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The Poetry of...


Simon has been writing poetry for some time and is a very expressive person both in his writing and on his current Arts degree course.
Now, Mr. Dodge and I both fall in to the categories of poet, and goalkeeper... I think it was Robert Burton who once said: "All poets are mad." It has also been said that all goalkeepers are mad too...
Here is Dodge proving the point!


I ask for forgiveness as i've done something wrong,
I ask for forgiveness in a poem or song,
I ask for forgiveness and this is true,
I ask for forgiveness as i love you.
I ask this of you from the soul of my heart,
I ask this of you as i don't want to part,
From the smile that you give,
The smile that makes me live,
So i ask for forgiveness as i love you.

Copyright © 1999 Simon Dodge 27/4/98


For a while now i haven't wrote poetry,
I think that it might be down to Fi.
She makes me think of other things,
Like what`s for tea and Dingalings.
My mind seems clear and free of trouble,
If my eyes were a telescope they would be Hubble.
Nothing is plauging me, not one bit,
For ages i haven't felt like shit.
I miss my poetry, but there's something more,
Something i never felt before.
I'm in love and i feel dead happy,
I'm like a baby in a clean fresh nappy.
So now my poetry's just for fun,
And so at last my rhyme is done.

Copyright © 1999 Simon Dodge 25/2/99

[NOTE: The following poem contains language which may offend, or which you may not wish younger readers to see.]


you mother fucking fucking mother,
go and fuck some other fucker.
classification is the pits,
you can't watch this 'cause you see her tits.

in a movie its vulgar a book it's artistic,
how're you supost to make it realistic.
listen to the words of the latest cassette,
f'ing and blinding on that you can bet.

you can read about a guy being hacked to death,
by a mad jelous bitch whose name is beth.
but you can't see the movie 'cause you're not old enough,
your birthday's tommorow? well sorry thats tough.

can't hire mortal combat or micro machines 2,
'cause you can write down rude words that you find in the loo.
for the names of the people that you're gonna race,
this dammed censorship is a total disgrace.

you're censoring us for telling the truth,
when we do something wrong then you hit the roof.
and like a rattler you're bound to hiss,
when i tell you to censor this.

Copyright © 1999 Simon Dodge
(FREE SPEECH ON THE NET.) P.P. believes in free speech up to a point where it does not offend, provided it has an artistic purpose, and that a poet should be able to express his or her self in the way they feel. Therefore Simon`s language will be allowed to stand here! In fact, some might say he even has a point in this poem...

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All work on this page is copyright © 1999 to Simon Dodge, all rights reserved. It may not be copied or reproduced without expressed permission from the author.

All work submitted to Paramount Poetry is assumed to be the original work of the author and PP can take no responsibilty for stolen copyright then, or hereafter.

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