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Positive Thoughts in Coping With Disaster

Most people have suffered some form of crisis in their life at some point and it is at such times that positive thinking is most valuable. The sadness is often joined by a determination to get back up again and overcome, often with a little help from others.
We are asking for your submissions on this theme - offering support, ideas and emotions in the form of the written word on positive thinking. It can be general or specific, such as the recent attacks on America, or a personal problem. Perhaps writing out your feelings helped you to cope with something which you could now share. Perhaps you want to help others who are suffering, with some positive words. Email your poems on the Power of Positive Thinking to Paramount Poetry, now!

The Wall.

by Jonathan Fitzgerald@PP, England

I'm just like all the rest:
I don't know why I'm here.
But while ever I have this life
I'll love it so sincere.
I'll pick up pieces on the way
To build me like a wall.
At times the wall may crumble
Yet I'll always stand up tall.
For every wall that gets knocked down,
Some pieces I'll retain.
For every time I get knocked down
I'll get back up again.
I'll always keep that happy bit
(The centre, holding brick).
And round it I'll rebuild me
With each piece I can pick.
Other people will help too,
In my life's construction.
Every single person placing
Their own sized instruction.
My eyes will see experience,
My ears will hear change.
And everything that I intake:
My jigsaw to arrange.
Each single thing that I am taught
Digested by my brain,
Whether it be large or small
Is each brick's little grain.
And every grain will gel as one,
Foundations will be firm.
My mind's mortar will hold me strong
And bear me up long term.
The winds will rage and blow their force,
And some sad bricks may bleed.
But with my mind I'll heal them,
Determined to succeed.

When the rains have lashed upon me,
Though through them I'll have strode,
No wall can stand forever,
So eventually erode.
Yet when that time comes to me,
It will come and be impressed.
No I don't know why I'm here in this life -
But I'll have stood, and done the best.

I will never forget the disappointment I felt when I had completed this poem the first time. Leaning back, straining for the final line, I accidentally nudged the power lead out of the computer and lost the entire poem. Instinctively, I grew angry and dejected...alright, I woke up the whole house, wailing! Then suddenly I remembered what I had actually been writing about and for once took my own advice. Calming down, I sat up for part of the night and re-wrote the whole poem, actually recalling the majority. I had not given in to a negative emotion: I'd got back up again - and it worked. I learnt a lesson right there and then - and added another brick to myself.


Cries of Yesterday

By Lisa Guliani (Wisconsin)

Shoulders squared against Evil
No matter the Price,
No matter the Wounds inflicted,
No matter how deep the Scars might be,
Tears flow like September Rain
As the World,
As a Nation,
As People,
We stand as One within a Field of Pain….
A Flag Unfurls symbolically,
Splendor in the Face of Tragedy,
Reminder of the cost of Liberty,
Reflection of a Country’s Dignity………
In Sorrow, we march toward Destiny.
With Resolve,
With Faith,
With Hope,
That Tomorrow will not forget
The Cries of Yesterday………..


Words of the World

by Jonathan Fitzgerald@PP, England

No words can do justice,
No words can fully heal.
But all our words can help
Give others strength of steel.

There’s no poetic justice,
No words can ever mend.
But all our words of support
Lend an invaluable friend.

No words can justify,
No words can undo.
But speeches can be made
Of words good and true.

Nothing spells justification,
No words the damage lessen.
But now’s the time for all
To use the power of expression.

To be a rock to those in need,
To be a shoulder which lean on.
To write or say to speak your heart
For those in need to feed on.

To comfort and express,
To understand, get off the chest.
Use words – man’s MOST powerful weapon
So that others may be blessed.

Click here for the USA Tragedy Tributes Page.
