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My List of Annie's Attic's Free Daily Patterns from February 1 - February 29, 2008

Annie's Attic:

Jan. -
Feb. - Mar. - Apr. - May - June - July - Aug. - Sept. - Oct. - Nov. - Dec

NOTE - FYI:  In the table below, Date is for the date the pattern was offered at AA's web site, FP is for web site (a Y for Yes at the site or a N for Not at the site), Source is the named source of the original pattern, Page #s are the pattern page numbers in the source, and the rest should be self-explanatory. N/A is for Not Applicable or (Information) Not Available. Abbreviations for the Sources are listed here as well as links to designers' individual web sites/stores if known. I did try to include a link whenever possible for where to purchase the original source(s) at the best/lowest price.
     I think that in order for any of the links under Pattern Name in the table below to work correctly, you must be a member of and logged into it. I have set the links to open up in a new browser window at the web site. (If you aren't already a member, you may want to join - membership is FREE.)  I did NOT place a link to a download of any pattern as I thought it would be better to leave the choice up to you and also did not want to have any problems regarding copyright(s). Please remember that the patterns at are in .pdf file format so you do need to have Adobe Reader or another .pdf file reader program available to open the files.
     Since many of the free daily AA patterns have been repeats from what has been offered in other years, there is a column in the table below called "Repeat" and it shows the pattern with a Y for yes or N for no. Any pattern that is a repeat from other year(s) are marked with a Y & includes a link to my page(s) for the date(s) it was originally offered.

February 2008
Date FP Repeat Pattern Name Designer Source Source Date Source Vol/No Page #s © Yr.
02/01/08 Y Y - 02/01/06 & Y - 02/01/07 Love Bug (Valentine doll/toy) Beverly Mewhorter 150WCP 2001 N/A 170 & 171 ©2001
02/02/08 N N  NEW! Tiny Hearts Doily Diane Stone Crochet! March 2006 N/A 47, 86-87 ©2006
02/03/08 N N  NEW! Crystal Treasure (Afghan) Jennifer McClain FTTC 2006 N/A 24-26 ©2006
02/04/08 N N  NEW! Baby Booties Sue Childress GFTH 2006 N/A 31 ©2006
02/05/08 Y Y - 02/05/06 & Y - 02/05/07 Snow Girl (Sweater Set) Belinda "Bendy" Carter Crochet! Nov. 2004 N/A 9-11 & 49 ©2004
02/06/08 N N  NEW! French Provincial (Afghan/Throw) Carol Alexander BRC 2004 N/A 16-17, 33 ©2004
02/07/08 Y Y - 02/07/06 & Y - 02/07/07 Beaded Belt Melinda Wigington Crochet! May 2003 N/A 28 ©2003
02/08/08 N N  NEW! Lilac Shawl Josie Rabier JWM 2007 N/A 76-79 ©2007
02/09/08 Y Y - 02/09/06 & Y - 02/09/07 Windowsill Tissue Box Cover Daria McGuire
for Women of Design
101EZ 1999 N/A 30, 31, & 33 ©1999
02/10/08 Y Y - 02/10/07 Pinwheel Afghan Ruby Gates CN 1997 No. 88 24, 25, 26 ©1997
02/11/08 N N  NEW! Memory Catcher (Heart Photo Frame) Clara Noble BBHC 2006 N/A 12-13 ©2006
02/12/08 Y Y - 02/12/06 & Y - 02/12/07 Happy Hair Doll (Valentine doll/toy) Isabelle Wolters 101EZ 1999 N/A 92 & 97 ©1999
02/13/08 Y Y - 02/13/07 Icy Blue Snow Crystal Doily Hazel Henry OTC Winter 2000 Vol. 22, No. 4 18-19 ©2000
02/14/08 N N  NEW! Accent on Tweed (Pillow & Rug) Aline Suplinskas Crochet! March 2006 N/A 48-49, 87 ©2006
02/15/08 N N  NEW! Sweet Scents Jar Brenda Stratton CWBP 2006 No. 115 96-97 & 106 ©2006
02/16/08 N N  NEW! Lullaby Luvie (Baby afghan) Tiffiney Krucek CW February 2007 N/A 38-39 ©2007
02/17/08 N N  NEW! Lavender Lace (Table Topper) Shirley Patterson TE 2005 N/A 10-11 ©2005
02/18/08 N N  NEW! Rugged Tote
Go here to get this pattern for FREE!
Aline Suplinskas CW February 2002 N/A 47 ©2002
02/19/08 Y Y - 02/19/06 & Y - 02/19/07 Luncheon Set in Renaissance Tiles Sharon Valiant Crochet! May 2003 Vol. 16, No. 3 46-47 & 63 ©2003
02/20/08 N N  NEW! Gingham Garden (Afghan/Throw) Carol Alexander FTTC 2006 N/A 52-54 ©2006
02/21/08 Y Y - 02/21/06 & Y - 02/21/07 "Nip" the Mouse (mouse doll/toy) Beverly Mewhorter CG2G 2001 N/A 75-76 ©2001
02/22/08 N N  NEW! Rustic Retreat Rug Glenda Winkleman BHC 2007 N/A 109, 118-119 ©2007
02/23/08 Y Y - 02/23/06 & Y - 02/23/07 Bouquet of Lilies Stacey Graham CG2G 2001 N/A 138-139 ©2001
02/24/08 N N  NEW! Easter Bunny & Babies (dolls/toys) Michele Wilcox BBHC 2006 N/A 23-24. ©2006
02/25/08 N N  NEW! Scrubbie Dishcloths Norma Gale GFTH 2006 N/A 54-55 ©2006
02/26/08 Y Y - 02/26/06 & Y - 02/26/07 Flower Time Headband & Pin Margaret Nobles BBSCP 2003 N/A 112-113 ©2003
02/27/08 Y Y - 02/27/06 & Y - 02/27/07 Remember the Day Bookmark Ferosa Harold Crochet! March 2003 Vol. 16, No. 2 18-19 ©2003
02/28/08 Y Y - 02/28/06 & Y - 02/28/07 Floral Sewing Set Jennifer Moir Crochet! Nov. 2004 Vol. 17, No. 6 29-41 ©2004
02/29/08 N N  NEW! Rainbow Baby Jacket Laura Gebhardt CW Feb. 2006 (Vol. 29, No. 1) 2-3 ©2006

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Web page site and design created by Cheryl (a.k.a. "Cinnaminn").
Background courtesy of
Originally created 11 July 2006.