can get this little interactive person to say whatever you type in for her. You can also choose what language she speaks in and what voice (some of them are male). It's just really fun to play with!

Poem of the Week: Let's see if you can figure this one out? Hee hee. I know what it means! If you ask me I'll tell.

Sumer is icumen in,
Lhudè sing cuccu;
Groweth sed and bloweth med
And springth the wudè nu.
Sing cuccu!
Awè bleteth after lomb,
Lhouth after calvè cu;
Bulluc sterteth, buckè verteth;
Murie sing cuccu.
Cuccu, cuccu,
Wel singès thu, cuccu,
Ne swik thu naver nu.
Sing cuccu nu! Sing cuccu!
Sing cuccu! Sing cuccu nu!

Interesting Fact of the Week: After taking the AP English Literature test, you are not allowed to discuss the essay questions with anyone for forty-eight hours. And you are never for the rest of you life ever allowed to discuss any of the multiple choice with anyone. It's like a secret society. And if you do discuss it with anyone, you probably get shot. Also: the Spanish for "loser" (literally, "failure") is "fracaso/a". Just thought you'd like to know. And there was a recent study that found that poets live shorter lives than other kinds of writers. Nonfiction live the longest, and poets live the shortest. Was anyone really surprised?

Quotes of the Week: Emily C to Mrs. Hess: "You're pleased with us?!" Diane, after Miss D scolded us for talking through her practice. *In baby voice*: "Aww, did we talk through her precious practice?"

Picture of the week:

Troy opens in a week! (You can't have him, Helen, he's mine.)


The Good: Evening with the Arts was awesome! I got a lot of compliments on my portraiture, so I'm not at all sorry I decided to participate. (And I actually drew a picture of Diane that looked like her!) Honors banquet--congrats to everyone who won senior honors! Esp Erin, who got three! A certain party there had his fly down. It was bad. Maybe I should put that under the ugly. Talent show is tonight at 7:00. Tomorrow Dee and I are going to see Troy! Yayness! I got chosen with two other people to give a commencement speech! Congrats Bryan and Ray! Had some totally awesome dreams at the beginning of the week--something about this blind guy that comes from looking at picture from "Daredevil", and something about this guy who was being haunted by a red-eyed white owl that was the physical embodiment of his guilt. That comes from relating to Mom a nightmare David D. had once in a haunted house.

The Bad: In gym class Tuesday, I accidentally kicked Erin really hard in the shin. She's got quite a bruise. So we were joking that I was trying to eliminate competition (commencement speech tryouts were that afternoon). Well, I got my own on Wednesday when Erin was out of class taking her gov't AP test: I managed to help out with goals quite a bit (speedball), but in the process I got kicked in the left calf, hit in the right with the ball, went down on one knee, scratched myself in the nose, got elbowed hard in the ribs and jammed my left index finger. Didn't have a mark on me, but the jammed finger really hurt. It only stopped hurting today. I can actually type, which is a lot more than I could do Tuesday afternoon. I think Erin somehow used subliminal messages to either tell me to beat myself up or everyone else to do it. :) On a darker note, I wanted to cry all the way through dance class Wednesday evening--a mixture of the heat, mental/emotional/physical fatigue and the fact that my feet hurt. I'm working in my new pointe shoes, and I'm hoping they'll be okay by the performance. But enough depressing stuff about my feet.

The Ugly: Stressing over my English portfolio and my government research paper and all my government work. Have I mentioned how much I HATE my government and economics class? The teacher's nice, but boy, do I ever hate his class!!! It's like, the bane of my existence! 13 more days!

Week Rating: Other than the heat and fatigue, great, b/c of speeches and Evening with the Arts.

Recommended Books: Scholarly Magics by Caroline Stevermer--consists of two books, A College of Magics and A Scholar of Magics. I really didn't like how the first one ended, but the ending on the second was quite satisfactory, and overall both of them are excellent. Also Lord of the Flies by William Golding.

Recommended Music: Actually, I'm getting bored with all of mine. I need someone to recommend me some music!

Recommended Webpages: Haven't really had any time to browse this week.

Poem of the Week: By Alexander Pope

Vital spark of heavenly flame!
Quit, O quit this mortal frame!
Trembling, hoping, lingering, flying,
O! the pain, the bliss of dying!
Cease, fond nature, cease the strife,
And let me languish into life!

Hark! they whisper: angels say,
Sister spirit come away!
What is this absorbs me quite?
Steals in my senses, shuts my sight,
Drowns my spirit, draws my breath?
Tell me, my soul, can this be death?

The world recedes; it disappears!
Heaven opens on my eyes! my ears
With sounds seraphic ring!
Lend, lend your wings! I mount! I fly!
O grave where is your victory?
O death! where is thy sting?

