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BullFrog Ministries






College Student







Douglas "Runks" Runkles

Runks is a 6'6", red-headed, A.D.H.D. kid magnet whose message has the humor of a stand-up comedian and the depth of a theologian. Runks is a master at capturing students' attention using hilarious stories to illustrate biblical truth with clarity, authority, and depth.

A sex abuse survivor, Runks has an awesome testimony of the power of God in desperate situations. His message of hope and freedom brings hope to the hurting and the hopeless. Runks' powerful message will inspire your students as well as your adults to trust in, live in, and walk in the life giving power Jesus.

Runks grew up in Midland, Texas and graduated from McMurry University in Abilene, Texas. After receiving his Master of Divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, he served as a Youth Minister for 7 years and in January of 1998 began traveling the country communicating the gospel to teenagers, college students and adults. He currently lives in Levelland, Texas with his wife, Joanna, and children, Elli and Nick.

Runks is an energetic speaker that knows how to captivate his audience. When he is speaking to youth, he gets on their level. He knows how to relate to them, with making the kids laugh in one minute and then right back to a serious point that impacts a students life in the next.  Check out his My Space.  Everything about Runks communicates with teenagers, his words, his experiences, his attire, everything. Runks is essentially the message. “Force of nature” accurately describes his presence. The “force” your students will have to reckon with is the Power of God moving in this man’s life.

A sermon series designed to motivate students to live in response to what Christ has done with a challenge to live the balance between freedom and responsibility.

Your students will:

Grasp their identity in Christ as a Child of God
Learn to live in response to what Christ has done
Understand the responsibility that comes with freedom in Christ
Stop seeing the Christian life as something they have to do
Start seeing the Christian life as something they've been set free to live
Stop being paralyzed by guilt and start being motivated by Grace

"I Have a Reason" Sermon Series

A series of messages proving the truth of Christianity using apologetic evidence with a challenge to know the Truth, defend the Truth, and live the Truth.

Your students will:

Leave knowing what they believe and why they believe it!
Never again have to doubt that what they believe is the truth.
Be equipped to share their faith, not as ONE truth but as THE truth.
Grasp the importance of knowing the truth and living the truth.

Runks' Sermon Series can be tailored to fit any event format and will challenge and inspire students as well as adults to engage their minds and go deeper in their knowledge of or the truth.