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Dorm Life

Calendar of Events

Staff Bio's

Funny Stuff

Stillman Pictures 


Every Monday and Thursday at 10PM DON'T FORGET ABOUT ROOM INSPECTIONS!  Be prepared otherwise...

Upcoming Events:

Stillman / Souder Open Dorm. October 10th.

This will also include the "Manliest Man Contest"

Bryan is doing something with kids at a Church, I forget right now but I will remember later and type it up.

Fall break is coming up! WHO IS STAYING?! SIGN THE PAPER!


Every Tuesday evening at 10ish there is a Manly Stillman Bible Study!  BE PREPARED!

There is talk about a lacrosse club starting up, interested sign up during lunch.  Meeting is on Thursday night in the MAC you know that room in the MAC next to the Lunch Room... Yeah there.  No experience needed.

Start practicing,  if you don't have equipment then... well come to the meeting they will figure it out then.