Interesting Fact of the Week: The piece I had up that I got the most compliments on (the mixed media triptych) was the piece that a certain party gave me a "B" on after she had told me while I was working on it that it was great. Grrness.

Quotes of the Week: Amberle: *Something loud and annoyed. Ashley to Am: "Do I detect a note of bitterness?" Brittany to Ash: "Nah, she's pissed." *** Amy to Paul: "I'm a vampire." Paul: "Oh yeah? Bite me!" Amy: "Sorry, you're not my type."

Picture of the week:

One of the Cottingley Fairy photographs, with which two girls fooled quite a few people.


The Good: The talent show went very well, and I got quite a few comments--didn't win, but my friends did, and they did do a very nice job, so it's not like I'm bitter or anything. Started writing a new fanfic, but got kind of bored, don't know when I'll finish it. Nearly finished with my two big assignments. Drew a lot of fun little sketch-thingies in my notebook! An old friend who moved away messaged me! Yay! Got alot of compliments on my piece in the "Doghouse". (Dad called it "excellent". *Smiles* eeee! I really respect my dad's opinions; he's not one to flatter.)

The Bad: In some ways, it was good that the senior trip and the Holocaust trip were today--I didn't get run over in the halls like I usually do. But in some ways, it was massively boring. 3 people in homeroom, 6 in Spanish, 1 (me) in English, 4 in art (we each had a table to ourselves). Having to run the mile in gym--but Stayley was nice and let us go in to lunch early. Finding out that I've got a huge responsibility in VBS and no time to work on it.

The Ugly: Have I mentioned lately how much I hate government? Well, in case I've never said it, let me clarify: I abhor, abominate, am allergic to, anathematize, can't stand, contemn, curse, deprecate, deride, despise, detest, disapprove of, disdain, disfavor, dislike, disparage, execrate, loathe, am nauseated by, object to, recoil from, scorn, shudder at, shun, spit upon and spurn government and economics. And I hate math, too. Oh, and stupid music rehearsals that freaking begin at 8:30 and don't end until 10:40 at night, and all things pertaining to said rehearsals. But I love thesauruses. And I'll have to remember the word "execrate". Useful term, that. "Spit upon" was pretty nice, too.

Weekly Rating: Not so wonderful, based on rehearsals, assignments, general stress, and major thunderstorms. Altho that one was pretty cool...

Recommended Books: You think I've had time to read?!

Recommended Music: Um... the Disney's "Tarzan" soundtrack?

Recommended Webpages: Foxtrot. The more I read these cartoons, the more I love them!

Poem of the Week: “Awake Thou That Sleepest” by Christina Rossetti

THE night is far spent, the day is at hand:
Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness,
And let us put on the armour of light.
Night for the dead in their stiffness and starkness!
Day for the living who mount in their might
Out of their graves to the beautiful land.

Far, far away lies the beautiful land:
Mount on wide wings of exceeding desire,
Mount, look not back, mount to life and to light,
Mount by the gleam of your lamps all on fire
Up from the dead men and up from the night.
The night is far spent, the day is at hand.

Interesting Fact of the Week: Squirrels lay eggs. All birds are squirrels, but not all squirrels are birds--only the flying squirrels. Groundhogs are also squirrels. All this courtesy of Tristin. On to the actual facts: groundhogs climb trees, and flying squirrels are actually pretty darn cute (this coming from a guy who almost never says anything even resembling the word "cute", so you know it's gotta be true). More interesting facts: Tristin is not a girl, and Austyn is not a boy, despite stupid people thinking they are.

Quotes of the Week: James: "The curse of the Wabadooboo is upon you!" * (We got to watch a Simpson's episode in Eng b/c it was a parody of Hamlet--Rosencarl and Guildenlenny! Boy, I wish I got FOX...) Lisa/Ophelia: "Nobody out-crazies Ophelia!... Hey nonny nonny... splash" *

General Funny Stuff: Parody of "Eve of St. Agnes", from my AP English class. Porphyro plays the electric lute in the girl's ear (MBWAAANH), she wakes up, yells at him, calls him a pervert for watching her undress and wakes the castle up to kill him. The end. Hey, at least it wouldn't be as long as the original poem!

Upcoming Events: *(Apparently) The event of the millenium: the Sharps concert, high school audit., Sat. 22nd, at 7:00. Personally, I think the most rewarding part of that will be seeing Neil dressed up as "Honeybun". *NHS seniors mini-golf, Mon. 24th, 5:00 at Links. Yay! *Sharps sing at retirement dinner Tues 25th

Picture of the week:First, a squirrel egg.

Now, a sketch of my cat.

Here's just a random sketch.

If you'd like to see more of my sketches, let me know; I'll make a page of them.


