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Theme - Springtime

The season of Spring, and 'Time' are our current themes (Click here for your 'Time' poems, and details).

The birth of Spring brings a bounce in the step whenever the season of new life is upon us once more, and is often inspirational to the poet. What does Spring mean to you, though? Is it the promise of birth and a new dawn, or maybe its the new colours that appear from the monotone whites and darks of the winter months. Perhaps you are a Spring Baby celebrating your birthday, or you are inspired to write about Spring for another reason.
Whatever springs you in to putting seasonal pen to paper, send us your Spring-themed poems now. Although there will be no 'winners' or 'losers' as such, PP will select its favourite Spring poems for publication here.
Simply send your Spring efforts, as many as you wish, to the email address below, and we'll be in touch. See the Submission Guidelines for more details.
