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My List of Annie's Attic's Free Daily Patterns from August 1 - August 31, 2007

Annie's Attic:

Jan. - Feb. - Mar. - Apr. - May - June - July -
Aug. - Sept. - Oct. - Nov. - Dec

NOTE - FYI:  In the table below, Date is for the date the pattern was offered at AA's web site, FP is for web site (a Y for Yes at the site or a N for Not at the site), Source is the named source of the original pattern, Page #s are the pattern page numbers in the source, and the rest should be self-explanatory. N/A is for Not Applicable or (Information) Not Available. Abbreviations for the Sources are listed here as well as links to designers' individual web sites/stores if known. I did try to include a link whenever possible for where to purchase the original source(s) at the best/lowest price.
     I think that in order for any of the links under Pattern Name in the table below to work correctly, you must be a member of and logged into it. I have set the links to open up in a new browser window at the web site. (If you aren't already a member, you may want to join - membership is FREE.)  I did NOT place a link to a download of any pattern as I thought it would be better to leave the choice up to you and also did not want to have any problems regarding copyright(s). Please remember that the patterns at are in .pdf file format so you do need to have Adobe Reader or another .pdf file reader program available to open the files.

August 2007
Date FP Repeat Pattern Name Designer Source Source Date Source Vol/No Page #s © Yr.
08/01/07 N N  NEW! Weekender Pullover Margret Willson Crochet! (May) 2007 (Vol. 20, No. 3) (24-26) ©2007
8/01/08 Note from Cheryl about Weekender Pullover: According to the designer's web site, the pattern was in the May 2007 issue of Crochet! magazine but the designer also lists a pattern of the same name in the "Crochet for Caring and Sharing" book. The pattern available for sale at is designed by the same designer but it may OR may not be the same one as offered as AA's FPOD as the pics for each of the patterns are different.
    Thanks to friends in the Crochet Partners group, I think it is now safe to say that this particular pattern can be found in the May 2007 issue of Crochet! magazine on pages 24-26 and it is not the same pattern as in the "Crochet for Caring and Sharing" book. *S* I want to make sure to thank everyone in the CP group who let me know. Thank you! *hugs*
    FYI: The pattern at is the same one that appears in the "Crochet for Caring and Sharing" book and can be found on pages 10-11 in that book. It calls for Lion Brand Wool-Ease Sport yarn, which has since been discontinued.
08/02/07 N N  NEW! Loopy Fringe Pillows Elaine Bartlett EZ2C1D 2006 N/A N/A ©2006
08/03/07 Y Y - 08/03/06 Garden Cat Afghan Martha Brooks Stein AFC April 2002 No. 116 28-31 ©2002
08/04/07 Y Y - 08/04/06 Baby Pacifier Bear Burnadette Burke CW 1997 Vol 20, No. 6 26, 27, 28 ©1997
08/05/07 N N  NEW! Mini Jewelry Box Carol Alexander Crochet! 2006 N/A 60-61 ©2006
08/06/06 Y Y - 08/06/06 Sparkling Peridot Necklace Katherine Eng Crochet! July 2005 Vol. 18 No. 4 37 ©2005
08/07/07 N N  NEW! Peach Parfait (Baby Afghan/Blanket) Rena Stevens QSCA 2005 N/A 122, 123 & 130 ©2005
08/08/07 N N  NEW! Fancy Foot Warmers Jewdy Lambert BHC 2007 N/A N/A ©2007
08/09/07 Y Y - 08/09/06 Sunflowers Lap Warmer Diane Doty CW October 2004 Vol. 27 No. 5 22, 23, 44 & 45 ©2004
08/10/07 N N  NEW! Autumn Woods Rug Katherine Eng BHC 2007 N/A 30 & 31 ©2007
08/11/07 Y Y - 08/11/06 Fashion Doll Patchwork Debra Woodard CD 1996 Vol 16 22, 23, 28 ©1996
08/12/07 N N  NEW! Join-As-You-Go Scarf Mary Ann Frits EZ2C1D 2006 N/A N/A ©2006
08/13/07 Y Y - 08/13/06 Forest Friends
(Toilet Tissue Cover)
Beverly Mewhorter HOC 1997 No. 64 16, 17, 18, 19 ©1997
08/14/07 N N  NEW! North Woods Throw (Afghan) Katherine Eng HOCFSTF 2006 N/A 92 & 111 ©2006
08/15/07 N N  NEW! Soft Shells Layette Karen Whooley Crochet! C4B 2007 N/A 10-15 ©2007
8/15/08 Note from Cheryl about Soft Shells Layette: It appears that AA has once again incorrectly listed the source wrong for a pattern. According to the designer's web site, this pattern can be found in the Crochet For Babies book starting on page 10.
08/16/07 Y Y - 08/16/06 Grape Harvest Doily Jo Ann Maxwell OTC Autumn 2000 Volume 22, No.3 34-35 ©2000
08/17/07 N N  NEW! Mocha Tweed Purse Mary Jane Hall HOCFSTF 2006 N/A 48, 49 & 57 ©2006
08/18/07 Y Y - 08/18/06 Sea-Breeze Shell Laura Gebhardt CW June 2002 Vol. 25, No. 3 10-11 ©2002
08/19/07 N N  NEW! Beaded Mesh Scarf Belinda "Bendy" Carter JWM 2007 N/A 134-135 © 2007
08/20/07 Y Y - 08/20/06 Little Cowboy (Child's Vest) Nazanin Fard CD 1996 Vol 16 12, 13 ©1996
08/21/07 N N  NEW! Trendy Tweed Tote Katherine Eng Crochet! (Sept.) 2004 N/A 14, 42 & 44 ©2004
08/22/07 Y Y - 08/22/06 (Just For Kids) Musical Ear Wire Set
Faith Morie CN 1997 No. 90 28, 29 ©1997
08/23/07 N N  NEW! Irish Rose Pillow
(Note: I think the pattern is available in the Sept. 2002 issue of Crochet! magazine.)
Nancy Nehring Crochet! 2002 N/A 24, 25, & 62 ©2002
08/24/07 N N  NEW! Midnight Jewels Afghan Christine Grazioso Moody BHC 2007 N/A 82-83 ©2007
08/25/07 Y Y - 08/25/06 Pineapple Hanger (plant hanger) Wanda Clevenger QEPC 1997 No. 105 4, 5. ©1997
08/26/07 Y Y - 08/26/06 Quick & Easy Tablecloth Dot Drake QEPC 1997 No. 104 4, 5, 6 ©1997
08/27/07 N N  NEW! Double Delight (Doily) Babette Courtney FTTC 2004 N/A 62-65 ©2004
08/28/07 N N  NEW! Out-With-Baby Bag Cindy Adams C4B 2007 N/A 25-27 ©2007
08/29/07 Y Y - 08/29/06 Teacher's Apple Ann Parnell CN 1997 No. 88 44, 45 ©1997
08/30/07 Y Y - 08/30/06 Trinket Doilies Rose Pirrone HOC 1997 No. 62 14,15,22,23 ©1997
08/31/07 N N  NEW! Clusters & Stripes (Afghan) Kelly Robinson EZ2C1D 2006 N/A 103 & 104 ©2006

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Web page site and design created by Cheryl (a.k.a. "Cinnaminn").
Background courtesy of
Originally created 11 July 2006.