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25-June-1998 To 30-October-2002
The Federal Court Of Australia Darwin Nothern Territory.

But still nothing wrong Federal Privacy Commissioner!

The following are some letters from "Westpac Banking Corp Australia, Centrelink & The Federal Privacy Commissioner" please read them.

I believe they will inform you as to the attitudes which are present in Australia today with some institutions and over the top Government departments.
I would also say that I have tried to be heard in the NT Parliament as I have raised these matters with some of the local MP's but without anyone bothering to do any thing about these matters what so ever.
I would also point out that "Westpac Banking Corp" to date have not apologized for their breach of the privacy act in relation to my account details being given to "Centrelink" without checking to see if infact the information given to them was correct...."Which infact was not so"!
Also to keep in mind when reading these letters that the fact that I & you pay this Bank a monthly fee for so called confidentiality which you proved to the Bank in the first instance when one opens an account.
Does this mean that you could be next!.
The Banks attitude on this whole matter as far as I can ascertain from my own branch on going to see them in person is that they do not want to know.
I really do not think this sort of thing is good enough and on seeking legal opinion on this whole matter concerning "Centrelink" apparently there is "NO legal re-dress" what so ever under the law that one can take when it comes to "Centrelink" they are not accountable what a double standard.
It is my opinion that this does not say much for the "Australian Constitution" or the so called "Privacy Act" but rather it makes a mockery out of the whole thing.
There are also letters to the "Federal Privacy Commissioner" & " Human Rights Commission" but to date there has been No response as of 19th October 1998.
Its worth noting that Austrax and Westpac have statutes as regards to duties on any monies being transferred in or out of the country as laid down under the banking act.
The only exemption to this duty is an inheritance. Therefore why did Westpac Banking give out the information when it was clearly stated what the transfer
was for, in that the depositing Solicitor signed a Stat Declaration to declare what the transfer was in the first instance.
Centrelink pursued this when their own statutes states clearly that an inheritance is not deemed a form of income this being true why did it ever occur in the first place then?
Was it due to the fact that I and my wife was applying pressure on Centrelink for monies outstanding to our young son?
Was this a way to try and shut us up.
You make up your own mind and think to yourself when reading "What if that was me!" it could just as easily well be.

Here are scanned letters that are from CENTRELINK - WESTPAC BANK and scanned letters that I sent to them and ones I also sent to HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION - FEDERAL PRIVACY COMMISSION!


LETTER FROM WESTPAC BANK Westpac 9-July-1998 P1of1

As of 17-11-1998 I was informed by the Federal Privacy CommissionerMr Majed Kheir that he has indeed written to Centrelink under the provisions of the privacy act, as of to date there has been no response from Centrelink. Making sum and total of 58 days which well and truly exceeds the provisions of the act as regards time to respond of 28 days. This certainly in the first instance has well and truly passed.
I will let the reader draw their own conclusions to where this could possibly lead as it shows contempt for due process the rest I will let your minds fill in the gaps.
The Federal Privacy Commissioner

Today 10-Feb-1999.
It is now over 3 months as of today 10-Feb-99 since the Federal Privacy Commissioner has written to Centrelink with a letter to them dated the 3-Nov-98.

On checking with the commissioner on the 19-Jan-99 at which point I was informed that he was not in receipt of any reply from Centrelink to date.I would point out that the 28 days allowed under due process for the right of reply has well and truly passed.This makes a complete mockery of the justice system in this country.
I would point out that no such quarter has ever been given to any private individual in the similar circumstances as regards due process.But I would ask why !...and indeed where are the governing bodies to regulate such a travesty as if it was the private individual [ That person would soon see the front door of a cell ].
Also Concerning the NT Parliament & DSS Minister to this very day the persons that were voted in to these Government Dept to represent us the people who we pay and pay dearly for have not done anything about this matter but rather hopefully thinking it will all go away. the persons contacted are as follows.