The Good: Got my portfolio and my research paper turned in, took my last gov't quiz today, my AP Eng class started our parody piece today, I just got the nicest review ever on my "Little Princess" fanfic, the big Sharps concert went okay (that is, our audience enjoyed it. My dad said that with her mike taped on like she had it, Allie looked like a Borg.), we got to go outside for Spanish twice this week, the Sr. members of NHS going mini-golfing and getting pizza (I got a hole-in-one!), eating shrimp at the Faculty Recognition Dinner (it made my fingertips smell like New Years!), Alto Solidarity, found the new path my brother made in the woods--it's great!

The Bad: My discman broke. :( Also, having to learn some dances quick so that I could teach them to a bunch of kids for VBS. Very tiring and irritating.

The Ugly: I have to get new pointe shoes, b/c I bought the new ones with the understanding that I wouldn't need point pads, but I do, and they're waaaay too small with them in, so I need new ones, and I'm making my parents waste 120$ (b/c that's how much one pair of this new kind costs).

Weekly Rating: Pretty cool, based on Alto Solidarity and nice weather.

Recommended Books: Lady Elizabeth's Comet by Sheila Simonson

Recommended Music: "The Secret Garden", the original Broadway cast album. Borrowed it from my aunt.

Recommended Webpages: Ummm... Psychology Today? They have some personality quizzes, which I always adore. :)

Poem of the Week: Rudyard Kipling, The Conundrum of the Workshops

When the flush of a newborn sun fell first on Eden's green and gold, 
Our father Adam sat under the Tree and scratched with a stick in the mold; 
And the first rude sketch that the world had seen was joy to his mighty heart, 
Till the Devil whispered behind the leaves: "It's pretty, but is it Art?" 

Interesting Fact of the Week: "Abide With Me" is the top aural (hearing) hallucination. Others at the top of the list are "Don't Cry For Me, Argentina" and "Yes, We Have No Bananas". Seriously.

Quotes of the Week: Ray: "Hey, we're Altos! Let's all sing really low for girls!" * Neil: "That's funny!" Diane: "Only if you're Neil."

General Funny Stuff: Emily C was very ingenius about finding out what Mrs. Hess' fave restaurant was without giving anything away. Kudos!

Upcoming Events: Three-day weekend! More VBS dance practice on Thurs. Awards assembly also Thurs. Prisoner of Azkaban opens Friday, which is also the last day of class for seniors! yay!

Picture of the week:

Okay, ignore Harry for a moment (I hate saying that) and look at the shape of the candles. Is that not the coolest thing?

Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban opens June 4!


The Good: Went shopping on Saturday, got new pointe shoes etc., had Monday off, got back my art from my teachers, won some money at the awards ceremony on Thurs, Prisoner of Azkaban opens today!, today was the last day of class for seniors!, played Word Bag of Death (huah!) in chorus, Mrs. H gave our class presents, Miss D gave the seniors presents, the AP class finished our parody, I got a bunch of people to sign my book, being invited to people's grad parties, Dee gave me a book of Jules Verne for grad.

The Bad: New pointe shoes didn't cure arch cramps, enjoyed modeling for first period drawing class three days this week, but my foot went to sleep every time.

The Ugly: Need to practice two speeches that I have to give in the next week, plus my solo for grad. Cleaned my room up all nicely on Saturday, and it's a mess again already.

Weekly Rating: Not too bad at all--the end of school!

Recommended Books: The Blue Castle by L.M. Mongomery! One of my favorite books! And a particularly funny one: The Convenient Marriage by Georgette Heyer. Two of the characters both remind me of Rosencrantz.

Recommended Music: "The Secret Garden", the original Broadway cast album. Borrowed it from my aunt.

Recommended Webpages: My brother sent me the link to this article. It's bizzare...

Poem of the Week: Emily Dickinson. I smelled some honeysuckle on the way down to the bus this morning, and this 
popped into my head.

I taste a liquor never brewed,
From tankards scooped in pearl;
Not all the vats upon the Rhine
Yield such an alcohol!

Inebriate of air am I,
And debauchee of dew, 
Reeling, through endless summer days, 
From inns of molten blue.

When landlords turn the drunken bee 
Out of the foxglove's door, 
When butterflies renounce their drams, 
I shall but drink the more!

Till seraphs swing their snowy hats, 
And saints to windows run, 
To see the little tippler 
Leaning against the sun!

Interesting Fact of the Week: Los Borrachos and The Woodchucks won (tied w/ another team on the second round) Word Bag of Death!

Quotes of the Week: WORD BAG OF DEATH! HUAH!

General Funny Stuff: Line from A Convenient Marriage by Georgette Heyer: "But you've got no business to go killing people with a poker at two in the morning. It ain't genteel."... "She walked home," explained Sir Roland. "We were walking home, weren't we? Very well, then. She walked home. Passed Lethgbridge's house. Went in. Hit him ont he head with the poker. Came out. Met us in the street. There you are. Plain as a pikestaff."

