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The American Tragedy - your thoughts

No words seem sufficient to do justice to what happened on Tuesday 11th September. Your words, though, wherever you are, do have power and mean much. Details of how you can help are below.

(New theme for submissions: 'Positive Thinking When Coping With Disaster'.)

"Ordinary men who became Heroes...
Whose Courage Climbed Higher
Than a Tower of Fear..."

Lisa Guliani, 13 September 2001.


by Daniel Mather (England)

The sky has turned so black now,
The clouds of darkened dust
Remind us of the ones out there
'Don't know what's right and just.

Sometimes the world can seem unfair
Through all the things it does
But never can we give up hope,
Whate'er happens to us.

Wrong-doers who kill millions
Destroy their life and name
And leave us here to learn mistakes,
And rebuild our lives again.

No one thing can e'er bring back
Those loved ones lost in death.
though tragedy can't be undone,
Please, don't give up on faith.


Tower of Fear

By Lisa Guliani (Wisconsin)

Copper Sun burns Bright,
Ablaze in a September sky…….
Below, the City is Alive,
An Apple gleaming in the Light….
Just another Day, some say
As commuters make their way;
A Morning of Fatal Flight…………..
On such a glorious Morn as this,
A City knows terror, reels from the Fist
Of Finality…
Fury unleashed with Earth-shaking Power
Ripping thru, then exploding
Our Beloved Twin Towers……
The Apple rocks with tremendous force,
As a huge “BOOM” resounds from a fiery source…….
In the streets, Panic holds hands with Chaos
Cascades of Concrete and Glass
Tumble down amidst Smoke and Gas….
Lady Liberty Weeps,
September breezes carry the Scent of Death,
An Enemy playing to Win,
Denies Humanity its last Breath;
Power Plays for Keeps,
Who judges this Sin?
Still, a Copper Sun burns Bright,
Far above Death, and Hate, and Fright;
Every Eye cast upon this crime,
Shall hold the carnage for all of Time…
Witness too, the Survivors,
Ordinary men who became Heroes
Before us All…….
Those whose Courage Climbed Higher
Than a Tower of Fear………….


Words of the World

by Jonathan Fitzgerald@PP, England

No words can do justice,
No words can fully heal.
But all our words can help
Give others strength of steel.

There’s no poetic justice,
No words can ever mend.
But all our words of support
Lend an invaluable friend.

No words can justify,
No words can undo.
But speeches can be made
Of words good and true.

Nothing spells justification,
No words the damage lessen.
But now’s the time for all
To use the power of expression.

To be a rock to those in need,
To be a shoulder which lean on.
To write or say to speak your heart
For those in need to feed on.

To comfort and express,
To understand, get off the chest.
Use words – man’s MOST powerful weapon
So that others may be blessed.



by Danny Wilson

And the smoke rose from the Manhattan grave
Emergency services looking to see who they could save
Western world in mourning for brothers they never met
A sadness that none of us will ever forget
An anger so bitter it will make gods cry
Family and loved ones still asking the question, why?
This is not just a poem but a prayer
To show all of the grieving know that we care
Rest in peace all those that have passed
Retribution must and will be paid, fast.

For New York

by Barry Arnold (California)

New York
New York
You're built on rock
Your heart is strong
You may be down
But not for long

New York
New York
City of power
Canyons of steel
Forever resilient
An American deal

New York
New York
People united
Hard as they come
Spirits unbroken
With work to be done

Up from the ashes
Ready to run
Let the world see your greatness
Shine proud in the sun
Your sons and your daughters
Have weathered the storm
Your future is waiting
A new day has dawned

From the blood of your martyrs
From the sweat of your brow
From the sorrowful smoke
That weeps from you now
A history's written
That shouts it out loud
You're stronger than ever
You make us all proud

New York
New York
We cry for you
New York

New York
New York
We sing to you
New York

New York
New York
We're proud of you
New York

New York
New York
Our love to you
New York


Cries of Yesterday

By Lisa Guliani (Wisconsin)

Shoulders squared against Evil
No matter the Price,
No matter the Wounds inflicted,
No matter how deep the Scars might be,
Tears flow like September Rain
As the World,
As a Nation,
As People,
We stand as One within a Field of Pain….
A Flag Unfurls symbolically,
Splendor in the Face of Tragedy,
Reminder of the cost of Liberty,
Reflection of a Country’s Dignity………
In Sorrow, we march toward Destiny.
With Resolve,
With Faith,
With Hope,
That Tomorrow will not forget
The Cries of Yesterday………..


Time-Zone of horrror

Farah Lynch (Naples, Italy)

September 11: it was fresh day, and so was my present time.
September 11: in a different time zone because I was far away across the blue ocean from America.
September 11: a unique time zone here in Naples to New York - but the Hijacker's time was accurate to kill all nationalities of citizens in the World Trade Center.
September 11: in a blaze of time, destroying loved ones, and all innocent people just earning their income, until the devils showed and took our freedom of love, and spread us hatred of violence in our Red, White, and Blue stars.
September 11: time to realize that our world is no longer safe because of a major disease of hatred.
September 11: time to pull the nations strongly together for the loss of human lives.
September 11: time to pray for safety of the innocent who may be the target of a backlash against Asians and Arabs.
September 11: it is time of national tragedy, never to change, and we won't ever forget that day in time which attacked freedom.
Time will come soon to those who committed the murder of thousands of people in the World Trade Center.
Time will come and God will punish those who disrupt the peace in the Red, White and Blue stars...


Your thoughts invited worldwide. Submit to the address below.

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If you want to find a center to donate blood, call (from within the US) 1-800-GIVE-LIFE (1-800-448-3543)
