History of the CornField Assassins


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For their 5th anniversary in Feb of 2006, Vicky and Jeremy decided to get paintball

gear and have a blast shooting each other in the woods, instead of going out and spending

a ridiculous amount on a hotel, dinner and a hangover. 

Turned out, we REALLY enjoyed shooting the hell out of each other!!!!!!!!!!!

The next weekend, we took our friends Kelly and Phil 



out with us, and they had just as much fun, if not more, as we did.

The four of us played for a few weeks, then got my cousin Danny 

to come out with us.  Again, another one hooked!!!!!

At this point we're all thinking the same thing,  "Team"

A couple of more weeks, and the Corn Field Assassins were born.

Later on, Rob, Vicky's brother, went with us.  Yeah, you guessed it,

another victim fell prey to the woodsball fever!

Summer drew near and the temperature was rising.  We eased up for

the warm weather, and other summer activities.....

Then at our Sep 10th opening day event for the team,

the CFA welcomed there newest member, Dirk....

He had a blast!!!!!!!!!!!

(I personally think he's more addicted than I am)

Everyone who was part of the opening day festivities had a good time and 

got to spray a little paint in the process!!



Two years, and a RIDICULOUS amount of money later.

  The CFA are growing in numbers and can't wait to paint the tourney circuit!!!



In February of 08'  C.F.A. celebrated it's 2 year anniversary.

Everything is going well and we are hoping to do more

traveling games this season!!!