Upcoming Events: Saturday: have to give Voice of Democracy speech to the VFW. Haven't practiced yet. Sunday: Neil's grad party. Monday: Baccalaureate (how do you spell that?) Tuesday: VBS practice. Wednesday: Graduation and all-night party! Friday: The ballet! "Rose White and Rose Red", plus a patriotic piece and a SWING DANCE! Come and see it or I breaka you legs! In the auditorium, 7 PM, 3$ adults 1$ kids, bring the whole family! *End paid advertisement*

Picture of the week:
See anything funny about this picture? Other than that my uncle and cousin were caught at a weird moment? 

Here, let me help.

Yup. That's my dad.

6/14/04, Monday

The Good: Sorry I’m late. I’ve been really busy and I got sidetracked. Well, let’s see what happened since two Fridays ago? No classes Mon-Wed, eating a picnic with a bunch of friends Mon, getting to know Erika D, the dance group knew their dances Tues!, GRADUATED WEDNESDAY!!!!, I wasn't nervous AT ALL giving my commencement speech!, all-night party Wed night (the hypnotist was awesome! Good food, nice decoration... and hanging out with friends! What more could I ask for? Except some sleep, maybe.), the ballet was Fri and I did fine! (dancing with Jake M is fun), two parties Sat (Tristin's and Sara's, both awesome, had a blast at Sara's at the park--really nice weather, a camera, a playground, a stage and my friends! Oh, and good food.), met a guy from Malaga online, new Sunday school class, Am's party Sun, then last night teaching motions at VBS wasn't so bad after all, and Travis Cody were up in the balcony with the sound board, doing the motions like they were dancing at a rave. It was hilarious. Made my night!

The Bad: No closure on the end of school. My conscious mind knows it's over, but my unconscious keeps thinking I'm going to have to get up early to get on the bus or something.

The Ugly: I was fine while I was actually giving the VFW speech, but I had been so nervous before that I was shaking like a leaf. And the podium was really deep and the light was bad, so I had to hold up my speech to see it and try not to shake so hard that I couldn't read it. Graduation was HOT.

Weekly Rating: Wonderful! All sorts of milestones at once, and tons of hanging out with my friends!

Recommended Books: The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide by Douglas Adams--includes "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe", "Life, the Universe and Everything", "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish", "Young Zaphod Plays It Safe" and "Mostly Harmless". Positively riotous English sci-fi humor.

Recommended Music: Still going on "The Secret Garden".

Recommended Webpages: Haven't really been surfing the web much this week. Oh, I know. The Lumiere Project and Andrew's Live Journal.

Poem of the Week: Emily Dickinson

Our journey had advanced.
Our feet were almost come 
To that odd fork in Being's road
“Eternity” by term. 

Our pace took sudden awe.
Our feet reluctant led.
Before were cities, but between
The forest of the dead.

Retreat was out of hope,
Behind, a sealed route,
“Eternity's” white flag before, 
And God at every gate.

Interesting Fact of the Week: Whoever typed up the programs doesn't know how to spell "Bacalaureate".

Quotes of the Week: "Arthur felt happy. He was terribly pleased that the day was for once working out so much according to plan. Only twenty minutes ago he had decided he would go mad, and now here he was already chasing a Chesterfield sofa across the fields of prehistoric Earth."--The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide by Douglas Adams

Upcoming Events: Tues-Fri nights: VBS. Wed: Going to see POA with friends and mom!

Picture of the week:

I do like the image capture feature on my DVD drive...


The Good: Prisoner of Azkaban rocked! It was probably the best of the three. VBS was pretty cool (not in temperature)--it was great watching people clowning around in the balcony.

The Bad: I've been getting bored. I've got things I know I can work on--like my writing--but I can't seem to get the gumption. I get so bored and sleepy about 4:00 every afternoon. It's beginning to get on my nerves.

The Ugly: Nothing all that bad this week.

Weekly Rating: Not bad, except for the boredom.

Recommended Books: Still reading The Hitchhiker's Guide. Long book, that.

Recommended Music: Still going on "The Secret Garden" etc.

Recommended Webpages: Haven't surfed much. It gets too hot in my room to have the computer on all the time.

Poem of the Week: “The End of Time” by Christina Rossetti

Thou who art dreary
With a cureless woe,
Thou who art weary
Of all things below,
Thou who art weeping
By the loved sick-bed,
Thou who art keeping
Watches o'er the dead,
Hope, hope! old Time flies fast upon his way,
And soon will cease the night, and soon will dawn the day.

The rose blooms brightly,
But it fades ere night;
And youth flies lightly,
Yet how sure its flight!
And still the river
Merges in the sea,
And death reigns ever
Whilst old Time shall be;
Yet hope! old Time flies fast upon his way,
And soon will cease the night, and soon will dawn the day.

