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Summer '02

For me, the spring semester at Mount Aloysius College ended on May 2. The official last day was May 7. Wow, such a contrast to last year, where I didn't finish until nearly July.

As of May 13th, I have completed my first year. I visited Orchard Hills and am attempting to teach the class a song, possibly in ASL for the end of the year program. This past Sunday, I experienced one of the shocks of my life.
Mike Gess walked into my church during testimony time. I hadn't seen him since before I started Mt.A. I'm guessing it was early summer, since I didn't even know Sarah at that time. We chatted some, and I voiced a testimony for him in PSE. He came to church with me this past Sunday.

This past Friday, I took Sarah (who I've been dating 5 months now) to her junior prom. Matt went to his senior prom. Both at the Rustic Lodge. We had a pre-prom dinner. Then the dance itself. She danced with her crutches on, much to the amusement of other couples watching us from time to time. Following the prom, around 11pm, we went back to Sarah's house, changed out of our tuxes (and dress) and went to the Senior High for the post-prom party. That lasted from 11pm-4:30am. Matt went on his way. Sarah and I enjoyed a horse and buggy ride, non-gambling casino, caricaturist picture, and watched a movie. By 2am, I was getting tired, and went through the night on two Mountain Dews:). Nonetheless, it was a wonderful experience and Lord willing, hope to do so next year.

On the first week of June, Matt graduated high school. The original plan was to have my parents, and both sets of my grandparents attend the ceremony. However, since my grandma Hartman had knee surgery, they were excused from attending. Thus, Sarah and I attended in their place. Following graduation, my parents, Miller grandparents, Sarah and I went to Eatin Park to celebrate.
Sarah and I celebrated being together for 6 months. We went to Getty Heights Park for a picnic. A truly fun experience.

As June continued to unfold, Sarah's parents began to have a few relatives over. I have met her Aunts Robin and Bonnie, cousin Jessica, and her maternal grandma.

I spent a large part of that month hanging out with her and teaching her ASL. But also I introduced her to SEE2. Though neither of us likes it, it was good to present because we'll both have to know it well if we're going into Deaf Ed.

Also in June, I found out that I was going to have my foot surgery on July 18, but was to report to Shriner's Hospital on the 17th. My dad decided that after about 10 years, that it was time to buy my mom another car. After looking at 3-4 dealerships, my dad found a Ford Taurus station wagon that he liked pretty well. He was just about to call them and tell them that he'd take it when my grandma Hartman called and told him that they needed to sell their Ford Windstar van. They needed the money, and offered my dad a really good deal on it, so he told them that he'd buy it. Complications with paperwork delayed getting the van for the better part of a month. Also began piano lessons again.

On the last couple days of June, into July, Sarah and I decided to go to my grandpa's cabin in Warren. She had made significant progress on her foot. During the prom she was restricted to crutches. I don't recall her needing any assistance, other than maybe the occasional cane, during the trip. I must commend her...she was scared to death of water when I took her to Warren. While she was there, we went on the canoe a couple of times. Our farthest trip reaching beyond the eddy. Sadly though, the water level rose and made canoeing quite difficult on the latter part of the vacation. Didn't matter, we had a wonderful time.

We left on July 1, 7 months. On July 4, most of what I remember is in the evening, at Mack Park. Sarah and I hanged out and watched fireworks. The park view is really nice, I think better than the one that I'm used to. On July 8, Sarah's family went to Maine to visit relatives. We postponed our vacation waiting on the van papers to come through. Her family returned on the 14th. By this time, we had gotten a call from Johnstown Hospital that my grandpa Miller had collapsed, was in the hospital and wasn't expected to live. He spent a week in the ICU. Later, he began recovering, slowly but surely. As time progressed, he moved from regular care to transitional care.

Finally, we get our van. We've put many miles on it going to and from the hospital on a daily basis. On July 17, my family and I went to Erie to Presque to scavenge some kind of 'vacation'. I checked into Shriner's and did my pre-op procedures. On July 18, I had surgery on my left foot. I spent about 3 days in the hospital. The day after my discharge, Sarah came to my house and we hung out for two days. Then Sarah had to report to UPMC for her left foot surgery.

By August, I was 2-3 weeks post-op. I was homebound, for the most part, and feeling highly agitated about not being able to walk. On August 6, Sarah told me that she felt God leading her to 'break up'. So we did. Only God knows what'll happen from here, as it's all His call anyway. I don't believe either of us will date seriously again until we're most of the way through college. Perhaps it's best this way. We're still best friends.

In closing, I return to college in 16 days. For the fall semester, I'll room with my brother. Phone number will be 6668. In a way, I'm looking forward to returning. I really want to finish my A.A and move on with my life. Perhaps I'll make some new friends. I just know that no matter how much I may want to, that it makes no sense to wish one's life away. I'm very seriously considering transferring to IUP during fall of '03 semester for Deaf Ed. To anyone who cares, please pray that I make the right decision on this move. In another way, I don't want to return. Days turn into weeks and soon the good weather will be gone. Then a 9 month wait for the nice weather to return is imminent. Oh well. Thus ends my fun, then frustrating summer. But somehow, someway, to God be the glory.

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