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BullFrog Ministries






College Student







Alan Cutting

Alan was raised in the San Fernando Valley, California. He is the oldest of five and grew up in a broken home from the age of nine. His adolescent and teenage years were unsupervised and rambunctious. Alan turned to Jesus when he was sixteen. Soon after, he was called to full time ministry and attended Point Loma Nazarene University.  Working his way through college as a youth pastor and Bible teacher, Alan has earned three Master of Arts degrees. His education and areas of service has taken him to many areas of the country. Presently, he resides in Texas, though he has family ties in Hawaii, and considers Hawaii his home. He has served twenty four years in the ministry; fourteen as a Jr. & Sr. high school Bible teacher and college Bible instructor, and ten years as an Associate Pastor. God has used him in several areas of ministry, which includes Youth, Young Adults, Christian Education, Counseling, Bible Studies, Seminars, Preaching, and the organization of a contemporary service.  Alan has become a respected teacher of the Word and has the ability to communicate the Bible and its truths to all ages in any setting. 

Alan understands what is means to change and break away from bad lifestyles and habits. He has endured traumatic situations that are life changing and heartbreaking.  Through his journey, he has been able to capture a faith that reveals Jesus as Lord of his life. Because of God's dealings and molding of his heart, Alan has a message that convicts and changes lives to focus on Jesus.


Master of Arts: Liberty University: Religion

Master of Arts: Golden State University: Biblical Literature & Counseling

Bachelor of Arts: Golden State University: Religious Education

Associate: Point Loma Nazarene University/Nazarene Bible College: Biblical Studies


I am totally in love with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and daily walk with Him through my journey of life. I believe that God created us to live in an intimate relationship with Him. I believe that God was manifested as a human, Jesus Christ, and He calls us to live by faith in Him and follow His teachings. As Jesus becomes the Lord of our life, His shed blood covers our sin and He becomes our substitute before the Father and we have eternal life with Him. I further believe that every follower of Jesus should seek the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit in order to be conformed to the image of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our relationship extends into the body of believers...our love for one another is a sign and work of our love for Jesus. This is the heritage that Jesus left His church; to love and take care of one another. It is also the truth by which God brings people into a saving relationship with Himself and leads them to Christian maturity.

I  consider it an honor and a blessing to be God's servant to His church. I have a deep regard for His calling and consider my words and lifestyle in total accountability to Him. Through the years I have nurtured believers to grow and become involved in ministry, and with each other. I have experienced people responding to the Word and to life in Jesus. I love to be used in the developing and nurturing of people in their Christian walk.  I believe there are many people who really want to strengthen their relationship with the Lord and get involved in some type of ministry, however they just lack confidence and leadership. I strongly believe in discipleship and mentoring to strengthen our relationship and our accountability to God.

Overall, I want to be a blessing to Jesus, my Lord and Savior, and to the people I serve as His minister.  My objective is to honor Jesus by using the gifts of Teaching the Word and Leadership that The Holy Spirit has given me to build His kingdom and strengthen the body of believers. Ultimately, to remain focused on Jesus and become like Him.

In His Love,


Message Titles:

Biblical and historical proof of Jesus and who He really was

What it means to be a Believer

Christianity: Easy or hard?

Christianity: Religion or Relationship?

Having Biblical Assurance of your Salvation

Love & Forgiveness: The Next Level

Jesus said: "Love one another as I have loved you"

Basic Bible Theology

Biblical Principles of Marriage

To Love God is to Obey Him