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I studied as a Crystal healer with the BSY, New Age Foundation college and was awarded with my first diploma in 1997.  Since then I have continued on to study healing resulting in my obtaining the Advanced Crystal Healing Diploma.


Through out my life I have been drawn to healing and particularly to the Reiki hands on healing, so much so that I continued my studies to qualify as a Reiki Master/ Teacher practitioner.


I have found that crystals and Reiki compliment each other and together form a very powerful but gentle healing practice.   Although I list the healing styles separately, I do tend to interlink them if I feel the need to, all my work is done for the highest good of all concerned. 




"How Reiki Found Me"


My career since leaving school has been in the catering industry, working in the kitchens, first as an apprentice chef and later as a head chef of a large hotel, and finally as proprietor/manager of my own restaurant franchise.  But all of this came to a sudden end when I collapsed and was taken ill.  I never returned to work, the business was closed and I was disabled from that day on.


That was the Christmas of 1991.  Then in 1996-1997 I began to study crystals, and through meditation and visualization, I began to see an improvement in myself, no major miracles but subtle changes, like not feeling so tired and less joint pain, which was just great because at that time I suffered a great deal with joint pain, I had arthritis in my legs, and the fronts of my legs where ulcerated, and I was 30-35 stone in weight.


As I said I had started to feel some subtle changes, which were encouraging, but the real changes began a year or so later.  My cousin came to stay with us on holiday, we had not seen each other for a long time.  we have always had allot in common, he play's the acoustic guitar, which is an instrument I have longed to be able to play, and with my cousins encouragement and help that is exactly what I did, I still have a long way to go, but I can play a few song's now and I write allot of my own stuff too.


The guitar and in particular music was the next major healer to come into my life.  just to listen to your favourite music is a wonderful healing thing to do, but then to play music especially an instrument like the guitar which vibrates the sound into your body, not only making you feel good, but also it clears and energises the Chakra's and attunes your body on all levels.


Everything was beginning to happen for me now, I continued working with the crystals and playing my music, and for Christmas 2000, I received a wonderful gift from my wife and daughter, a Martin MC28 Acoustic Guitar, a guitar that many professional singer songwriters would dream of owning, it re-enforced my belief that everything was being put into place for me to make a full recovery. 


There was however a piece of this puzzle missing, and this was soon to be given to me but in two way's.  The first was from my daughters music teacher ( yes the music had not only inspired me but now my daughter, she began to play the keyboard, and has now passed four exams all to a very high standard )when he performed a Reiki healing on me.


I can not describe how I felt  other than to say I had to find out more  -  so I searched the internet and found a site by Jason Storms of the Reiki Revolution. I was captivated by what I read, and I completed all the levels of Reiki that he taught online, and received the online attunements and finally my Masters certificate.


Now some people do not believe that distant attunements work, well all I can say to this is ( and this is based on my own personally experienced ) it does, my life began to change dramatically, with weight loss, feeling stronger and being able to cope with life.  And where as before I would mostly just sit in a chair all day long,( one of my wife's friends actually said that she did not realize that I could get out of the chair ) I was now actually going out.


I believe that the distant attunements that I received from  Jason Storms Reiki Revolution site, planted the seed of Reiki within me and that seed has continued to grow, making me seek more and more knowledge of Reiki and healing in general.


Then to top it all and to add the icing on the cake, I meet two wonderful people by chance at a healing show John & Sue, they are both Reiki Masters who have become friends, and who have taught and given me hands on attunements, giving me experiences I will treasure for the rest of my life.


I completed my Reiki 1,2 and Master/Teacher with John & Sue, and now have my own healing practice.  I am still over weight 24 stone but it is coming of slowly but surely, I still have the odd ache or pain, but the improvement is amazing and regular Reiki self treatments help to combat any problems.  I know now that I will be totally healed, its just a matter of time, I could not imagine life now without Reiki.









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