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Club Gaming

Hi! This is where the Falkirk Gaming Club at the Edge can see the progress and rules of the summer 2011 40K campaign.

This is just a small Campaign and will hopefully have further stages at a later date.

The map shall be something like this (using the mighty empires tiles):


40K Hex map



40K Hive Campaign

Stage 1

This area is far from the main battle lines and deemed a Tertiary target by most Commanders. Your force represents a small force sent to take the area while the high rank Captains (or alien equivalents) concentrate on the high priority target areas.

Army Composition

1000 points.

Army must conform to the following organisation chart:

Compulsory: 1 HQ, 2x Troops
Optional: 2x additional Troops, 2x Elite, 2x Fast, 2x Heavy

Yes I know that means a max of 1x HQ, 4x Troops, 2x Elites, 2x Fast & Heavy choices this is intentional and makes sense later.

Your HQ choice is limited to 50 points of optional Wargear

Your HQ may NOT be any named special character, named squad upgrade characters ARE allowed i.e. Chronus, The Changeling, Snikrot etc.

You may NOT change your army list between games except in certain circumstances (detailed later).

Campaign Rules

The player turn order shall be determined at the start of the campaign by each rolling 3d6, highest going first. Doubled results with another player roll off.

Each player starts with an HQ (base), the winner of the turn order picking their HQ location from the choices then going down in turn order. Bases are not allowed to be beside another base and must be at the edge. Once everyone has their base picked the first turn starts. You may not attack an enemy HQ on the first 2 turns.

Not so much a rule but, if you are fighting a battle, try and make the board similar to the section. For example if there’s a river in the hex, stick one on the board, or if there’s a lot of forest stick a bunch of forests on the board.

Each army has 2 Action Points they can spend each campaign turn.

Action points can be used to:

Cut off!

If a hex you own is attacked and has no link back to your base then the opponent gets a +1 to seize the initiative.

Fortified Positions

If a fortified position you own is attacked then you get to play with your list plus a free artillery style unit or extra troops to represent a garrisoned force you’ve left to defend the area.

Pick one of the following options:


Space Marines

(incl. Blood Angels, Dark Angels & Space Wolves) Thunderfire Cannon (Codex Space Marines or Dark Angels only)or Devastator/Long Fang Squad worth up to 140 points or Whirlwind (may have vehicle upgrades)


Sister of Battle based = Retributor Squad worth up to 140 points or Inquisition based = Imperial Guard Heavy Weapons Squad (1x Anti tank, Fire Support or Mortar Squad)

Grey Knights

Grey Knight based = Grey Knight Dreadnought worth up to 140 points or Purgation Squad worth up to 140 points

Imperial Guard

Heavy Weapons Squad (1x Anti tank, Fire Support or Mortar Squad)or Griffon (with any options)


Support Weapon Battery (2x D-Cannons/Vibro Cannons or 3x Shadow Weavers. May also have a Warlock with any power)or Dark Reapers worth up to 140 points


Sniper Drone Team or 1x Broadside (with any options)


Big Gunz battery (with any options)or Killa Kans worth up to 140 points

Chaos Space Marines

1x Obliterator or Havoc Squad worth up to 140 points


Daemon Prince worth up to 140 points or any Elite choice unit up to 140 points

Dark Eldar

Scourge Squad worth up to 140 points or Talos (with any options)or Chronos (with any options)


Any combination of Tomb Spyders, Heavy Destroyers and Scarab Bases worth up to 140 points.


2x Biovore (with any options)or 2x Zoanthropes (with any options)


Special Hex Tiles

There are 3 special hex sections on the board that will give an advantage to the player controlling it.

Comms Tower: Owning this will allow you to communicate with your ships in orbit granting 1 free Orbital Bombardment during each game.

Orbital Bombardment
S 10     AP 1    Ordnance 1, Barrage   
Due to it’s inaccuracy it always scatters even on a hit and can’t be reduced with BS.

Space Port: When this is captured you may change your army list and take an additional organisation choice from either: Elite, Fast, Heavy or two Troop units.
Your army must still only come to a maximum of 1000 points.
You may use Action Points to make additional choices. If you lose the Space Port to the enemy you have to stick with your current list until you recapture it.

Armoury: Owning this lifts the wargear limit on characters. In addition you may take a secondary HQ choice. You may only change your list once to include the new gear or character but it can be done between any game. If you lose the Armoury you have to stick with your current list even if you haven’t changed anything yet.


HQ Attack

In the event of your HQ coming under attack players play the Cities of Death mission Grand Assault with the following rules:


If you lose your HQ you have to establish a new one at the edge of the map on a free hex or one of your own. If none are free then you have to fight a player to establish a new base.

If the Attacker wins, you capture their base planting your flag on the map. The hex now counts as a Fortified position (even if you have a Fortified Position elsewhere).

Winning the Campaign

In order to win you must meet these following conditions at the end of a full campaign turn (i.e. everyone has had the same amount of turns):