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Evolve or Die

by Michka and Maverick

DISCLAIMER: The characters of Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Batman, and
Nightwing, are the sole property of Bob Kane and DC Comics, Warner
Brothers, and their various underworld connections. No infringement upon
their rights is intended by us, as we are not like other people, pain
hurts us. No infringement upon their rights is intended by us, as we are not terribly fond of prison films and have no desire to live the experience, thanks all the same. No infringement upon their rights is intended by us, as we are fairly content with the arrangement
of our facial features, thank you very much.

This is a work of speculative fiction. The authors also wish to gratefully acknowledge the following persons, organizations and entities, without whose help this spec would not have been possible: Wayne Industries; Curtains 98, the Gotham City Cape Emporium; the good people of Gotham City; the Bad People of Gotham City; Messrs. West, Ward, Keaton, O'Donnell, Kilmer, Clooney, Conroy, Valencia, Zimbalist,Jr. and Lester; Ms. De Carlo, Ms. Charendoff, and Ms. Silverstone; The Haley Circus; Harley-Davidson Motorcycles; The Gotham City Brewery, Makers of Knight Dark Ale; Shayeris ® Lavender Massage Oil, Inc.; Leatherboy ® Riding Apparel; The Warner Brothers and their Sister Dot; Paranoid? Who's Paranoid! Security Systems ®; Meat-and-Two-Veg ® of the Loom Undergarments; Thomas Dolby and the Science Department for the lyric that got stuck in the author's head; The Gotham City Water Department; the makers of Occult®, Perfidy®, and Rumors® fragrances; and the makers of the Louisville Slugger.

This spec was written under the supervision of the ASPCSH; no
superheroes were harmed during the writing of this spec.

Mr. Wayne's wardrobe by Batony 500 ®.
Mr. Grayson's wardrobe by WhoWearsShortShorts, ® Inc.

Any profits accidentally and unintentionally incurred by this spec will
be donated in entirety to the Gotham University Department of Physical
Therapy; The Gotham City Zoological Gardens Flying Mammal Exhibit; and
the Wayne Memorial Hospital Trauma Unit, Gotham City Police Athletic League,
The Dent Maxillo-Facial Clinic, and the Gotham Cathedral Chapter
of the Knights of Ponce de Leon. The Chiropteran Society; The Nachtflugel Sexual Dysfunction Clinic; and the Boys Clubs of Gotham City.

Continuity: Batman The Animated Series

Rated = R.
Characters - Bruce Wayne/Dick Grayson, with occasional cameos by Batman.

This is a work of speculative fiction. The authors also wish to
gratefully acknowledge the following persons, organizations and
entities, without whose help this spec would not have been possible:
Wayne Industries; Curtains 98, the Gotham City Cape Emporium;
the good people of Gotham City and BlüdHaven; the Bad People
of Gotham City and Blüdhaven; Messrs. West, Ward, Napier, Keaton,
Gough, O'Donnell, Kilmer, Clooney, Conroy, Valencia, Zimbalist,Jr.
and Lester; Ms. De Carlo, Ms. Charendoff, and Ms. Silverstone;
Warner Brothers and their Sister Dot; The Haley Circus; Harley-
Davidson Motorcycles; Paranoid? Who's Paranoid! Security Systems;
The Gotham City Brewery, Makers of Knight Dark Ale; and the makers
of the Louisville Slugger.



"Dick, it's Bruce. I know you're there, Alfred told me this is the
correct number. I only wanted to say - I mean, I want you to know -

I'm sorry. Can we get together, soon?


Call me, collect.

* * * * * *

Two weeks later

Letter sent by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested:





* * * * * *

E-Mail which appears in Bruce's Business Mail

TO: (

SUBJECT: Merger Proposed


I am willing to work it out, IF you promise to give it an honest effort.
I'll drop the attitude, but you have to drop the condescension.
You no longer have complete control over me and you never will again.
I won't force the issue of what happened in your bedroom, so long as you
accept that it DID happen.
We have to start on an even level.
Let me know what you decide.

R. J. Grayson

* * * * * *

TO: (

SUBJECT: Response

> I am willing to work it out, IF you promise to give it an honest
> effort. I'll drop the attitude, but you have to drop the
> condescension.

I never condescended to you. That is unfair. But I will let it pass,
in favor of trying to repair things.

> You no longer have complete control over me and you
> never will again.

I know. I should have realized that a long time ago. Old habits die
hard, I guess. For what it's worth, I apologize.

> We have to start on an even level.


> Let me know what you decide.

