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The Poetry of...


Who is Cinz?
"I'm a 19 yr old Piscean," she says, and I am not surprised - us Pisceans are known for our craziness and creativity! A fishy lot. However, the star sign is where our comparison ends as Cinz lives "in the beautiful Cape Town, South Africa!" We are currently encouraging more work from this particular area of the world, Cinz has set a tone for Africa now!
"I've only started writing recently and the simplicity of my poems will hopefully encourage other new poets/writers to submit their work..." The gauntlet is laid! And take heed of Cinz` final, excellent encouragement: "Poetry is art, and art is individual. So don`t be shy, be different."

Now, read the poetry of our Cinz!...

African Visions

A tribute to my country
who's past tells a story of shame
Turbulent times for the darker skinned
Apartheid was to blame
White minds filled with evil
Black hearts grew to hate
Could this clash of colours
be the terrible cause of fate?
There are so many questions
with answers never to be found
So instead I beat my African drum
and feel it's healing sound
Now I ponder upon the present
for 5 years we've been free
Today a mixture of colours
yet still so many flee
A country full of problems
Our spirits all lie low
So when shall we find serenity?
not many of us seem to know
The answers however lie within
a peaceful mind and heart
For the day we learn to accept diversity
We'd all have done our part
Then finally we'll dance together
in the midst of our setting sun
And we'll raise our mugs of African brew
singing "Simunye, we are one"



You sit there by yourself
in the middle of nowhere
You surrender to your thoughts
and you know that you're lost
Lost in time
'cause life seems so complicated
and only you understand
the essence of who you are
And people around you become distant figures
when you realise you're alone
Lost within yourself

Copyright © 1999 by Cinz, 07*09*98.
This work may not be copied without the expressed permission of the author.

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