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SAMPLE PAGE - Though we have a standard format, your page is just that - YOURS!
Here is roughly what it will look like:

The Poetry of...

Your choice of photo... ...other pictures or logos...


An optional brief biography or introduction can follow here.

A. POET, despite being a fictional character from Imaginationville, has enjoyed varied success in the poetic world, often appearing as a substitute for real names on example pages. "I've had a lot of great poems in print,", says A. POET, 31, "but I particularly enjoy the creative, unreal pieces."

A. POET says he gets his inspiration from numerous sources in life, but sights his cousin, A. NOTHER, as a poetic role model.

Now read the poetry of A. POET.

Your Poems Then Follow Here.

You may update, add or remove
Poems from your page as you choose.
The background can also be chosen by you,
Just send us the graphics, and tell us what to do.
We hope you'll like your page's look,
And will provide a link to The Guestbook,
Where folk can comments on your style -
Which makes a Poet's life worthwhile!

2001 to A. POET

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