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PP's Love Poetry

Always Love

by Steve Andrews (Wales)...

And when I see you,
You are like first light
Of early morning
On the leaves
And when I dream of you,
You are fairest angel,
Flower of night, flower of night.
Oh, to hold you, hold you holy,
Oh, to be your one and only
Always love.

And to melt in ecstasy
Of magic skin
Our hearts beat as one
In the warmth of sun
And in the dark,
Living love we embrace,
Then freeze time:
Always love.

Stay forever in this moment
Of the soul,
Always love.
Deep inside we are tied
In naked flames,
Always love.
I could look in your eyes forever, Dear,
Touching Truth, undying fire,
Always love.
You are poet,
You are poem,
Always love, always love, always love.

Moonlight Majik

by Lisa Guliani (USA)...

You are there
As the snow flies
And I, breathless
In the wind, Stand
Enfolded within the
Circle of your arms.

You are there
As Sun melts
Upon a dusky
Horizon, its body
Nothing more than
Liquid flame,
Yet, nothing less.

You are there
Wrapped in a cloak
Of billowy Night
As stars burn bright
Their tiny flames
Glittering in the sky...

You are there
Where my soul sleeps
In that mystical place
Beyond this realm
Where reason and logic
Dare not tread...

You are there
As my hands reach out
To hold you
Trembling with desire
At the very thought,
A bud of imagination
Growing from one seed
Of moonlight Majik.......

The Understudy

by Jonathan Fitzgerald@PP (England)...

His arrow grew mould in a cupboard,
His bow rusted out in the cold,
And he lay still in the Heavens -
For Cupid was growing old.

No more did young lovers meet,
Kindling passion, precious and dear.
No more did the old rediscover
The love of yesteryear.

So arose the youthful Stavin,
The prophecised saviour of Earth.
So long Cupid's Understudy,
Now to bring love its rebirth.

And faithful Stavin had learnt well,
With each lover he chose and blessed,
He spread Love over Hate once more and restored
His Master's world's happiness.

(To be published by United Press shortly)

Forbidden Love

by Aspen Rainwood (Canada)

I will spend the rest of my life
loving you.
Wherever you may go,
whatever you may do.
You can't take this away from me
no matter where I am
My life is empty without you
but, I will do the best I can.
You will always be within my heart
forever in eternity
I will never forget the love we shared
forbidden, yet passionately.

Submit YOUR love-themed poetry, or a collection of your poems on any subject to PP! Click here for The Submission Guidelines for more details.
