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The Poetry of


Introducing Tia of Notts. who heard of P.P. through the great medium: word of mouth. After gentle coaxing from myself (!), she revealed her own talent of word from pen. Reflective, transitional poetry, Tia will appeal to many readers’ sense of empathy, but her sentiments on ever-changing life also work on a much deeper level. Read and understand in whatever way you please, but whatever you do - read.


Beacon, far in the distance,
darkness, surrounds, your inner glow.
Waiting for a passing spark,
to ignite, your outer reaches.
Flames stretching outwards,
turning darkness into light.

With your licks of light,
locked away darknesses,
cast aside their shadows.
Purging even the deepest depths.
Engulfing all you find,
melting away the cobwebs of time.

Your glowing trail,
Entwines through the cold and dark,
filling every corner with life.
Dispelling those that wish to stay.
Leading confusion by it’s hand,
Forward into a new beginning.

'For those who have not found it and given up, it is there, and will come one day.'

Copyright © 2000 by Tia Hansen

In The Middle

A change is coming over me,
I was a young woman, without a care.
Now I’m a wife and mother,
No longer am I young.
Middle age is heading my way,
Time its only enemy.
I’m losing who I am, to who I will be,
a realization, is spreading throughout my psyche.
What have I done? Have I made a mark?
Will I be remembered when I depart,
I haven’t fulfilled all my dreams.
Compulsions, are they normal?
I don’t know, what is normal?
Where are my boundaries?
I am afraid; I am fighting to keep hold.
Old age is looming ever closer from the shadows.
As a half ling I never wondered or worried,
I had the rest of my life, now I have less.
It is my obligation to move aside,
I have to let go, with apathy I do.
My consolation is the knowledge,
One day they too will be in the middle.

Copyright © 2000 by Tia Hansen

Gallant Steed

Empty feelings surround me
No one there to love,
No one to love me back
This world looks so bleak,
The haze of sadness forever
Lingering above my head.

I know the sun is there -
I caught a glimpse once,
A long time ago.
It didn’t last though
What ever does?

Look! What do I see
Coming across the haze?
A horse and rider -
Who can it be?
Yes it’s my knight in shining armour
Coming to carry me away.

His steed will cross mountains and rivers
Leaving the haze of sadness
Far. far behind us
Kissing into the deep sky
Across the border of mortality
Into the land of happiness.

Copyright © 2000 by Tia Hansen

The Rose

From the day the seed falls
And buries itself in the earth
A fantastic thing occurs
It needs help
Rain must fall
Sun must shine

With the rain comes nourishment
With the sun comes warmth and light
Two necessities for its growth
Soon a green shoot appears
Creeping slowly into the world
Still, weak but gradually getting stronger

Then over night like a miracle
It blossoms into a haze of colour
Now it’s strong with thorns for protection
The colour is deep red
The colour of blood that is shed
Yet the symbol of love.

Copyright © 2000 by Tia Hansen

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