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The Poetry of...


Bizzy is another of the poets we are keen to promote on this website - her new found poetic abilities are currently being praised to the max. by me :-) and Bizzy continues to produce writing founded on the emotions. She is developing a great ability for expression of feelings which, we believe, is much of what poetry is about. Enjoy Bizzy`s work below:

"Crowded or Empty?"

You sit in a crowded room.
As you look around, you see lots of people you know.
Somehow you feel as though you are in an empty room on your own.
You feel you could scream and shout and yet nobody would hear you.
There is a need for you to express how you feel,
But somehow you cannot bring yourself to do it.
What will they say and will they even hear you?
Is the room really crowded or is it empty?
People are enjoying themselves, you don't feel you can
Spoil their fun by sharing your problems with them.
Is there any escape?
The door is a few yards away and yet it seems miles away.
You want to get away from all this merry-making,
But will it do any good?
Will you find somewhere to free your mind?
Even if you do find somewhere to be on your own,
Is it any better to be stranded?
You may find yourself in a crowded room even though you think
it's empty.
Your mind is confused, maybe if you told someone your Innermost
thoughts, you could clear your head. Would your mind then be empty,
Or would it be crowded with jumbled up thoughts?
Crowded or empty?
Empty or crowded?

Copyright © 1999 Bizzy Senior (13/12/98)


Stood in the middle of a desert, you look around you,
Nothing but sand can be seen for miles and miles.
The thirst is indescribable.
Will somebody come and put you out of your misery?
There seems to be nobody out there to fulfil your needs.
However hard you try, however far you walk,
You seem to be getting nowhere.
Everywhere you walk, everything seems to be the same.
Are you getting anywhere,
Or would you do just as well sitting in one place?
Will you survive in this parched land,
Where there is no physical sustenance to keep you going?
The only thing keeping you going is the possibility of meeting
But is there anybody out there?

Copyright © 1999 Bizzy Senior (13/12/98)

"Special People"

The wind blows gently over your face
As you look across a vast expanse of nothingness.
The field seems to go on for ever and ever.
As you slowly stroll through the long grass,
Your mind wonders to far off places.
You remember the great times you had with special people.
They seem like decades ago even though the most
Recent ones were only a few weeks before.
Its almost as if you think you will never have such fun times again.
The way you bubbled with excitement and happiness,
As you heart seemed to do somersaults.
You never lost that aching from within the depth of your stomach
As a result of knowing you would see that special person very soon.
Those days are gone for the moment,
But perhaps you have got even better days ahead.

Copyright © 1999 Bizzy Senior (13/12/98)

"Gone Away"

I can still see you standing
Even though you have
I can feel you here
With me,
And yet I still miss you.
Somehow although the memories are strong,
Things are not the same
Without you.
I know you had to
But that does not make it any easier.
Why did you have to leave me
To wish you were with me to talk to?
When will I see you again?
I hope it will not be
too far away
And yet even a day seems to go on forever.

Your friendship means so much to me
And without you around there is
an emptiness. The only thing which keeps me going is thinking
About the conversations we had together.
I know you will be enjoying yourself
Doing what you are doing
at home,
But that leaves me

To think
About the stressful times
I am going through.
Never forget the good times we had
As I will treasure them

Copyright © 1999 Bizzy Senior (11:45pm - 2/2/99)

"Never Forgotten"

There has not been
a single day
That I have not thought
about you -
You mean so much to me.

I did not realise how I felt
about you
Until you had gone.

I hope it's not
too late
To get together and talk.

My feelings for you
are strong
And as a result you are greatly missed.

I'm not sure if you know
how I feel,
But I hope this gives you some idea.

I hope you have not
The good times we shared.

I think about them
all the time
And wish some of them could be repeated.

Copyright © 1999 Bizzy Senior (11:30pm - 21/2/99)


People look, people stare.
Is there something different about me?
I do not see myself as anything unusual.
Perhaps it is the onlookers who are strange.
Who decides whether we are weird or not anyway?
Is it so bad to be different?
If we were all the same, life would be monotonous.
Originality brings speciality.
Are these people actually looking at you,
Or are you being paranoid?
Speciality, originality, am I strange?

Copyright © 1999 Bizzy Senior (11/3/99 - 12:30am)

Memory Lane

Silence, tears, pain.
What do I have to do to succeed?
Whether I make an effort or not does not seem to matter.
I have a lump in my throat every time I think of my disappointment.

Laughter, smiles, joy.
These are in the past.
Is there any chance of reviving them?
I sometimes wonder if this is a distant dream.

Sleepless nights, thoughts rushing through my head.
I weigh up the conversations,
But it does no good.
Am I so perfect?

Distance, closeness, confusion.
Separation can bring a strength on meeting.
Does it do more harm than good, though?
I fear the answer to this question is “Yes”.

Copyright © 1999 Bizzy Senior (9/3/99 - 11:00am)

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All work on this page is copyright © 1999 to Bizzy Senior,
all rights reserved. It may not be copied or reproduced
without expressed permission from the author.

All work submitted to Paramount Poetry is assumed to be
the original work of the author and PP can take no
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