01] Centrelink Head Office Darwin . Ms Megan Brown .....Perpetrator
02] Centrelink Head Office Darwin . Home visit Ms Leesa ....Field Officer
03] Centrelink Ms Michelle Parker.. Compliance Review Co-ordinator
04] Centrelink Manager Darwin Head Office.Mr Rob Mitchell
05] Ms Maggie Hickeys MP.Office NT Parliament ,Personal Secretary Mr.Terry Leane.
06] Commonwealth Ombusdman Office Darwin Mr. Ken Ross Also Sydney Head Office Mr. Donald Leger.
07] Ms Joyce Jolly MP. Minister of DSS.
08] Mr John Bailey. MP. Office Darwin.
09] The Federal Privacy Commissioner Office Mr. Majed.Kheir. Sydney
10] Westpac Banking . Regional Manager Darwin. Mr.Steve Baker
11] Westpac Banking Retail Network Manager Darwin. Mr Des.Zoble.
12] ABC News Darwin Office Reporter Ms Rose.
13] Ch8 News Darwin Gen Manager. Mr Andy Bruin.
14] Jacquelynne Willcox Bailey. 'The John Laws Radio Show'.
15] Mr John Curtis Australian Federal Police .
16] Mr Brian Bates Northern Territory Police.
17] Ms Sue Vardion Centrelink OC.
18] Mr. Brian Jackson Centrelink OC Admin.
19] Mr luke Wolmer Centrelink Privacy.
20] Ms.Sandra Rowstron Darwin Area Office Freedom of Information Officer.
21] Ms Bridget Darwin Area Office Freedom of Information Officer.
22] Ms Lynda Radcliffe
23] Ms Michelle Burgess,at Palmerston Centrelink Office
24] Ms Toni munane,at Palmerston Centrelink Office
25] Mr. Brian Jackson 26] Mr.X Centrelink Canbara !
27] Ms Pamela Madden Commonwealth Ombudsman
28] Mr.Greg Thompson of the Darwin "NT News" sent out a reporter called "Nikki Voss"
28] Mr Mike Voss that Ms Jocylene Newman Centrelink Office Darwin

This is a short list of the persons I have tried to get this matter heard through but to this very date none have come forth.
But perhaps it shows a complete and utter contemptuous attitude towards the general public to which they have put themselves up for their office in the first instance.
In that the trust in which the public have entrusted to these persons and their Office no longer seems to them to be enough.
In as much that Government Offices since being privatized no longer seem to think that they are accountable for their actions.!
Indeed in so believing this to be true they have betrayed the Office for which they were elected and appointed to under our own constitution which was to serve the people.
It would seem to this writer that what has been demonstrated thus far would indeed support this view and not with standing the judiciary service it is clear that a double standard of laws does exist.
This form of rhetoric is obtruse and repulsive in that the normal Australian is being subjected by
his/her own duly elected Government representatives to a clear form of double standards to which these Government Dept have clearly been getting away with for far too long.

It is extremely difficult to report on these forms of abuse by Banks and indeed Government dept
As there is NO truly independent body of any substance to report these matters to.
And indeed most of the News Networks dont seem to think it important enough to even look at it
But yet this form of RAPE goes on unckecked and the numbers if known would probably be staggering.
We all know it goes on and yet we do nothing to correct these matters or make known what you think of the present setup or reporting and what you are getting for your money.

Here are the Links:

I have been asked why have I made my Personal Business public in this way!

The fact to this question .... I did not !.Rather the whole jumped up back door tactics were thrust upon me by a Government Department named Centrelink. Was it not ?.

With the support from my own bank named Westpac Banking Corp who gave the the information without even asking or indeed checking to see if the information was indeed correct that they received from Centrelink which it was NOT.

The Bank did not ckeck with their own record of transfer from their own International Branch or indeed Aus Track in this case.They did not care enough about a client who Banked with them for some 20 years.

Nor did Westpac or Centrelink from the start ever asked or indeed show their true intent concerning any enquiry that they were even making at any time but rather its after math.

As it stands Now this whole case could just as easily be YOU up here as it stands it could be your Private Business being reported upon .You would not know would you or in some instance would ever get to know as there is No avenues open to you to obtain this information even though its your very own information in the first instance .Even if you are employed or not the Banks will freely give this information out without due care or even the need from you for your permission.

I mean why even go to the bother of providing information to the Banks in the first place which "IS YOUR OWN PERSONAL INFORMATION" supposedly in confidence when at the end of the day the Privacy Act means nothing !!.

Is this the new form of Justice system what's on every MP lips these days which is along the lines of American justice system ?...have a look at the mess of that system go on have a good look at it is that what you want!.

I hear and see more incumbrances on the private individual these days but I see and hear nothing concerning Big Businesses and Governments where are their accountability ?.

History is a good teacher is it not as far back as the 60,70,80's every one was fighting for their rights. But these day's we are creating monsters that rule us ....rather than govern .The rest figure out for yourselves with all its contradictions and differing points of views what ever they are. But ask your self this "WHAT ARE YOU PAYING FOR IN THE FIRST INSTANCE "!.


