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Summer '04

My summer vacation began when I walked out of Professor Robert's Sociology class after having received my final grade. The date was May 2. I would spend the next couple of weeks relaxing my brain. The only studying that I would do was fulfilling my duties to the 2-year Bible Reading program that I'm leading. I'm guessing that we were probably in Joshua at that time; we had started at Genesis 1:1.

I spent the remainder of May playing computer games, watching TV, and occasionally attending OHCA's sign class as their consultant. Toward the end of May, we went to camp for two days. Although the weather didn't let us have much fun, ie. water was too high, I did get some reading in.

As June rolled around, time arrived to go to work at Camp Orenda as a counselor. We got the camp ready, and a Red Cross representative went through the Heimlich Maneuver with us. In addition, some of the occupational therapy majors demonstrated to us some lifting techniques-very helpful when a camper had to use the restroom.

Read about my Camp Orenda experiences.

After returning from Camp Orenda, we went to camp again for a few days. This time, the water was of a reasonable level to have fun, but my shoulder was killing me from my job. It was very disappointing not being able to go canoeing. We watched TV, watched the river flow (they have a lot of canoes and kayaks going downstream), etc. On the last day, my cousin Joe and I went on the paddleboat. Then we went across the river and looked for fish on the deep end. Later, after we came back, my Uncle Rick brought out some fireworks and set them off. It was truly a nice experience.

After returning home, I began my summer projects. My first order of business was to begin a Bible course called Apologetics for OHCA. I began to read stuff about Church history and take notes and began reading The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. After reading the latter book, I presented my notes, 26 pages long condensed from over 300 pages, to a lady friend from church. She read over them and told me that the material seemed more seminary level to her. Later, I shifted my attention to making the course more elementary level, but didn't get too far because Miss Cornell has been busy getting the school ready. I purchased a three tape series from Creation Science Museum called Creation in Symphony, the Evidence. It can be hard to follow, and hard to remain attentive, but it's really educational. I had also began to research Islam and other world religions in order to compare/contrast them and show how Christianity is unique. That's the start.

At the same time, I began writing a manuscript called, Amateur Interpreting. The original purpose was to have it supplement my language classes to people who I meet that want to become amateur interpreters for the d/Deaf. While I was writing it...
A former student of OHCA, Adam Miller, approached the church board and proposed to us that we implement a new addition to OHCA. He had graduated from Lenape, was credentialed, and was offered a teaching position there. He turned it down to work at OHCA. The new addition to OHCA is the Community Learning Center. The CLC will be a mixture of both a vo-tech and a junior college, not accredited, that will be available to any interested people in the community. The board accepted the idea and he has since began advertising for it. At my request, he has added two sign classes to the flier.

That leaves me now working on PowerPoint presentations for a class that I don't know whether it will exist or not. Nevertheless, even if it doesn't, I can use them for other future sign students. I have since finished my manuscript on interpreting and am consulting various people for critiques.

My Bible reading from Lord of Life Church has progressed to Ezekiel, soon Daniel.

On the more personal front, I have made a few new acquaintences attending a summer Bible study. We went through Romans. We had hoped to finish it, but there just weren't enough weeks in the summer.

In addition, one of my matches from E-harmony, Amanda, and I managed to fulfill plans to meet. We met at Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood in Monroeville. We chatted, had some fast food, and chatted some more while her son, Gabriel, utilized the playground. She has since found herself a boyfriend and it'll be interesting to see where God takes things...both with that and with our friendship.

Recently, Sarah called me and requested a book swap. Apparently, her family is moving to NC, which I figured was inevitable anyway, and she had some of my textbooks and I was using some of her book store sign books. She had decided to attend IUP this fall, then to transfer to Eastern Carolina University(?) as an interpreting major. God has made some changes in her this past year or so that will probably make her much more desirable for her future husband...if he is the traditional type. I'm interested to see what other things God may have in store for her.

That said, I'm going to end this. School starts in about two weeks. If anything else happens worthy of remembrance, I will add it later.

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Read about my pathetic summer last year