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THEME: 'Spring'...poems by our Paramount Poets

Spring springs up the air, in your step and, hopefully, in the weather too. A season of new life, a season which means death to winter, a season of warmth, a season of pastel colours....Spring time can mean different things to different people but, if the contributions of our Paramount Poets below are anything to go by, it certainly stirs the poetic soul...

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by Durlabh Singh (England)

I am the
Springtime of leaves
And song of brunt
Meadows brief
Where the water arms
The earth's ploughed
Mingling with
Moon's soft crust.

Capricious images
Of nursling plunders
Shrouded to announce
To the world at large
Its blunders
And crystallization
Of amorphous mass
Of feelings & sensations
Into significant forms
In a universe of values
Echoes of inner stance.

I am the
Spring sap of the leaves
And song of meadows brief
Scars of earth
Peeled and ploughed
With bloods of
Moon's dried crust.

I am the visibility of the day
I am the invisibility of the night
I am the spring sap of the leaves
And the echoes of winter's last rites.


by Lisa Guliani (Wisconsin, USA)

I sit on a veranda
Alone with my words.
Dawn tips her colorpot
Spilling molten tangerine
Onto periwinkle sky.
Earth yawns with sleepy stirrings,
All is ablaze with promise.
Serenity, this kiss of sunlight
As the Universe enfolds me
In sweet embrace.
For one lingering moment,
I know bliss.

Tree Birth

by Steve Andrews (Wales)

In glory the trees stand,
Touched by the light,
Impregnated by the Sun,
Giving birth to leaves and flowers.

The Rite of Spring

by Jonathan Fitzgerald@PP

Winter drew its bitter sword
With its icy glint,
For Marching in came Springtime
To claim its rightful stint.
Winter whipped out with the wind
But Spring hummed out warm rays,
And as the two collided
Came the promise of calm days.
For Winter's strength was fading
Whilst Spring's was proving rife.
Winter's last Death was its own,
To the power of New Life.

Seasonal Circle

by Jay Wilson (England)

and a new beginning
new life is taking hold
a time for
renewed hopes and ideas.

and a busy world
an explosion of life and activity
a time for
being positive and strong.

and a last chance
life is fading away
a time for harvesting and resolving.

WINTER and a silent world
life sleeps with the cold
a time for
reflecting and dreaming.

And then once again to Spring!
May the Circle never break!
May the Circle never end!


by Ron Baron (Texas, USA)

As leaves turn brown in autumn,
hastening forth to winter’s death -
So my soul begins to darken,
questioning . . . will there be a springtime ?

Will I awake and resurrect
as lilies burst from last year’s graves ?
Can my mustard seed of faith
become in springtime . . .
. . . an Eternal Tree ?


by Lisa Guliani (Wisconsin, USA)

Spring calls to me, a breezy whisper
Of rebirth in a sunrise of season;
I listen for her song, yearning
To be kissed by the dawn.

I taste her red wine, greedy
For warmth and the heat
Of sunlight, a slow and spreading
Caress, liquid fire of my soul....

Winter is reluctant to release
His steely grip, yet knows he must,
For he has not the power
To still the hands of time...

Spring whispers words of love
Stirring spirit to awaken
From her deep slumber,
A promise of life anew
In the heart of a windswept blossom.


by Durlabh Singh (England)

Spirit of green engendered in liberty
Sweeping across the glanded glades
Tangled tree spirits in tarnished brief
Dancing on shades of sunlit lauded leaves.

Some reveries of buttercups in a sea of grass
Sported squirrels where frolicking en-mass
A listed gesture abbotted in a shallow ditch
Songs of flyers in myrtled melodious pitch.

Conversers of the mind in greenish code
Stimulations of heart in a gentler mode
Spirits of nubile shadows laying aside
Some sultry caresses for the winded bride.

  • See your Springtime poem here - email it in now! :
