A story


    The Pope said, “ The Earth is flat. “


    A man said, “ The Earth is round. “


     “ Really ? ”


    The man said, “ Your Holiness, if you start a voyage from Sicily Harbor to the east, you will arrive at Sicily Harbor from the west.

    The voyage costs 50 gold bars. ”


    The Pope said, “ Here are 50 gold bars, I am waiting for you from the west, I am praying for you everyday, God Bless you. ”  


    The man came back, with souvenir, ten beautiful young virgin Beyonce from Virgin Island. The Holiness with the man with

    tears kneed at the west of Sicily Harbor : Praise The Lord, The Creator of All, Praise The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Praise

    The Lord, The Holy Spirit, You guided us to Your wisdom, The Earth  is round, glory to The Holy Trinity, Peter Paul and Mary.


    It won't have atheism if there was a fire station in His Holiness' palace.


    After a year, according to Vatican official record recorded, the babies were from the Beyonce' relatives of Virgin Island, they wanted

    best education of the civilized world.


    After 500 years, CSI Rome ran DNA test, all the babies’ father ?


    It won't have atheism if their father was someone else.



             also read




Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do.



Persecution is used in theology, not in arithmetic.




                Bertrand Russell





Man is a marvelous curiosity … he thinks he is the Creator's pet …

he even believes the Creator loves him; has a passion for him; sits up nights to admire him;

yes and watch over him and keep him out of trouble. He prays to him and thinks He listens.

Isn't it a quaint idea ?

The gods offer no rewards for intellect. There was never one yet that showed any interest in it.


                Mark Twin




If only God would give me some clear sign !   Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank.    Woody Allen






        The church also did these to me.


        I studied in a Franciscan primary school, teachers used thick wood rulers in teaching arithmetic and torturing

        pupils and me, they used their lip to praise the Lord and said to pupils and me, " You are stupid, you are foolish,

        you are shit. "


        The teaching staff attended 14th Cross during Lenten Seasons, fast on Good Friday, attend Mass every Sunday.


        My first job was a dioceses primary school teacher, those of my teachers now co-workers, I made many mistakes,

        what have been there ?




        I doubt my faith.




        Hong Kong Dioceses has a Peace and Justice Committee, a Labor Committee, in 1985 their Examiner paid forty

        dollars for a photo which needed a camera, film, darkroom and knowledge to produce,


        In 2004, they paid fifty dollars.


        I am very sure this pay is not peaceful or justice for a labor who is called photographer.


        Cardinal Chan of Hong Kong lives in a big property at Caine Road near Central, according his preaching, he should

        sell that valuable property to share with the poor, pay reasonable salary, and live in public estate. He does not. 


        Twenty years ago, I didn't care , I still worked hard for the church I loved, I presented a lot of good works.


        They ignored.


        The church also ignores the source of money, but never ignores to accept.


        I doubt my faith.





Paul Giamatti and Laura Linney,  HBO.



The question before the human race is, whether the God of nature shall govern the

world by his own laws, or whether priests and kings shall rule it by fictitious miracles?

-- John Adams, letter to Thomas Jefferson, June 20, 1815





        In my twenty years of faithful life, I have heard a lot of people witness miracles, for example, deadly illness cured by the holy

        water from Europe, why not the water in my toilet ? I tried the same imported holy water on my not deadly Hong Kong foot but still

        itching to die in humid weather.


        A man witnessed winning a big horse race by prayer, he donated five thousand, one tenth.  I donated one hundred in advance,

        prayed to win five hundred, I did not win, I have tried three times, lost.  


        Five million people witnessed one church scandal, the close of  Golden Jubliee Secondary School at 1978, a nun was guilty.

        I personally witnessed other four hundred ninety-nine.


        I doubt my faith.





        A and J were good young man, we were close friends ( not homosexual ) in church at late 70's, they supported me, taught me

        English, we took part in religious activites actively. They joined Franciscan at early 80's,


        Then no call, no letter, no Christmas card. I invited them to my exhibitions, wedding, they did not come. Until 2008, Fr. A, Fr. J,

        no call, no letter, no Christmas card, no email reply.


        People told me in Sunday homily the preached loudly : " Love your brother. " Sorry, I don't feel.


        According to their preaching, St. Francis gave up all his wealth to live like a beggar with the blessing of God, Hong Kong

        Franciscans living in a big house in Jardin's Lookout,


        I doubt my faith.




        I respected Pope John Paul the second, he liberated his Poland, he forgave the killer who shot him five. How did I know his

        kindness ? Time magazine, why called on international media when forgave your brother ? Jesus forgave Peter no coverage.


        Who defeated Nazi, liberated Poland after Second World War ? The atheist.


        Do you live in a castle, own a museum, a bank, travel a private airplane ? His Holiness does, he may also own a good dam.



        I doubt my faith.



        I read though the Holy Bible, very doubt my faith.





image of Amelia: www.anaclaudiatalancon.com


Quotations : www.positiveatheism.org