All we most cherish
In this world below,
What tho' it perish?
It has aye been so.
So thro' all ages
It has ever been
To fools and sages,
Noble men and mean:
Yet hope, still hope! for Time flies on his way,
And soon will end the night, and soon will dawn the day.

All of each nation
Shall that morning see
With exultation
Or with misery:
From watery slumbers,
From the opening sod,
Shall rise up numbers
To be judged by God.
Then hope and fear, for Time speeds on his way,
And soon must end the night, and soon must dawn the day.

Interesting Fact of the Week: The CD player for the church sound system will not let you skip straight to track 20. You have to go to 19, let it play for a second, then skip forward.

Quotes of the Week: One of the songs that I teach motions to has a beat like a Christina Aguilera song. Cody and Derek call it the J-Lo song, and they dance to the beginning of it like J-Lo would, butt shaking and all. The kids left the room, and Cody and Derek were preparing to follow. Frank: That looks even worse from behind! Pastor Jim: Yeah, usually you have to get a permit to move that wide a load. Cody: Ooh, that's harsh! Pastor Jim: I love ya, Derek!

Upcoming Events: Sunday: VBS program and my family graduation party. Monday: Summer dance class starts up. Sat. 26: Kristy's grad party.

Picture of the week:I'm pretty proud of how I managed to doctor this one... See my changes?


The Good: My family graduation party was cool, it's nice getting back to dance class, went and got pizza and saw a movie with a bunch of friends, got a postcard from Andrew in Russia, got some new books from the library and a DVD to watch, joined Elfwood (my ticket is about the 700th in the queue, so it'll be a few days).

The Bad: More summer boredom, more writer's block, turns out dance class started last week.

The Ugly: Boredom and block.

Weekly Rating: Pretty good, except for the boredom.

Recommended Books: The Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde: The Eyre Affair, Lost in a Good Book, The Well of Lost Plots. All three are excellent, smart and very funny! Go read 'em!

Recommended Music: "The Secret Garden" (think it's about time I gave my aunt her CD back?) and "Is There Anybody Out There" by Burlap to Cashmere.

Recommended Webpages: Frodo Goes to Hogwarts: Part 1, Part 2.

Poem of the Week: Shel Silverstein

Sandra’s seen a leprechaun, 
Eddie touched a troll, 
Laurie danced with witches once, 
Charlie found some goblins’ gold. 
Donald heard a mermaid sing, 
Susy spied an elf, 
But all the magic I have known
I’ve had to make myself.

Interesting Fact of the Week:

Quotes of the Week: The kids at the grad party were downstairs making a heck of a racket. They came up for awhile, then got ready to descend to chaos again. Kelsey: Kara, come on! You have to come; you're our teacher. Ashley (to Kara): So what are you teaching them? Kara: To be quiet. But it ain't working.

Upcoming Events: 26: Kristy's grad party Sun.: Family picnic

Picture of the week: ...And I thought I was going narcoleptic!


The Good: My gallery is up at Elfwood, I got a digital camera, I started a new drawing, I saw a good movie version of Hamlet, I read some great books, I went shopping with Dee for Holly's b-day present, I got invited to another birthday party, I went to Kristy's grad party.

The Bad: Pencil smudges are the work of the devil. They are here solely to torment me. Rrrrr.

The Ugly: Boredom and block, again.

Weekly Rating: Not bad at all!

Recommended Books: A Key to Many Doors by Emilie Loring, Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster, Messenger (the third of the Giver series) by Lois Lowry. But that last one has a sad ending! :( And it didn't answer all my questions, either. Still good, though.

Recommended Music: Disney's "Tarzan" soundtrack, Norah Jones.

Recommended Webpages: My Elfwood Gallery! and Reman Mythology

Poem of the Week: "Fife Tune"
(6/8) for Sixth Platoon, 308th I.T.C.
John Manifold

One morning in spring
We marched from Devizes
All shapes and all sizes
Like beads on a string,
But yet with a swing
We trod the bluemetal
And full of high fettle
We started to sing.

She ran down the stair
A twelve-year-old darling
And laughing and calling
She tossed her bright hair;
Then silent to stare
At the men flowing past her--
There were all she could master
Adoring her there.

It's seldom I'll see
A sweeter or prettier;
I doubt we'll forget her
In two years of three.
And lucky he'll be
She takes for a lover
While we are far over
The treacherous sea.

Interesting Fact of the Week: I remember now why I don't go into the woods in the summer. BUGS! AUUUUGGGHHHH!!!!

Quote of the Week: I reached past Mom to get something and accidentally bumped her chin. Mom: You're as bad as your father. Me: ...? Mom: The first time he tried to put his arm around me, he miscalculated and accidentally socked me in the jaw. Me: !!!

