
Special Thanks & Credits


C. F. A. comm gear provided by Barbie Peabody of the Punkin Patch   a.k.a.  Momma




Webmaster                          Dirk David  "Sinister Shrub"       

Guest Book

Web designers                    Jeremy Salter "yobtaf1",  Dirk David

Web Maintenance              Jeremy Salter, Dirk David

  C. F. A. Logo designs         Phil Lacey "Standing Tree", Dirk David

Pictures                                 Phil Lacey, Dirk David, Jeremy Salter


A very special Thank You to the kind family, who let us play in their woods!!!!!


Thanks for the ideas for the intro page, Jim P. !!!!


A very special, thank you, to everyone that has participated in our outings!!!!!!!


Thank you's go out to "Tubbs" from Hoopeston, Il for coming out with us first time and for being such a good sport about being taken "Hostage" at gun point as soon as he arrived. Rock on dude!


To everyone at Realms of Ruin paintball park - you rock dudes! Thanks for a great day of shooting!


A big thanks, again, to everyone at Realms of Ruin.  The great folks at MXS, and Tripps!!!


Also, A real BIG THANKS to  Green Gesbn  for the awesome grubb, for "Arturius" weekend!!!!!




Thank You to the Team most of all!!!

You Work Hard, and Play Even Harder!!!!!