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The South African Page
...the imagination of a nation...

"Then finally we'll dance together
in the midst of our setting sun
And we'll raise our mugs of African brew
singing 'Simunye, we are one' "

Cindy Isaacs, Cape Town.

Welcome to the page dedicated to poets from South Africa!
Cindy Isaacs is the 1st and sole contributor at the moment, but she has assured me that she will be spreading the word - possibly by standing at the centre point of the country and bellowing through a megaphone or something.
So look out for further creativity from South Africa coming soon.
If you live in South Africa and, for some strange reason don`t hear Cindy's announcement, send us your poetry too!
In the meantime, check out Cinz!


Found her terrorising folk in the chat channels on IRC with her wit...then, I found a talent behind the madness...

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