Upcoming Events: Tonight: Holly's B-day party! Saturday: Bobby's birthday! This week: Ballet Workshop, Week I. Friday: TGIF on the square in Chbg (we're performing parts of this year's ballet).

Picture of the week:

7/18/04 (Sorry this one is late; couldn't be helped.)

The Good: Emily's bday party (hanging out with friends!), got my hair cut for locks of love: we cut off 16 inches, and it's still just past my shoulders!, more dance workshop, GOT A 5 ON MY AP TEST! YAHOOOOO!!!, found a roommate at freshman orientation and made some friends for college.

The Bad: Not being able to go to the Sharps party

The Ugly: Feeling very homesick at orientation before I made friends.

Weekly Rating: Definite upswing Saturday evening when I got my AP scores and found some friends!

Recommended Books: The Rosary by Florence L. Barclay--this one's a romance, but it has like, no sap whatsoever, no cliché... It's very original, and I totally recommend it.

Recommended Music: Dunno, had a bunch of worship songs stuck in my head the other night. CD players all still on the fritz.

Recommended Webpages: Can't think of one at the moment.

Poem of the Week: "Even Song"--a song the "Evens" sing at Wilson College

We're evens born
We're evens bred
And when we die
We're evens dead
So, rah, rah for evens
Rah, rah for evens
Rah, rah, rah!!!

Interesting Fact of the Week: If you say the name "Viggo Mortensen" fast and garbled enough, it sounds like "rigor mortis".

Quote of the Week: Alyssa, 12 years old: "Actually, I'm not smart. That's a common misconception."

Upcoming Events: Tues. 20th-Mon. 26th: Indiana. Update will be late!

Picture of the week: Emily opens her gift from Carey: a full-sized Legolas cardboard cutout! Yes!

8/2/04 (No excuses this time: I'm just lazy.)

The Good: Seeing family in IN, watching classmates in Fair Queen contest, getting to hang out with J, E and S D (and seeing their uncle's house, which is FABULOUS!), saw "Pride and Prejustice", "Emma" and "Count of Monte Cristo" (wahooo!!!), getting some drawings done, fun with digital camera, very cool dream last night--a product of watching Count of MC before bed!

The Bad: Drove out to Indiana, went to see Fair Queen contest a couple hours after 9 hour drive home from IN.

The Ugly: The plates, silverware and glasses etc at Grandma's house--they may be sterilized, but they're NOT clean. Getting eaten alive by mosquitos--you don't need a screen door, just nail me to your threshold! I looked like a punctured tire.

Weekly Rating: Umm... Well, IN was okay, but I wasn't wild about it most of the time. Being home was great, and so is hanging out with D girls.

Recommended Books: Passage by Connie Willis and Schott's Miscellany by Ben Schott, altho we've found some inaccuracies (for instance, the manual alphabet chart is WONKED OUT).

Recommended Music: Evanescence. Movie: Count of Monte Cristo! Excellent! And Jim Caviezel is waaaaay cute!

Recommended Webpages: Letterboxing

Poem of the Week: from "The Tempest", Shakespeare

Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes:
Nothing of him that doth fade,
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange.
Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell:
Hark! now I hear them—Ding-dong, bell.

Interesting Fact of the Week: I met an Amishman who was the oldest of 178 first cousins. Ouch.

Quote of the Week: "Morbo is glad!--but sticky." (Futurama). "Quantity of beauty required to launch a single ship: 1 Millihelen" (Schott's Miscellany)

Upcoming Events: Camp starts next week

Picture of the week: Me: "Grandma, smile!" Aunt: "Yes, Mom, it's not time to say grace." Gma: "HOW DO YOU KNOW?"


John Alleman: Requiescat In Pace

The Good: Watching "Arsenic and Old Lace" with S and J D and "I, Robot" with J, took a LOT of photos outside because the weather was FANTASTIC, bought a new CD,

The Bad: Nasty allergiessss! Nassssty little allergiessss! They stole our sinusessss from us! Cursssse them! *Replace "Gollum gollum!" with "Achoo achooo!"

The Ugly: Did you know that the library, contrary to the sign on the door which apparently doesn't apply in the winter, closes at 2 PM on Sat afternoons? Is that stupid or what? Jess is going back to college on Tues. :(

Weekly Rating: Pretty cool, based on the nice weather!

Recommended Books: Haven't read a whole ton this week.

Recommended Music: "Closer" by Josh Groban

Recommended Webpages: A Dr. Quinn MW fanfic--chapter 2 is a riot!

Poem of the Week: "Into the West"
Original lyric by Fran Walsh. 
Posted in memory of John Alleman, died Saturday, August 7, 2004.

