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My Full Poetry Pages Coming Here ON NATIONAL POETRY DAY: OCTOBER 4TH 2001!...

Poetry straight from the heart

A catalogue of my poetry will be coming to this page


so you can get the full picture then. Until then, here are a few of my latest pieces to give you just a taster...including a light-hearted piece which my English Tutors shouldn`t really see!... :-) Below: 'Hegira', 'A Classic Student', 'All Out For 0', 'Look HERE! SEX, LIES, REVELATIONS!', 'Carriage Clock', 'Through Life', + 'Silent', 'The Rite of Spring', 'The Understudy', & 'Heavenly Passages'


Where is my gateway out of all this?
The outlet through which to escape?
Am I trapped in this tiny and airless world
Of claustraphobic mind rape?

Where is my hole through which I can climb?
A separate place I can go?
Where troubles can`t seek out and find me,
To control and smother me so.

Sometimes when I push my eyelids together
And pour my woes through a funnel,
Out of the black filters fizzing colours
And I stare at a transcending tunnel.

But all too soon the promised plain fades,
So how might I now step outside?
With Bacchus? Oh no, for he always returns
Us to Earth, from temporary ride.

How else can I possibly fly away?
On the bliss of that Nightingale?
But the voice cannot stretch to reality,
What goes up...will see Icarus fail.

What will set me free in maturing years?
From Growth`s tears of fury and fuss?
What of the poet`s free flight of fancy,
Is the transport our good Pegasus?...

The waters heave around the fever and fret.
In my learning mind`s congested sphere...
But wait! It dawns now! This very Muse, my liberation!
And so eternally I shall live here!

Composed 28/10/98 - 30/10/98
Copyright © 1998 by Jonathan

!The following poem was penned - gulp, dare I say it - DURING an English Lit. lecture (that`s it now, they'll strip me of my degree!). I had done the necessary reading for the first part of the lesson for discussion, but had unfortunately not read the second piece. It struck me as highly amusing, that there I was in full voice appearing to be a great intellect from 9:30 until 10:15...then, in complete contrast, was silent and `dead wood` all of a sudden for the rest of the class! From model mannequin student! So, here is the poem!:

A Classic Student.

I`m naked -
I have no covers.
I`m empty -
I have no words inside.
I`m a winter tree -
I have no leaves, no pages.
I`m not booked -
Longinus, I did not buy you!
I`m red-carded -
I know I`m silent, tutor!
I`m solitary -
The rest hold books, and talks.
I`m regretful -
Why did I not read this for today?

I was very voiced -
Ten minutes since, on Horace.
I was active -
I spoke, with books and thoughts.
I was clothed -
My hands with texts, and mind with words.
I was one of them -
I bought and read YOU, Horace!
I achieved the goal -
I know I contributed, tutor!

But now I`m bare -
I have nothing to say!
I liked you, Horace -
The lecture: what a start!
But now, I hate you, Longinus -
A lecture of two halves!
I`m listening, Longinus -
But your time is going slower!
I`m watching the clock -
Seems like ages I am naked.
I`m hoping now -
Don`t ask me any questions, tutor!

I thought Horace was ace -
But Longinus, you are long!

Copyright © 1999 by Jonathan
17/2/99 11:00 (lecture ending time!)

All Out For 0

Bleeding gums.
Bleeding heart.

Food coming out,
Words coming out,
No words of help coming in anymore.
They just want my
Words coming out.

And the food rarely goes in.
Who will feed me?
Feed my heart?
Vitamin D`s where are you?
Feed my gums.

Feed my mind -
It needs oxygen.

Feed my body.
Feed my soul.
As I feed yours.
Everything is coming out of me
And nothing is going in.

Feed me.
Stop my bleeding.

Jonathan 29/1/99
Copyright © 1999 by Jonathan


This poem is none of your business.
That`s distanced you.
You won`t want to read on now.
Or perhaps you will.
Perhaps you are still reading this
Because you want to know why
This poem is none of your business.

This poem has a personal and private secret of mine below.
That`s stopped you.
You won`t want to read on now.
Oh, it seems you are doing.
Perhaps you`re still here
Because you are interested in the part of
This poem that has a personal and private secret of mine below.

This poem is about to reveal an extract from my teenage diary.
That`s hit you.
You won`t want to read on now.
Only, you are doing aren`t you?
Perhaps you`ve continued this far down my poem
Because you can`t resist the forbidden. Well,
This poem is NOT about to reveal an extract from my teenage diary.

This poem has NO secrets below,you`re welcome to find out my thoughts
That HAS stopped you.
You don`t want to read on now.
On from here has just become pointless.
Perhaps it`s lost its intrigue and curiosity.
Because you won`t find scandal,gossip,or things you weren`t mean to know.
This poem has just killed your cat.

Copyright © 1999 by Jonathan, 24/1/99 1:51 a.m.

Carriage Clock

Her rhythm,
With the
Of her clock,
The body,
And she holds her failed cauldron,
Time again,


Copyright © 1999 by Jonathan

Through Life

I`m going through life
In a Plathian Bell Jar,
Trapped in a Bacchus bubble.
I`m drowning in here,
I`m stifled by fear;
The wall permeated by trouble.

I`m bobbing through life
In a small ocean-vessel,
Alone in a wide mass of sea.
I`m sinking out here,
The depths seem so near;
Such weights pressing down upon me.

I`m static through life
In a grey prison cell,
Helplessly chained to the wall.
It`s so dark in here -
See my private tear -
Does a light flicker out there at all?

Copyright © 1999 by Jonathan


I have a voicebox smothered with cling film
I have a mouth full of tightly-packed flour
I have a tongue with no will
I have closed lips of sellotape
I have a mind trapped behind a roadblock
I have severed thoughts of no beginning or consequence
I have my confidence in a locker for which a key was never made.

Copyright © 2000 by Jonathan

The Rite of Spring

Winter drew its bitter sword
With its icy glint,
For Marching in came Springtime
To claim its rightful stint.
Winter whipped out with the wind
But Spring hummed out warm rays,
And as the two collided
Came the promise of calm days.
For Winter's strength was fading
Whilst Spring's was proving rife.
Winter's last Death was its own,
To the power of New Life.

Copyright © 2001 by Jonathan

The Understudy

His arrow grew mould in a cupboard,
His bow rusted out in the cold,
And he lay still in the Heavens -
For Cupid was growing old.

No more did young lovers meet,
Kindling passion, precious and dear.
No more did the old rediscover
The love of yesteryear.

So arose the youthful Stavin,
The prophecised saviour of Earth.
So long Cupid's Understudy,
Now to bring love its rebirth.

And faithful Stavin had learnt well,
With each lover he chose and blessed,
He spread Love over Hate once more and restored
His Master's world's happiness.

Copyright © 2001 by Jonathan

Heavenly Passage

"Barriers, roadworks, my route is blocked,
I cannot find my way.
The path is gone, or overgrown,
Or from it I did stray."

"An open heart means open eyes
My Child, receive My Message.
Belief and Trust will be thy guide,
And reveal the Heavenly Passage.

Copyright © 2001 by Jonathan

All work printed on this site, is copyright to the original author.
The above poems are ©1998 - ©2001 by Jonathan Fitzgerald, all rights reserved.
Republication of this work without my written permission is prohibited.
Hard copies for personal use are fine though...see, I`m not totally evil!

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