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Summer '03

My summer break began on May 6 after I moved out of my dorm room. On my mind was the Senior High's prom on May 9, the after prom party in the wee hours of the morning, and my graduation from Mount Aloysius College on the 10th.

The prom itself was wonderful along with the pleasure of not having to bring a crippled date (not that I see Sarah any differently in a wheel chair). Having a dance partner who I can see over her head is something that I have become quite used to. Being nearly 6'2", I would not be surprised if I wasn't looking over my future wife's head at our wedding reception dance someday. Anyway, the entrance to the after prom party was prohibited after 11:30pm. Learning this at 11pm didn't make the transition from tux and dress to casual an easy one. Nonetheless, the after prom party was also a wonderful experience. I remember ignoring the casino, and waiting nearly an hour for a caricaturist picture. One of my favorite activities there was their obstacle course. By 4am, Sarah and I were extremely tired and decided to watch movies in the auditorium. Soon the party was over and the prizes were given. Since we didn't participate in the casino, our chances of winning one were astronomically low. But that didn't matter, spending the time with my date was fun enough.

With the party ending at 5am, I rejected the tickets for MAC's liturgy at 9am. Other than a little rush getting to graduation, everything seemed to move smoothly. My Hartman grandparents regretfully declined our invitation to my graduation due to health problems, which opened the door for my brother and Sarah to attend. My divorced Miller grandparents were together again after my brother had graduated high school the prior year. I suppose that wearing a hood separates a college graduation from a high school one, but I still hated wearing it:). Graduation seemed like it took forever, but I suppose that Orchard Hills's graduation spoiled me. I was surprised that nearly half the people on the list graduated cum laude or higher. After graduation, we returned home for a dinner. Sarah had to return home shortly afterwards.

I spent the next couple of weeks relaxing and trying to decide whether or not to pursue summer employment. Around the end of May, I decided to pursue it and began to fill out job applications. In early June, Sarah graduated high school with her National Honor Society status. After graduation, I joined her family for a small party.

The day after she graduated, she began working for Big Lots. I started to study Judaism and brush up on my New Testament Greek. Sarah and I made a decision that could forever change the course of our relationship. Anyway, I received a call from First Commonwealth Bank requesting a job interview. I went in expecting to be offered a part-time, teller position. I was offered a full-time, departmental position processing loan applications and sending eligibility information to the tellers. I was surprised that she didn't care that I had a degree, (I had always thought that without a degree, nobody my age could land a 'non-kid's job') but rather was interested in my typing skill and my accounting background. When I told her that I was beginning IUP in the fall, my chance at that job died.

Toward the end of June, I joined Sarah's immediate family in visiting DE. Much of it was a shopping trip, some aspects were enjoyed more than others. I got the chance to meet two of her closest friends: Laura and Jason. My favorite part of the trip was visiting Rehoboth Beach and seeing the Atlantic Ocean for the first time. It reminded me a lot of Lake Erie, but the presence of ocean liners and salty tasting water was of sharp contrast. Although the trip was awkward, occurring so soon after our decision, the trip itself was really fun.

At home, I have been playing Medieval: Total War almost exclusively. I read Armageddon, the 11th book of the Left Behind series. I have also continued my quest to eventually read the entire Bible. As of July 2, I am in 1 Samuel. (I started last September at Genesis 1:1.) Recently, I ordered a book on New Testament Greek so that I can return the book I'm using now to Sarah's dad.
An unexpected turn of events occurred, a woman whom my mom has been friends with since childhood, Alicia Lee, returned to the U.S from Australia with her 11 year old son, Nathan. Alicia and I developed a friendship as we're both very passionate about discussing Biblical issues, and we agree on nearly everything. I love such discussion even with people who disagree with me on nearly everthing so long as argument is avoided, as it leads to hostility. Within a couple of weeks, I led Nathan through the "sinner's prayer". I do not expect him to instantly jump into the 'sanctified lifestyle', but I am curious to see just how serious about his supposed new found faith that he's willing to be.

We spent the summer assisting them get settled in, getting Alicia through career prep classes and earning her driver's license, and getting her to job interviews and obtaining housing. It was a real pleasure having them around.

A very unexpected turn of events occurred right before the fall semester began. My grandma Miller went to be with the Lord on August 23(?). We took a picture of her beside me at my MAC graduation with absolutely no idea that it would be our last. I learned an important lesson from that. No not hold grudges because you never know how regretful you might become if that person dies before you get the chance to resolve it. I thank God that my last words with her were spoken in love. While I'll miss her, I thank God that she'll never suffer again.
This event brought about an event that I'll never forget. For the first time since my parents were newlyweds (over 20 yrs ago), my grandpa Miller and my mom's siblings were all under one roof over Labor Day weekend. If the Lord tarries and I marry someday, I hope that this will happen again on my wedding day. Only time will tell.

The last thing that I wanted to mention is that I obtained my first career opportunity. I sent the regional director of Hearing and Deaf Services my resume right after I graduated MAC. Toward the end of the summer, I was called in for a screening. I passed it and am now one of their independent contractors. I really look forward to service my local Deaf community and furthering my interpreting skills.

The summer was, overall, a major drag. It was boring and lonely. I can only hope that as the new school year progresses, that friendships will develop that will make next year's summer a more pleasurable experience.

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