Lay down your sweet and weary head
Night is falling; you have come to journey's end
Sleep now and dream of the ones who came before
They are calling from across a distant shore
Why do you weep? What are these tears upon your face?
Soon you will see all of your fears will pass away
Safe in my arms, you're only sleeping

What can you see on the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the Sea a pale moon rises
The ships have come to carry you home
And all will turn to silver glass
A light on the water, all souls pass

Hope fades into the world of night
Through shadows falling out of memory and time
Don't say we have come now to the end
White shores are calling, you and I will meet again
And you'll be here in my arms, just sleeping

What can you see on the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the Sea a pale moon rises
The ships have come to carry you home
And all will turn to silver glass
A light on the water, grey ships pass
Into the West.

Interesting Fact of the Week: I made the mistake of taking antihistamines to clear up my sinus headache, and now I'm on a drowsy buzz.

Quote of the Week: That famous line Jess said at camp four years ago. Her first impression. She knows what I mean. :) Heh.

Upcoming Events: Camp starts tomorrow

Picture of the week: 

8/17/04--The one about camp


The Bad: Not having anything to do first week because of poor organization.

The Ugly: Having leave camp. :(


Recommended Books: No time to read at camp!

Recommended Music: Camp music! "Second verse! Same as the first! A little bit louder and a whole lot worse!"

Recommended Webpages: No time to surf the net at camp, nor any internest. It's hard enough making a phone call. That's why I like it.

Poem of the Week: Emily Dickinson

Will there be a morning?
Is there such a thing as day?
Dould I see it from the mountains 
Were I as tall as they?
Has it feet like water lilies?
Is it winged like a bird?
Is it brought from distant lands
Of which I never heard?
Oh, some scholar,
Oh, some sailor,
Oh, some wise man from the skies,
Please to tell a little pilgrim
Where the place called morning lies?

Interesting Fact of the Week: Despite having six legs, dragonflies can't walk. FIRE BURNS! IT'S HOT! In Vietnamese, "fish-skin shuttle" is "kol ya ka" (dropping tone, held tone, rising tone).

Quote of the Week: Ashley: You see that guy over there? He says blondes are slow. What do we do to people who say that? Alyssa: Punch them out. *** Liz: I was like, first of all, you do not run away from me when I'm talking to you. Secondly, you do not take knives out of the dining hall. Thirdly, you do not go up to the girls' cabins. You know that. Seriously, they're like four-year-olds! I put them on time out for like half an hour. Bryan: No, it was more like, First of all, YOU DIE! Secondly, YOU DIE! Thirdly, YOU MIGHT DIE! I was like, GO LIZ! *** Susan: I told him that I did show my sister the pamphlet. Then I was thinking, oh no, I lied! And then I thought, no I didn't, because I did show it to her while I was burning it. *** Don't make me lose my salvation! *** Ashley, feeling around the door frame: How do you open this thing?

Upcoming Events: College shopping tomorrow, and Bryan might come to church on Sunday!

Picture of the week: Check out the Camp page!

8/31/04--The one about starting college! Yes, I know I'm really late, but it took till today to get my internet connected.

The Good: Getting to see Bryan on Sun., going to hear pastor Todd preach again, going canoeing and tubing (Jeri and I got the canoe stuck. Oops.), just joking around and having fun, going to a different Sunday school, going to Sun night church and hearing the twins talk about their missions trips, having a movie night with Dee, cousins from Boston were pretty good this time, Bobby’s back from Bombay, getting moved in at college, getting along perfectly well with my roommate and recognizing faces on our floor, and I just realized that we have a really great view, getting a going-away present from Dee (a whole bag of junk food! yay!), my roommate is really nice, she has two lotr posters and I have one, they finally set up my internet! (aim sn artekka), I got a work-study position in the communications department, I'm surviving.

The Bad: Getting the canoe stuck against a tree limb—the others had to get off their tubes to get us out, getting sudden attacks of the nerves about college, getting insomnia first night at college (I put in earplugs and took an antihistamine to knock me out), getting insomnia my third night at college (even the antihistamine didn't knock me out until midnight, and I woke up at 5 AM), I'm not sure how hard my classes are gonna be, intro to psych is scaring me a little.

The Ugly: I was really bored at orientation because there was no internet and nothing to do, but I think I'm going to be fine now that I've got things to do.

Weekly Rating: Um, I've sorta been on tenterhooks about the whole college thing, but it seems to be turning out okay. I know I am precisely in the center of God’s will for me. He led me to this major and career choice and he led me to this college, so I know this is the very best and most fulfilling thing I could be doing right now. That’s very comforting. The whole Bryan and the Ds thing was awesome, as was the Dee movie night.

Recommended Books: I'm in the middle of about three books right now 'cause I was bored. How the Irish Saved Civilization. Can't remember who wrote it, and not being at home, I can't check for you. But it's very good.

