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The Eason's
from Cherryville North Carolina

Comments from the Eason's(Snowbell's Owners)
A Dreamcatcher X Daisy Pup

I saw a picture of a Great Pyrenees online and we had been wanting to get a dog and when I saw the picture I knew I had to have one. My wife found Tim and Rhondas website and it was late but I wanted to know if they had any puppies left so I called anyway and Tim was very nice and reassuring me it wasn't too late to call...even though it was around 11pm! He answered all my questions and let me know they had a couple of pups left and that I could come the next day and look at them. My wife and I went the next afternoon and we were so impressed with the set up they have there. All their dogs are beautiful and you can tell they are well taken care of. We picked out a puppy and named her Snowbell. She was very easy to house train...yes we are keeping her indoors!!! Snowbell is 4 months old now weighing 47 pounds and shedding like crazy, we just have to vacuum a couple times day. She walks very well with a leash now and is loving her chew toys. We have a fenced in back yard we let her run and play in to burn energy and to get exercise. We don't like to leave her at home while we work so Phillip takes her to work with him every morning so she is able to go out during the day and run and play in the yard there. One of his coworkers brings his lab pup with him and they love playing together. We love our pyr and couldn't imagine life without her now! Thanks Tim and Rhonda for such a beautiful addition to our family!!!
Phillip and Marsha Eason
Cherryville, NC


Snowbell at eight weeks old

Snowbell at eight weeks old

Snowbell at four months old