15) NT NEWS...Darwin

Mr.Greg Thompson . of the Darwin "NT News"sent out a reporter called "Nikki Voss"with a
Photographer on the 2nd Feb 1999 .
To report on the story of Centerlink & Westpac Banking. and some other matters in relation
to Centrelink .
However although the appointment was made by the reporter with some urgency at that time
the story however still had not been aired in the NT News Paper.
On contacting Mr.Greg.Thompson on several occassions since his reporter was here we have
been told that indeed the story must be printed and in fact the reporter " Nikki Voss" would
be getting in contact with us very soon concerning this matter to date 19-2-1999 we have not
heard from this reporter or indeed the NT News to date.
I would ask why indeed has the story not been reported on since there is indeed supporting
documentation to support this story in its intirety ?.

Big Business and Government where are their accountability and indeed where are the records on Businesses which receive payment of Public monies from Centrelink for job start.

Why does Centrelink Not keep a track on this as it is Public monies being paid out ? .
Indeed they seem to have records for everything else who are on Centrelinks books .why not Business/Employers as we pay them Monies?.
NO Centrelink does not want to know if an Employer misleads or lies to them even when it clearly seen in their own paper work
As this writer knows from first had experience .
Or indeed disadvantages a employee by such standards..........No centrelink does not want to know even though they made the placement in the first place with the perspective employer and the arrangements for Public Monies to be paid to that Employer.

This standard of Immunity is not reported on by Centrelink to the Government Office but only it would seem to be applicable to the Private person or Unemployed Person. But Rather Centrelink will Fine an Unemployed Person a percentage of his/hers benefit if they did not fill out their forms correctly or tell Centrelink something that "Centrelink" feels it should know !.
Why Then is this NOT Applicable to Businesses/Employers to the same Degree After ALL This is Public Monies Being Paid Out ?.

Date 30-3-1999

As of yesterday 20-3-1999 on contacting the "Federal Privacy Commissioner "
Concerning Centrelink he has stated that to this very day he has Not Received any response from Centrelink what so ever.
This now makes sum and total of 5 months and 26 days since the Privacy Commissioner has written to Centrelink.
This shows a complete and utter contemptuous attitude on the part of Centrelink towards an
advocate of the office of the " Privacy Commissioners".

Date 26-9-1999

There is indeed a lot of news concerning this matter but one of the pionts that is interesting now to view is the down playing of this whole affair on behalf of Centrelink & Westpac Banking Corp to date in that " Centrelink " now state it was trivial information to which they did collect......Indeed ?.

But wait a moment that was indeed my information NOT yours and that particular week way back when this whole thing first started " Centrelink & Westpac Banking Corp " there were 70 more customers who were to go through something of the same thing that week alone such as I and my wife had found ours selfs being put through and indeed had gone through even to this very date some 15 months later.

So if one was to multiply to a minimum of 70 persons per week over the last 15 months this is indeed a lot of Trivial and mistaken errors to which Centrelink and also Westpac Banking Corp are now trying to contribute these trivial errors to be trivial ........70 per week as trivial errors !.

If this was the case Concerning these so called "Trivial Errors" then indeed there has been plenty of them to say it has taken them some 15 months now since they did indeed breach these our constitution rights as afforded to each one of us Australians under the present constitution which they have indeed admitted to breaching but trying to fob off responsibility and their accountably now is to say the least obnoxious.

It is interesting to view in the News this week concerning the " East Timor " situation concerning that countries " breaching " of Human & Civil rights to which Australia was indeed a major contributor to its down fall in the first place.
Australia is now trying to impress the world through the Eyes of the world News now as regards to its concerns of the " breaching " of that countries Human & Civil right on its own pepole.

To which to most of us here in Australia seem to be going through something of the same thing as regards the " breaching " of our own countries Human & Civil rights right here in our own back yards this writer knows only too well from first hand experience .

I am indeed IMPRESSED.... that such a double standard exists when Australia is trying to impress the hell out of the world of how Australia cares for it neighbours 'and that of Human & Civil rights' when it fails to show the same amount of caring of " Human & Civil rights " to its own country man .

But such a 'PR ' exercise to the world may look good on the news but to us Australians at the home front we can see the writing on the wall just look around your own back yard and to the people that have been asked to pay for it all ?.

It looks as if You can not look after your own " Human & Civil rights " at Present under our own ' Australian Constitution ' in our own country let alone anywhere else in the world I am indeed IMPRESSED ....If it were not for the bloody insult to say that Australia has even got a Constitution....what a sham !.