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BullFrog Ministries






College Student







We are supporting a college student.  

 Lauren is a student at Liberty University pursuing a call from the Lord into Children's Ministry.  Lauren graduated from High School with a 3.95 GPA. She served in National Honor Society and Spanish Honor Society. For over five years, Lauren volunteered her time at her church in the deaf ministry, as she is fluent in sign language.  She also worked in the children's department at her church for over three years. Presently, Lauren is serving in a youth ministry program at the University. During the summer months, she works as an intern in the youth department for a church in her hometown. 

We believe that Lauren is a remarkable young lady with many gifts and talents. Her testimony has already reached hundreds of children and teenagers. She has proven herself to be loyal to her calling and more importantly to her Lord Jesus Christ. Because of her service to the ministry at college, she has been unable to take on a job.  As you know, a private Christian University such as Liberty is over $22,000 a year.  Lauren has worked hard to obtain an academic scholarship. But, that only covers 15% of her expenses.  

Because of Lauren's faithfulness and subsequent need, we at BullFrog Ministries have decided to help lighten her burdens prayerfully and financially, and ask for your support in any way you feel led. We believe the most effective way is for your prayers. Most of us know that those pursuing the ministry are under attack by the enemy. We pray that God protects her, keeps her far from temptation and continuously fills her with the Holy Spirit, focusing on the eternal goal.  Secondly, emails of encouragement are always welcome by her.  Just email and we will forward them to Lauren, and she will have to opportunity to respond to you personally. Lauren is over one thousand miles away from home, and welcomes all prayers and encouragement. Finally, we have made an opportunity for you to give financially if you feel so led. Below are buttons that you can choose from to make a donation. All donations will be forwarded to Lauren's Liberty University student account, where she will have access to pay for her college needs. 




