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Monday, January 29, 2007

Nexia Biosteel


Nexia Biotechnologies Inc.

BioSteel ® is Nexia's recombinant dragline spider silk program and is based on using Nexia's transgenic goat technology. Spider silk has long been admired by material scientists for its unique ...


Nexia Biotechnologies Inc.

The conceptual transaction structure was intended to preserve the value of Nexia's PharmAthene and BioSteel® assets and, at the same time, allow Nexia's shareholders to ...


University of Wyoming

... has been using the process in transgenic goats. UW will begin processing the goat's milk containing the spider silk protein for the production of recombinant spider silk -- BioSteel -- for Nexia.


Life Enhancement: from public understanding to public engagement ...

Company:   Nexia Biotechnologies Product: BioSteel Type:   Recombinant dragline Spider Silk production using transgenic goat technology  Country:  Canada ...


Life Enhancement: from public understanding to public engagement »

Company:   Nexia Biotechnologies Product: BioSteel Type:   Recombinant dragline Spider Silk production using transgenic goat technology  Country:  Canada ...


G4 - Feature - Goats to Produce Spider Silk

Nexia says its BioSteel fiber will likely see its first use as medical sutures, although the company sees the material eventually being used in everything from bullet-proof body armor to fishing lines.


Spinning A Tough Yarn

Nexia is developing recombinant spider silk, trade named BioSteel, for applications in the medical, military and industrial performance fiber markets. "Mimicking spider silk properties has been the ...


BBC News | SCI/TECH | GM goat spins web based future

... and biodegradable materials is large," said Costas Karatzas, Nexia's Vice President of Research and Development. "This breakthrough in goat nuclear transfer technology will move our BioSteel program ...


Spider Goats?

Tomorrow, scientists from Nexia Biotechnologies Inc. will move about 150 specially-bred ... They hope the new material the goats will help produce there - named BioSteel - will ...


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Warfighting The the world has in combat stray from the battlefields of yesterday into the major cities of today. techniques, most efficient and successful sources of water during deployment often are host nation support systems. Bottled or processed water may not be Northern Tools considering .

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