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Poetry Submissions

There`s a whole world of creativity out there...and P.P wants to hear from YOU - wherever and whoever you are!
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Submission Information - What we want

- Poems or short stories on any subject in any form of any length (to a point! See guidelines for stories).
- Personal contact via e-mail available.
- Copyright remains with YOU!
- This is simply a friendly forum aimed at promoting poetry by anyone!
Here's how:

*Ever written some personal outpourings?
*Write the occasional poem, or can`t stop writing them?!
*Experienced, regular poet who can contribute here?
*New, developing poet, who would like to record your progress here?
*Have a catalogue of poems you wish to share something from?
*Want to see your work published for the 1st time for the world to view?
*Want to help out with this site?
*Prefer writing short stories? click here for Story Submission Guidelines
*Then Get Creative, get on Paramount Poetry!

We particularly want to hear from previously unpublished budding writers who want feedback on their work, or just to see it up on the Web! Also, published writers who can offer their contributions, help, and advice to wannabe poets.
The sky is the limit with this site - as it is with poetry - articles, poems, stories, letters and advice are all welcome. :-)
So get typing and get on P.P!

(UK site only)

How To Submit

Simply send your poetry / other creative writings to the e-mail address below and you could get your own page on the site...we'll be in touch! All we ask is that the poem is your own original work, for which you hold the copyright.
The poem can either be sent as part of the e-mail text, or as an attached .doc file or zip file.
For all technical queries, such as submission formats, what can/can't be uploaded on to your page etc, contact a member of our Technical Support Team by e-mailing:

If you are unsure of anything regarding Paramount Poetry, please feel free to e-mail me, the editor, at the following address.
Send Your Submissions To:

Looking forward to hearing from you.
With regards in the Muse -


P.P. ed.
All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2001 by J.Fitzgerald

2nd hand, out of print

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