Recommended Music: Not sure. You know, I miss being able to just go out into a field and sing at the top of my lungs where I knew no one could hear me. Can't exactly do that here. “The Secret Garden” soundtrack again! But I left it at home. I really need to return that to my aunt. I’ve had it for a few months, now. Maybe I could get my brother to rip and burn it for me first? Ditto his Five Iron Frenzy CD, which I’ve finally returned.

Recommended Webpages: Tallguy started back up the Shippensburg Message Board! Keep in touch while away at college!

Poem of the Week: Last stanza of "Terrence, this is stupid stuff" by A. E. Housman

There was a king reigned in the East:
There, when kings will sit to feast,
They get their fill before they think
With poisoned meat and poisoned drink.
He gathered all that springs to birth
From the many-venomed earth;
First a little, thence to more,
He sampled all her killing store;
And easy, smiling, seasoned sound,
Sate the king when healths went round.
They put arsenic in his meat
And stared aghast to watch him eat;
They poured strychnine in his cup
And shook to see him drink it up:
They shook, they stared as white’s their shirt:
Them it was their poison hurt.
—I tell the tale that I heard told.
Mithridates, he died old.

(I swear, this is NOT a commentary on dining hall food.)

Interesting Fact of the Week: I'm actually kind of quiet and calm and retiring at college. Who would've guessed? :) Also, our dorm room is smaller than one across the hall. Not sure why.

Quote of the Week: Pastor Todd: "These wives come up to me, and they’re like, my husband’s driving me nuts; you have to talk to him, or I’m going to kill him. I always tell them, they’re never going to change, so go ahead and kill them now and do the time. Bryan: !!!! That’s great!

Upcoming Events: New classes all this week, starting work-study tomorrow, going home for the weekend.

Picture of the week: I would post a photo of the campus, but unfortunately my digital photo software does not appear 
to be working. GRRRRRRR

9/4/04--Alright, it's Saturday. Sue me.

The Good: Got Bobby's postcard from India!, got to go home for the weekend and squeezle the cat! (I think I missed the cat more than my family; isn't that awful?), am doing okay in my work-study job, get to go have a movie afternoon with Dee and then watch Britcoms with my parents tonight, Chris is coming up to fix my computer issues Sun. night when I go back to dorm, met the pres of the college (my boss introduced me to her), was very proud that I figured out on my own why they call it the AlumnAE Building rather than the AlumnI Building (it's the feminine; in case you didn't figure it out, Wilson College is a women's college).

The Bad: Found out that one of our cats (Bobbi) will have to have her ear removed in order to try and get rid of a tumor she's got which sounds pretty serious. She will soon be a one-shouldered, one-eared kitty. On a lighter note, at least now visitors will be able to tell her apart from the other brown cat!

The Ugly: My allergies are driving me MAD. I'm also going to have to drop my ballet class since it's off-campus and is three times a week. Mom says she can come and pick me up some nights to take a class at Laurel's.

Weekly Rating: I enjoy coming home for weekends. And I learned that it's almost as fun to take a long walk by yourself at college as it is at home, and I now have new places to explore. I'm doing okay with this college thing.

Recommended Books: I haven't been reading much lately. All my spare time was spent boring myself on computer games. I'm kind of worried that my creativity hasn't had that usual start-of-the-schoolyear surge. Hope I can get back to writing and reading soon.

Recommended Music: I've been listening to random things off my computer. A lot of Queen lately--"Don't Stop Me Now" is such a fun song!

Recommended Webpages: Harry Potter Puppet Pals! If you've seen/read Harry Potter, this is REALLY funny. Particularly if it's late at night and you're in a silly mood. It may take a little while to load, and there IS sound. Thank you to Carey for sending the link!

Poem of the Week: "They shut me up in Prose", Emily Dickinson
(I did an analysis of this for my Eng class)

They shut me up in Prose --
As when a little Girl
They put me in the Closet --
Because they liked me "still" --

Still!  Could themself have peeped --
And seen my Brain -- go round --
They might as wise have lodged a Bird
For Treason -- in the Pound --

Himself has but to will
And easy as a Star
Abolish his Captivity --
And laugh -- No more have I --

Interesting Fact of the Week: Masculine singular: alumnus. Feminine singular: alumna. Masculine plural: alumni (which is pronounced the same as) Feminine plural: alumnae (although they don't pronounce it "alumni" at Wilson. Not sure why.)

Quote of the Week: "Bother bother bother bother bother!" (See link of the week)

Upcoming Events: Movies with Dee this afternoon, We do NOT get Labor Day off at Wilson!, Tues: Meeting (tryouts?) for drama club

Picture of the week: I took a ton of pictures around campus, but I think this is my favorite. The edge of the college library.