When can we discuss this in person? I will clear some time on my


* * * * * *

TO: (

SUBJECT: Invitation Accepted

Dear Bruce,

> I never condescended to you. That is unfair. But I will let it pass,
> in favor of trying to repair things.

You did. End of Discussion.

> > You no longer have complete control over me and you
> > never will again.

> I know. I should have realized that a long time ago. Old habits die
> hard, I guess. For what it's worth, I apologize.

Thank you. I forgive you.

> > We have to start on an even level.

> Agreed.

I am glad. I think there may be hope.

> > Let me know what you decide.

> When can we discuss this in person? I will clear some time on my
> calendar.

We can discuss this in person when you stop avoiding the subject of
kissing. Specifically the kiss we had together, in your bedroom, the
last time we were together. And how you felt about it, and why you
rejected me, especially when your reaction to it was obvious.

When you are ready for that, I will clear some time on MY calendar.


* * * * * *

TO: (

SUBJECT: Your call

Dear Dick

> You did. End of Discussion.


> Thank you. I forgive you.

At least we have that much.

> I am glad. I think there may be hope.

There has to be hope. I won't accept that there isn't. I don't want
there to be no hope.

> We can discuss this in person when you stop avoiding the subject

This is not the forum for that discussion.

> And how you felt about it, and why you
> rejected me, especially when your reaction to it was obvious.

It's very complicated. Surely, you can see that?

> When you are ready for that, I will clear some time on MY calendar.

Believe me when I tell you, I don't like this situation any more than
you do, and I want it cleared up as quickly as possible. But you know
me, possibly better than anyone else, and you know why this is the
problem it is. Or, you should know.

You set the time frame. I'll be ready, when ever you are.



* * * * * *

TO: (
FROM: (Retired_Boy_Wonder@TitanTower.Com)

SUBJECT: I am ready

Dear Bruce,

> > You did. End of Discussion.

> Touché.

I am surprised, but pleased that you recognized yourself.

> > Thank you. I forgive you.

> At least we have that much.

As good a starting point as any.

> > I am glad. I think there may be hope.

> There has to be hope. I won't accept that there isn't. I don't want
> there to be no hope.

I don't either Bruce. I really don't. It is the thing I am most
frightened of with this, that we will try only to find that it is

> > We can discuss this in person when you stop avoiding the subject

> This is not the forum for that discussion.

So you WILL discuss it face-to-face with me?

> > And how you felt about it, and why you
> > rejected me, especially when your reaction to it was obvious.

> It's very complicated. Surely, you can see that?

Yes, Bruce. I understand that your reaction and your feelings are
complicated. But do you see how you made me feel?

> > When you are ready for that, I will clear some time on MY calendar.

> Believe me when I tell you, I don't like this situation any more than
> you do, and I want it cleared up as quickly as possible. But you know
> me, possibly better than anyone else, and you know why this is the
> problem it is. Or, you should know.

Bruce, this is the problem. This 'situation' is not something which can
be 'cleared up quickly'. This will take time, and hard work. You will
have to communicate with me. REALLY communicate. No one word answers.
No terse cut offs. This is emotional quicksand, and we will have to
wade through every step of it if you want us to get over this

> You set the time frame. I'll be ready, when ever you are.

I am as ready as I'll ever be. I'm waiting.



* * * * * *

TO: (Retired_Boy_Wonder@TitanTower.Com)
FROM: ( )

SUBJECT: You drive a hard bargain

> I am surprised, but pleased that you recognized yourself.

Am I that far gone, that you doubted I would?

> As good a starting point as any.

First step is the hardest, so they say.

> I don't either Bruce. I really don't. It is the thing I am most
> frightened of with this, that we will try only to find that it is
> impossible.

Nothing is impossible, Dick, if we put our minds to it. And, in this
case, our hearts.

> So you WILL discuss it face-to-face with me?

Yes. I think it would be for the best. Ignoring it has not worked.

> Yes, Bruce. I understand that your reaction and your feelings are
> complicated. But do you see how you made me feel?

I'm beginning to understand. It is not what I had thought.

> Bruce, this is the problem. This 'situation' is not something which can
> be 'cleared up quickly'. This will take time, and hard work. You will
> have to communicate with me. REALLY communicate. No one word answers.
> No terse cut offs. This is emotional quicksand, and we will have to
> wade through every step of it if you want us to get over this
> separation.

If you're trying to dissuade me, you're off to a good start. But, I
said I would try, and I will. Communication has never been my strong

> I am as ready as I'll ever be. I'm waiting.


Determinedly yours


Chapter One

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E-mail Michka
E-mail Maverick