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My Ministry

All to the Glory of God

My ministry is to the deaf community. I started learning sign language in 1997 school year for a language credit. Later that year, I learned that I had a gift for it. I started practicing songs in church. Later during summer of '98 I began doing prayers. By the fall of '98 I did my first sermon...with only a year experience. It downright amazes me how much God has accelerated my ability to commicate with deaf people quickly and accurately. I give Him all credit for my success.

A Record of Songs I can Sign

Since doing my first sermon, I've continued signing for a small church near Apollo called Orchard Hills Christian Fellowship. I was given the privilege to interpret for Orchard Hills Christian Academy(OHCA)'s Christmas Program. I know I interpreted for three people, maybe more. The signing group I'm a member of, "Love Reaching", and another signing group called, "Love, Life, and Light" Signers did a performance called, "The Beauty for Ashes Concert" in which I was given the opportunity to interpret.

The Bible tells us that when we have a gift, we aren't to keep it for ourselves, but to spread it to whoever wants to knowledge. When a deaf teenager stopped teaching classes, I was the only one that knew the signs, so I took over. Since then I have been working with a group of Apollo local teenagers in learning to do signs to songs. The group is called, "Hands of Praise". God has also allowed me to teach my cousin sign language, which I later learned that he was gifted too. I'm currently working with two friends in giving tips on how to successfully do a church sermon. God has blessed my ministry thus far, and I trust He will continue.

God has indeed blessed my ministry. A while ago in church, the same deaf teenager that quit coming to those classes came to my church. At the end, he went to the altar to ask forgiveness. When it was said and done with, he had became saved. He now comes to church every Sunday morning and to Youth Group on Wednesday. God has given me one deaf friend to interpret for, and I'm sure He'll give me more as my learning continues.

My ministry continues for the summer of 1999. I have completed missionary training school for CEF(Child Evangelism Fellowship) and will be using my training either in Maryland teaching deaf and hearing children, or I'll be using it here in Pennsylvania at local church vacation Bible schools so that they can extend invitations.

During the fall of '99, my ministry would come to a dramatic halt. Went to the A.C.S.I Leadership Conference in Lancaster, PA and signed "God is in Control" by Twila Paris solo. My deaf friend started going to other churches with deaf friends, so I ended up practicing to a hearing congregation with almost no knowledge of sign. Once again, I would have the opportunity to interpret the Christmas Program. I was thrilled to once again have "Hands of Praise" perform, even though the membership was completely different from the year before. I signed "Christmas Bells Medley", with my group "Love Reaching". Part of it, "Hear the Bells", I signed solo as the speed discouraged others to try it. It's such a neat feeling, while practicing with a group, to have the whole group look back to you to see if you can manage to keep up with a fast beat. Anyways, although that part was fun, I was a little discouraged to see that a deaf church member of my friend Robert was the only deaf person there. Nevertheless, I had fun chatting with him.

In the winter and spring of '00, "Love Reaching", and "Life, Light, Love Signers" would do multiple performances at different churches...especially the Easter program. Attendance of my students, "Hands of Praise" dwindled down to nothing, and so I quit teaching. I signed a song for graduation, and the end of the year school program. I've signed at church and at the Cancer Relay for Life march. Not sure how much more I will before college starts.

More Experiences

God gave me the opportunity to interpret a job interview for my deaf friend. At the bottom of my Summer '00 Page, you'll see my experiences at GODSTOCK. I plan to work in cooperation with bands to expand their ministries to the deaf, on a much bigger scale after certification of course.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to e-mail me.

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