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The Poetry of...


Age: 12
Location: Maltby Nr Rotherham, Yorks, Eng.

"The child is the father of the man."
William Wordsworth

Mark is currently the youngest Paramount Poet. He is also the brother of P.P`s webmaster. However, publication on this site is purely down to merit and it appears Mark is taking after big bruv! Always fun to have the perspective of a child, let`s have more contributions from the young and hopefully get a kids page started here! For now, enjoy Mark`s views on school!...

Down To The Teachers

Down to the teachers
Down to them all
Down to the blackboards
Down to their chores
Down to the teachers
And I mean them all
Down to the detentions
Down to the mentions
Down to the uniforms
Down to the shoes
Down to the apologies
That we have to use
Down to the ties
Down to the lies
Down to the education
Down to the multiplication
Down to the eruption
As teachers blow their top
Down to P.E.
Down to C.D.T
Down to songs
Down to pongs
Down to the work full stop.
And down to the schools,
And their rules.

Copyright 1999 to Mark Fitzgerald
This work may not be reproduced without the expressed permission of the author.

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